Edited by amandel at 6-12-2020 03:22 AM
Nice Info, macam nak tengok pula 
Kat trailer Frequency skilas mmg nampak mirip, they used time folds to make story. iols pikir memang dah banyak movie pakai konsep macam ni untuk membuat filem. Macam filem Frequency, Il mare and the call. Dalam setiap filem filem mereka menggunakan alat yang berbeza untuk berkomunikasi. kat filem Frequency mereka menggunakan radio, kat filem Il Mare menggunakan surat, kat filem The Call mereka membuat panggilan menggunakan telefon. Tapi watak and plot pun xsame. Jadi Iols xnak sebut copy-paste karana mirip tapi memang xsame, and indeed there are no films that are totally new nowadays
If you like time travel and Korean movie I recommend Il Mare (2000). Genre romance, Iols xnak spoil cerite. This film was so good that it was remade by Hollywood with the title The Lake House starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves. Both movie are best but I recommend original one first
Project almanac was also good too, The way this movie tell story was interesting. Macam tengok youtube daily vloger with their time travel experience
I dah tengok The Call Halley Berry dah lame. Love this movie too. Movie ni best, sngat saspen. But the only similarity between both movies was they same thriller movie using the phone. That's all 
amandel replied at 6-12-2020 03:30 AM
I dah tengok The Call Halley Berry dah lame. Love this movie too. Movie ni best, sngat saspen. B ...
Bg Aku The Call Hally lebih best la . |
Dah tengok.. Geram je dengan ending cerita ni.. |
I have already watched this movie, best Cuba korang tgk movie mirage 2018 pun best..theme time travel jugak
Pening sikit ....tapi boleh lah untuk filem ni i bagi 8/10 |
I have watched the trailer, nampak best . the movie stared by Alvaro Morte kat Money Heist. I add this movie to my watchlist. Thanks Scarlett for the recommendation 
scarlett-jo replied at 8-12-2020 10:30 AM
I have already watched this movie, best Cuba korang tgk movie mirage 2018 pun best..th ...
Thank you for your recommendation.
I dah tengok Mirage.
Fuh cerita tu pening.. nasib baik happy ending. |
Baru tengok.. Kenapa la seo yeon tak tolong balik young sook dengan bagi jackpot lottery number aje.. Boleh dia lari dari rumah pastu jadi kaya raya.. Hilang la gila dia tu..
Jalan cerita ok walaupun dah ada plot movie ala2 past boleh contact dengan future ni.. Rasa nak tau apa jadi seterusnya.. boleh rasa geram dengan watak young sook dan boleh rasa betapa helpless dan sakitnya hati yeo seon sebab tak boleh buat apa2 utk selamatkan ayah dan diri dia yg past...cinematography cantik dan lakonan yg jadi young sook tu pun menjadi...
Tapi sayang ending dia ruined the whole logic of this movie....
Sebab tiba2 orang dari future pulak boleh call orang dari past..kalau memang boleh pun macamana young sook boleh tahu masa yg tepat nak call sedang elok je mak seo yeon dan polis tu datang rumah dia.. ok kalau dia tau pun bukan ke future tu dah lepas..bukan ke dia dah fight dengan mak yeo soon tu dan bunuh polis tu in the future.. So macamana dia boleh call lebih awal.. Dan kalau betul dia boleh buat mcm tu.. Kenapa dia tak call je diri dia sendiri lebih awal lagi supaya jangan bagi penjual strawberry tu masuk.. Takde lah polis datang siasat pasal penjual strawberry yg hilang tu..lagi senang gitu..
Pastu lepas mak dia dan young sook tu jatuh kan ke young sook yg tengah nak bunuh yeo soon in future pun hilang.. Seolah2 young sook tu kena tangkap atau pun mati.. So Tiba2 dia boleh pulak call..sayang2..banyak plot twist sangat sampai hilang logik cerita..patutnya habis dekat scene cemetery tu je.. |
Dh watched masa mula2 aired...memang best... 8/10
and thank you recommended yg lain, The lake house dh tgk jg, nk check mirage, rasa mcm dh tgk..Thanks... |
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