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Hanging Coffin of Bo- Keranda tergantung Bo

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Post time 12-4-2007 01:03 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
[table=91%][tr][td]Mysterious Hanging Coffins of the Bo [/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td] After more than two months of hard work, renovation of the hanging coffins of the Bo people in Gongxian County of southwest China抯 Sichuan Province has now finished. This has been the biggest ever project to stabilize and conserve hanging coffins in China. 43 have been restored and 16 previously unknown coffins have been found. In the process new light has been shed on the secrets of these mysterious artifacts. Preserving the Relics of Bo Civilization The recent renovation of hanging coffins in Gongxian County started in September 2002. It is the third time that large-scale maintenance work has been undertaken at the site since the People抯 Republic of China was founded in 1949. The two earlier projects were in 1974 and 1985. According to Cui Chen, curator of the Yibin Museum, hanging coffins come in three types. Some are cantilevered out on wooden stakes. Some are placed in caves while others sit on projections in the rock. All the three forms can be found in Gongxian where most of China抯 hanging coffins are located. The coffins are mainly clustered around Matangba and Sumawan where some 100 coffins are hung on the limestone cliffs to both sides of the 5,000-meter-long Bochuangou. Survey reports from the early 1990s show Gongxian County having a total of 280 hanging coffins. However in the past 10 years or so nearly 20 have fallen. The coffins were hung at least 10 meters above the ground with the highest ones reaching 130 meters. Unlike previous conservation work, which focused only on consolidation of the wooden stakes, this time the experts also worked on the coffins themselves. In addition they grouted the cracks in the rock where this was necessary to stabilize the limestone of the cliffs. The Bo people have become lost in the pages of the history of human civilization. There is now some urgency in the work to salvage and protect the last somber record, which they have left us in the form of their hanging coffins. Remains of the Bo People On September 16, 2002 a field team composed mainly of cultural and museum specialists and technicians, went to Matangba. On September 24 they examined their first coffin hung about 20 meters above ground. Here they found the remains of one of the Bo People who had lived some 400 years ago. The skeleton was that of a tall individual. In the coffin they found sand and silt but no burial articles and Cui says this points to the possibility of theft. The coffin, weighing about 200 kg and measuring some 2.0 meters long and 0.7 meters wide, had been cut from a single log. Both the body and lid of the coffin were studded. Members of the field team follow rigorous procedures in the cleaning, measuring, classifying and recording of each coffin. Tung oil is applied liberally to preserve the ancient timber then the remains are gently put back and the coffin is returned to the place it had occupied over all these centuries. By the second day, five coffins had been opened. A number of precious cultural relics had come to light. These included two blue and white porcelain bowls, an iron knife notable for its unassuming simplicity, another smaller knife and two iron spear points. The experts have dated them to the Ming Dynasty. The old records told of only 29 coffins but this time, 16 additional ones were found. These were the ones most difficult to find being located mainly in caves and concealed behind grass and bushes. While examining the coffins some silk and linen textiles were also found. The only coffin to be found on a rock outcrop was not studded like the others. The cover and body of the coffins were connected with timber fastenings. Cliff paintings were also found. These are of great significance to the study of the lives, work, politics, military affairs and culture of the Bo People. A Lost Culture The Bo were an ethnic minority people living astride the borders of modern day Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. There they created a brilliant culture as early as 3,000 years ago. The ancestors of the Bo helped the Western Zhou (c.1100



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 Author| Post time 12-4-2007 01:09 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 12-4-2007 01:12 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2007 01:15 AM | Show all posts
pemanjat dinding tersohor dunia pun ada masalah nak panjat ke tempat itu.....
apa lagi orang Bo yang beribu tahun dahulu.... macam mana mereka masukkan keranda tersebut ke dinding tersebut yang amat tinggi dan susah nak kecapi

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Post time 12-4-2007 02:36 AM | Show all posts
lebih kurang sama dengan perkuburan tanah teroja, papua new guinea

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Post time 12-4-2007 09:17 AM | Show all posts kalu kayu tu repot, keranda tu jatuh bersepai la ekk

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Post time 12-4-2007 10:44 AM | Show all posts
:hmm:mostly ada sesetgh tempat yg bila pengkebumian seseorg yg berpengaruh diletakkan kat tempat tinggi...contoh kat atas gunung,atas pokok malah ada yg bina menara utk letak keranda di atasnya...

[ Last edited by  narvmarishka at 11-4-2007 04:45 PM ]

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Post time 12-4-2007 12:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 gigi.tembaga's post

pernah tgk dlm tv, derang gunakan kayu yang kuat untuk dijadikan keranda...kayu2 tu dari pokok yang di tebang dan diukirkan sendiri....

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Post time 13-4-2007 07:51 AM | Show all posts
gayat den...

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Post time 13-4-2007 03:06 PM | Show all posts
oh..ala2 cam keranda tana toraja kat indonesia...

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Post time 17-4-2007 10:18 AM | Show all posts
mcm2 btul la

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Post time 17-4-2007 02:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 medsworld's post

bukan macam tapi memang betol pon....

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Post time 18-4-2007 12:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gigi.tembaga at 12-4-2007 02:36 AM
lebih kurang sama dengan perkuburan tanah teroja, papua new guinea

hai gigi tembaga,

tanah teroja, papua new guinea?

setau akulah Tanah Toraja di Sulawesi.
Sulawesi iaitu sebuah pulau yg berbentuk 'hampir K' berada di timur laut Jawa Timur dan di kanan Kalimantan.

cuba tengok peta di mana Tana Toraja terletak:

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Post time 20-4-2007 03:29 AM | Show all posts
ape motifnye ek?clever gak diorg..bgs..

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Post time 22-5-2007 12:21 PM | Show all posts
mengikut ape yang aku tahu, diorang buat camne utk menajdikan ianya trademark coz, puak Bo nie kena pennghapusan etnik masa zaman Dynasty Ming.. Kalau x silah lah.. Kerana hanya tinggal berape kerat yang dapt melarikan diri pada msa tu, so sesape yang amti akan digantung bagi tujuan peringatan dan menunjukkan Puak BO lagi tinngi standardnya dari puak lain.


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Post time 23-5-2007 08:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #15 berg81's post

Ijad penah tgk cter dokumentari psl puak Bo dlm Discovery Channel kt Astro...
Dorg kata puak Bo letak mayat kt dlm gua yg tinggi & di tepi dinding gunung2 tu atas beberapa...
sbb utama adalah kerana puak Bo pecaya bila mereka mati, roh mereka akan ke 'atas'... <-- konsep ni sama dgn penciptaan piramid kerana org dulu2 anggap tuhan & syurga kt tmpt yg tinggi (langit)...
antara sbb lain adalah kerana puak Bo tidak mahu mayat2 tersebut dimkn binatg buas...

pihak pencipta dokumentari tu juga ada memikirkan teori cara2 mcmana kononnya puak Bo membawa mayat & keranda ke tepi dinding gunung & dlm gua tinggi...
dorg pon buat la eksperimen...
cara yg plg berkesan yg dikatakan kononnya digunakan oleh puak Bo dulu2 utk angkut keranda2 tu adalah dgn menggunakan tali & tenaga manusia...
tali tu diikat kt atas puncak gunung dgn kuat... org2 Bo yg kt kaki gunung tu akan tarik tali tersebut utk angkut keranda dri bwh (kaki gunung)...
bila keranda tu dh naik, org2 Bo yg dh tunggu siap2 kt tgh2 gunung tu akan capai keranda tu & letak kt atas kayu yg dh ditanam separuh ke dalam gunung...

puak Bo ni hampir2 pupus sbb dihapuskan beramai2 oleh puak Han (Cina)..
trdpt segelintir yg berjaya melarikan diri & keturunan mereka kini tinggal berhampiran dgn tmpt keranda gantung tu berada skrg....

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