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Sistem Pemerintahan Negara
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Sistem pemerintahan negara boleh dibahagikan kepada:
1. Sistem Presiden
2. Sistem Separuh Presiden
3. Sistem Parlimen
4. Sistem Ketua Negara Tidak Eksikutif
Walau bagaimana pun, agak susah untuk kita memasukkan sebilangan ketua negara ke katagori diatas di sebabkan tugas tugas dan tanggungjawab yang dipegang oleh mereka. |
presidential system or congressional system - a system of government of a republic where the executive branch is elected separately from the legislative.
nearly all presidential systems share the following features.
- the president is both head of state and head of government.
- the president has a fixed term of office. Although the president can be impeached for misconduct, there is no vote of confidence by which the president can be removed for incompetence or unpopularity.
- the executive branch is unipersonal. Cabinet members serve at the pleasure of the president and can be removed at any time.
countries with this kind of system include
South Korea
most countries in South America |
Semi Presidential System
both Prime Minister and President - two person that are active part in the government.
current countries that run this kind of system are
President - Jacques Chirac
Prime Minister - Jean- Pierre Raffarin
Sri Lanka
President - Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga
Prime MInister - Mahinda Rajapakse
President - Pervez Musharraf
PM - Shaukat Aziz
Pres - Hosni Mubarrak
PM - Ahmed Nazif
Pres - Jorge Sampaio
PM - Pedro Santana Lopes
Selalunya kita akan lihat President akan terlibat dengan hal-hal berkaitan antarabangsa manakala perdana Menteri dalam hal-hal dalam kerajaan itu sendiri. |
.......lagi....lagiiii:ah: |
Originally posted by Remy_3D at 2004-12-3 06:13 AM:
Sistem pemerintahan negara boleh dibahagikan kepada:
1. Sistem Presiden
2. Sistem Separuh Presiden
3. Sistem Parlimen
4. Sistem Ketua Negara Tidak Eksikutif
Walau bagaimana pun, agak susa ...
erkkk .. ni pun kira geografi ker? ..  |
:stp: kena tanya Cikgu saya kat USM Prof.Dr.Syed Ahmad Hussein...(pakar sains politik) |
Send my regards to him.... |
Sori Tuan Moderator.....
Mungkin relevan juga kerana georafi adalah sebahagian daripada ilmu berhubung dengan negara.....dan SISTEM PEMERINTAHAN adalah tunjang kepada sesuatu negara....Oleh itu ada kaitan laa.... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi