Deep sea animals have to live in a very cold, dark, and high-pressure environment where they can't see a thing! To survive there, they've evolved some very strange adapations. Here is 10 most strangest deep sea creatures on Earth.
With both their eyes and mouth located on top of their head, these fish bury themselves in the sand and leap upwards to attack their prey as it swims by. Moreover many species are electric and capable of delivering lethal shocks.
Fangtooth fish
This menacing creature is one of the deepest-living fish ever discovered. The fangtooth gets its name from its rather impressive looking teeth, which are actually the largest teeth of any fish in the ocean when taken in proportion to body size.
The viperfish is one of the most unusual looking fish in the deep sea. It is also one of the most popular and well known species. This fish can be easily recognized by its large mouth and sharp, fang-like teeth. The viperfish is thought to use these sharp teeth to impale its victims by swimming at them at high speeds.
Giant Isopod
It is also the largest known members of the isopod family, a group of crustaceans closely related to shrimps and crabs. The Isopod is permanently constrained to creeping along the bottom of the ocean, primarily the cold, dark waters of the North Atlantic and the Arctic Circle.