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Bumi paling panas sejak sejuta tahun
WASHINGTON: Sekumpulan saintis Amerika Syarikat mendakwa bumi kini berada dalam keadaan paling panas pernah dialaminya sejak sejuta tahun lalu, khususnya di bahagian Lautan Pasifik yang menyaksikan pembentukan aliran ganas fenomena cuaca El Nino, ketika ini.
Secara keseluruhannya, bumi diselubungi catatan 1.8 darjah Celsius lingkungan paras suhu terpanas sejak sejuta tahun lalu. Malah, peningkatan purata suhu dengan suhu permukaan bumi naik kira-kira 0.2 darjah Celsius bagi setiap tiga dekad lalu.
Keadaan cuaca panas itu bagaimanapun tidak bermakna lebih banyak pembentukan El Nino selepas ini yang boleh menjejaskan persekitaran cuaca biasa di seluruh dunia.
Apa yang pasti keadaan cuaca ganas dan melampau ini akan lebih ketara selepas ini,kata James Hansen, pakar Institut Kajian Angkasa Lepas Goddard Pihak Pentadbiran Angkasa Lepas dan Aeronautik Amerika Syarikat (Nasa) di New York.
Hansen dan rakan penyelidiknya dalam kajian disiarkan edisi terbaru Akademi Sains Kebangsaan berkata, El Nino sememangnya satu faktor penting bagi pemantauan pemanasan bumi.
Malah El Nino boleh meningkatkan suhu bumi melangkaui daripada tahap biasanya yang pernah terjadi pada 1998 berikutan kehadiran Super El Nino menyebabkan kepanasan bumi di tahap tertinggi berbanding sebelumnya.
Apa yang ketara, kata saintis itu, catatan suhu pada 2005 adalah menyamai keadaan pada 1998 dan berkemungkinan paling panas pernah berlaku.
Kawasan perairan di barat Pasifik lazimnya lebih panas daripada di timurnya dan perbezaan suhu antara dua kawasan itu boleh mencetuskan perubahan suhu mendadak antara aliran cuaca biasa dan El Nino.
Saintis cuaca Nasa terbabit menyalahkan fenomena itu kepada pemanasan global yang membabitkan permukaan kawasan barat Pasifik sebelum membabitkan kawasan perairan lebih dalam.
Hansen dan rakannya menyifatkan peningkatan suhu bumi yang melampau itu disebabkan kegiatan manusia. Ini terutamanya membabitkan pelepasan gas rumah hijau khususnya karbon dioksida yang menyaksikan sinaran terik cahaya matahari dan memerangkap bahangnya.
Reuters |
Earth has warmest December-February on record
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Earth has experienced its warmest December-February since records began 128 years ago, a US agency
said in a report which has added fire to global warming concerns.
A record warm January worldwide pushed average temperatures to 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit (0.72 degrees Celsius) above normal for
the 20th century, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.
It was the highest average temperature for the period since records began in 1880, the NOAA, said in its report released on Thursday.
A UN panel said last month that global warming was almost certainly caused by human activity and several governments and
international bodies have sounded the alarm over the need to cut carbon emissions.
Europe has had its hottest winter on record and European experts say the spring and summer are also likely to be the warmest ever.
The El Nino phenomenon, a periodic warming of surface ocean waters in the eastern Pacific, contributed to the chart-busting combined
global land and ocean surface temperature, the NOAA said.
But in February ocean temperatures in the central equatorial Pacific cooled more than 0.5 degrees F/0.3 degrees C and were near
average for the month.
Nevertheless, the ocean-surface temperature in the period tied for second warmest on record, the agency said, just 0.1 degree
Fahrenheit (0.06 degrees Celsius) cooler than the record established during the very strong El Nino episode of 1997-1998.
The NOAA scientists pointed to a steady rise in temperatures in recent decades.
During the past century, global surface temperatures have increased at a rate near 0.11 degrees F (0.06 degrees C) per decade.
"But the rate of increase has been three times larger since 1976, or 0.32 degrees F (0.18 degrees C) per decade, with some of the
largest temperature increases occurring in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere," they said.
For the United States alone, the December 2006-February 2007 winter season had an overall temperature that was close to average,
while December was the 11th warmest on record.
The UN's Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change said last month that human activity was almost certain to blame for global warming
and warned that the Earth's average surface temperature could rise between 1.1 and 6.4 degrees C by 2100.
Fossil fuel pollution will raise temperatures this century, worsen floods, droughts and hurricanes, melt polar ice and damage the climate
system for a thousand years to come, the UN's top panel on climate change said.
Experts say that if global warming trends continue, up to a third of the world's highest glaciers could melt away by 2050 and half will
disappear by 2090.
The new sense of urgency comes with the Kyoto treaty, the world's first serious attempt to combat the problem, set to expire in 2012.
US President George W. Bush refused to adopt Kyoto, which excluded China, India and
other big emerging economies.
The NOAA, an agency of the US Commerce Department, said it was working with its federal partners, more than 60 countries and
the European Commission to develop a global monitoring network "that is as integrated as the planet it observes, predicts and protects."
Climatologists and weather forecasters across Europe have warned that record warm weather is likely to continue through the spring.
"The average temperature for the three months of spring (March, April, May) will be above normal," said French climatologist
Michel Schneider, though he did not rule out the possibility of a cold snap or two. |
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