Balas #180 blasahjela\ catat
belasah jer, ada peluang pi jer, pengalaman belakang kira... bangla, hindustan, pakistan, filipinstan berlambak-lambak kat UAE bukannya semua pandai benor. |
Reply #181 ibnur's post
aha..tol tuh..
opis aku ni ramai bebenor pinoy....biler tanye..rata2 ade degree....diorang nak dtg sini sbb nak amek experience and better salary dari negara diorang....kata diorang lagi..kt negara asal...1/4 of their salary jadi tax...bnyk giler....tuh yg sanggup dtg jadi secretary jek...tp gaji pun bnyk dari ape diorang dpt kt negara asal |
takde update keje baru ke kat sana ? |
Reply #183 virginity's post
Saya rasa Abu Dhabi very modern city.I have been there.
Tak ada masalah pun with internet services. |
Originally posted by sarah_jane09 at 4-8-2008 03:56 PM 
Saya rasa Abu Dhabi very modern city.I have been there.
Tak ada masalah pun with internet services.
yes, i agree with sarah_jane! |
em tak tahu la pulak tapi ikut kata dia mmg tak maju...transprot pun ssusah... |
Originally posted by virginity at 5-8-2008 12:50 PM 
em tak tahu la pulak tapi ikut kata dia mmg tak maju...transprot pun ssusah...
Are you sure your brother kat Abu Dhabi?
Abu Dhabi very modern city and of course they don't have bus for public transport.
For them public transport is taxi @ limo.
Abu Dhabi ni memang terlalu maju.Lay out jln raya dia exactly like kat USA..sampai 6 lane. |
maaf off topic jab...
nak nak keje kat UK..anybody leh bantu.... |
Originally posted by mahar88 at 7-8-2008 09:08 AM 
maaf off topic jab...
nak nak keje kat UK..anybody leh bantu....
Try masuk kat board oversea.Kat situ ada thread untuk bekerja di oversea. |
hey people....i hav degree in entrepreneurship with 1 year experience in call centre, i mcm berminat nak keje kat dubai.....mcm mane nak apply? |
Originally posted by LVgirl at 5-8-2008 10:00 
Are you sure your brother kat Abu Dhabi?
Abu Dhabi very modern city and of course they don't have bus for public transport.
For them public transport is taxi @ limo.
Abu Dhabi ni memang ...
Abg dia gi Abu lain kot... pelik la kalau kata Abu Dhabi seteruk tu... esp la ni membangun gila babas...
Reem Island, dgn Ferrari Theme Park..........pehhhhhhhhhhhhh... dasyat! |
Can you list down O & G company there? |
tadi ade la receptionist tempat aku keje ajak g Qatar
tak tau nak cakap ape
tak pernah bayang nak keje Qatar
macam mana peluang pekerjaan kat sana?
perempuan single ok tak survve kat sana? |
Mantap info ni! Untuk yang nak tau more pasal hidup kat UAE, boleh check kat sini. Sangat membantu untuk new expat. Thanks sharing!
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Category: Belia & Informasi