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Post time 29-8-2007 05:02 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 12-12-2009 17:21

DRB-HICOM rancang keluar kenderaan sendiri


SHAH ALAM 28 Ogos - Kumpulan DRB-HICOM Berhad (DRB- HICOM) sedang menjalani proses transformasi perniagaan dan bakal mengeluarkan kenderaan penumpang berjenama sendiri selewat-lewatnya pada tahun 2012.

Pengarah Urusannya, Datuk Mohd. Khamil Jamil berkata, peranan DRB-HICOM akan berubah bukan sahaja mengedarkan kenderaan buatan luar negara tetapi mengeluar serta memasarkan kenderaan jenama sendiri.

Justeru, usaha sama antara DRB-HICOM dengan General Motor Asia Pacific Holdings LLC (GMAPH) (GM) yang termeterai hari ini menjadi pemangkin kepada pengeluaran kenderaan berjenama sendiri untuk pasaran tempatan dan global, jelasnya kepada pemberita di sini, hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian selepas majlis memeterai perjanjian usaha sama antara DRB-HICOM dan GMAPH yang melibatkan pembentukan syarikat usaha sama, HICOM-Chevrolet Sdn. Bhd. (HICOM-Chevrolet) dengan GMAPH menguasai 51 kepentingan, manakala selebihnya oleh DRB.

Pada majlis yang sama, DRB-HICOM melancarkan modal terbaru kenderaan penumpang berjenama Chevrolet, Aveo Sedan 1.4 SE dan 1.4 SX yang dikeluarkan berasaskan model daripada GM Daewoo Auto & Technology dan ditawarkan pada harga RM71,891.20 bagi 1.4 SE dan RM74,969.20 untuk 1.4 SX.

Hadir sama pada majlis itu ialah Pengerusi DRB-HICOM, Tan Sri Syed Anwar Jamalullail, Presiden GM bagi operasi Asia Tenggara serta GM Thailand dan Jualan Chevrolet Thailand, Steve Carlisle.

Mohd. Khamil berkata, syarikat usaha sama tersebut, HICOM-Chevrolet dijangka memulakan proses pengeluaran unit komponen terurai (CKD) kenderaan Chevrolet itu antara 18 bulan hingga 24 bulan akan datang.

Jelasnya, HICOM-Chevrolet akan menggunakan kilang pemasaran kenderaan milik DRB-HICOM di Pekan, Pahang untuk melaksanakan hasrat itu, selain membelanjakan sekitar RM50 juta sebagai perbelanjaan modal bagi aktiviti perniagaan syarikat usaha sama tersebut.

Pada dasarnya, GMAPH telah bersetuju untuk menjadikan kilang pemasaran kenderaan milik DRB-HICOM di Pahang itu sebagai pusat pengeluaran kenderaan berjenama Chevrolet untuk pasaran serantau, tambahnya.


Carlisle pula berkata, sudah tiba masanya bagi General Motor (GM) untuk meningkatkan tahap kerjasama dengan DRB-HICOM berdasarkan banyak kejayaan yang dicapai hasil hubungan antara kedua-dua syarikat berkenaan yang terjalin sejak tahun 2002.

Sebagai pasaran terbesar bagi kenderaan penumpang di rantau Asia Tenggara, GM mahu bertapak di Malaysia dalam skala yang besar menerusi usaha sama dengan salah sebuah syarikat ternama tempatan seperti DRB-HICOM, jelas Carlisle.

Mohd. Khamil juga menjelaskan bahawa usaha sama antara Kumpulan DRB-HICOM dan GMAPH menerusi HICOM-Chevrolet tidak mempunyai sebarang kaitan dalam bidaan firma konglomerat tempatan itu dalam Proton Holdings Bhd. (Proton).

Menurutnya, kerjasama antara DRB-HICOM dan General Motors (GM) telah terjalin sejak tahun 2002 dan kedua-dua syarikat tidak pernah mengadakan sebarang perbincangan mengenai pakatan untuk membid kepentingan dalam Proton.

Selain GM dan DRB-HICOM, tiga firma lain yang turut membida pembelian kepentingan Khazanah Nasional Bhd. (Khazanah) sebagai pemegang kepentingan terbesar Proton ialah Volkswagen AG (VW) dari Jerman, Kumpulan Naza dan Kumpulan Mofaz.

Proton pada masa ini, sedang giat mengadakan rundingan dengan pengeluar kereta Jerman, Volkswagen AG untuk menjadi rakan strategik jangka panjangnya.


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Post time 29-8-2007 05:33 PM | Show all posts
mcm2 lah......... nanti market utk org m'sia......... pastuh bodek k'jaan kenakan ristriction kat kete2 luar....... harga tak murah2 jugak......

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2007 11:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jofizo at 29-8-2007 05:33 PM
mcm2 lah......... nanti market utk org m'sia......... pastuh bodek k'jaan kenakan ristriction kat kete2 luar....... harga tak murah2 jugak......

Macam Biasa.... skrip yang sama

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2007 12:51 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 12-12-2009 17:21

DRB-HICOM can partner Proton without stake

KUALA LUMPUR: DRB-HICOM Bhd says it can cooperate with Proton Holdings Bhd in other ways, without the need of having a stake in the national carmaker.

Group managing director Datuk Mohd Khamil Jamil said it could become a strategic partner with regards to product, parts and distribution.

There are many ways of collaboration; not necessarily we must have a share in Proton, he told reporters after the launch of Chevrolet Captiva yesterday.

Last week, the Government announced that talks on an alliance with either Volkswagen or General Motors were called off.

On Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the Government had not ruled out the possibility of local partners for Proton and it would be decided later.

Khamil said if the opportunity were there, the company would be happy to look at it. It must be a win-win situation, he added.

General Motors South East Asia Operations president Stephen K. Carlisle said if the opportunity to talk with Proton were on again, it would not turn it down.

He just need to understand what the conditions are, what may be possible and what the situation really is and do a fresh assessment at that point in time, he said.

The unveiling of Captiva, a sports utility vehicle (SUV), marked the seventh Chevrolet model to be introduced since the brand was distributed in Malaysia in 2003.

The seven-seater SUV is available in two engine power trains - 2.4-litre petrol engine and 2.0-litre turbo diesel engine. They would be priced between RM137,888 and RM154,000, without insurance.

HICOM-Chevrolet Sdn Bhd, a joint-venture company between General Motors Asia Pacific Holdings LLC and DRB-HICOM, had taken over the distribution, sales and after sales of Chevrolet brands here. Previously, DRB-HICOM subsidiary Hicomobil Sdn Bhd distributed the vehicles.

HICOM-Chevrolet designated chief executive officer Yukontorn Wisadkosin said the company would try to sell as many units of Captiva as possible.

We want to get back to where we were before. A couple of years ago we were at 5,500 cars, she said, referring to the highest number of units sold in a year.

Wisadkosin said after-sales service would be another key focus area while the company strengthened its dealers' network with a target of 20 to 25 centres nationwide by end-2008. Each dealer centre would be appointed based on the 3S principle - sales, service and spare parts.

In the next six months, you can expect three or four new models in the compact car range, she added.

- The Star -


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Post time 2-12-2007 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jofizo at 29-8-2007 05:33 PM
mcm2 lah......... nanti market utk org m'sia......... pastuh bodek k'jaan kenakan ristriction kat kete2 luar....... harga tak murah2 jugak......

asalkan harga berpatutuan & kualiti bagus ..... takde hal punye. Bagus utk pembeli 7 betambah peluang pekerjaan.
jepun/korea pun ada sekatan utk keta2 luar

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2008 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 12-12-2009 17:21

DRB-Hicom tak pasti terus francais Tata

DRB-Hicom Bhd belum memutuskan sama ada ia akan memperbaharui francaisnya bagi pemasangan dan pengedaran kenderaan Tata di negara ini apabila ia tamat Jun ini.

Operasi pemasangan dan pengedaran kenderaan Tata Motors Ltd, pengeluar trak dan bas terbesar India itu, dikendalikan anak syarikatnya, Scott & English (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.

Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan DRB-Hicom, Datuk Mohd Khamil Jamil, berkata kumpulan sedang membuat penilaian mengenai francais itu.

Kami sedang melihat sama ada untuk meneruskan atau sebaliknya, katanya pada sidang media selepas majlis memeterai Perjanjian Perkongsian antara anak syarikat DRB-Hicom, Hicom Holdings Bhd dengan Midea Refrigeration Ltd di Shah Alam, semalam.

Tata adalah syarikat automotif kebanggaan India dan pengeluar kenderaan kelima terbesar di dunia dengan lebih 130 model terdiri daripada pelbagai kenderaan komersiol, kereta penumpang dan kenderaan pelbagai guna.

Selain kenderaan Tata, DRB-Hicom juga mengedar pelbagai rangkaian kenderaan lain termasuk Proton, Suzuki, Honda, Chevrolet, Mahindra dan Audi.

Sementara itu, Mohd Khamil berkata, DRB-Hicom yakin prospek jualan kenderaan tahun ini adalah positif.

Kumpulan itu, katanya, telah mencatatkan jualan tertinggi sebanyak 450 unit bagi kenderaan Suzuki pada Januari lalu.

- Berita Harian -


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 Author| Post time 14-4-2008 05:02 PM | Show all posts
DRB-Hicom Punya Opsyen Terbuka Mengenai Tata

SHAH ALAM, 11 April (Bernama) -- DRB-HICOM Bhd sedang mengkaji pelbagai opsyen bagi janji niaga francaisnya dengan Tata Motors Ltd dari India.

"Kami sedang mengkaji kemungkinan sama ada mahu berkembang, kekal seperti sekarang atau menceburi bidang yang baru," kata Pengarah Urusan kumpulan, Datuk Mohd Khamil Jamil kepada pemberita apabila ditanya perkembangan terbaru tentang janji niaga francaisnya dengan Tata -- yang akan tamat tempohnya Jun tahun ini.

"Ia adalah sesuatu di bawah penilaian Scott and English untuk mengkaji pasaran automotif komersil yang sedang disertai mereka," katanya.

DRB-HICOM kini memasang, mengedar dan menjual kenderaan komersil Tata dalam Malaysia menerusi anak syarikatnya Scott and English (M) Sdn Bhd.

Satu laporan akhbar yang memetik sumber industri hari ini menyatakan "DRB-HICOM berkemungkinan tidak membaharui francais Tata".

Mohd Khamil berkata demikian di sini hari ini selepas majlis menandatangani perjanjian perkongsian antara HICOM Holdings Bhd dan Midea Refrigeration Limited.

Mengenai tinjauan masa depan kumpulan, Mohd Khamil berkata DRB-HICOM berharap perniagaannya akan lebih baik tahun ini hasil prestasi industri kereta yang positif.

Industri kereta kekal stabil setahun yang lepas, katanya, sambil menambah kereta Proton juga mencatat prestasi baik dengan model-model baru, Persona dan Proton Saga.

Beliau juga berkata kumpulan buat pertama kalinya mencatatkan jualan tertinggi bagi model Suzuki sejak ia mengambil alih hak pengedarannya, dengan 450 unit terjual dalam Januari tahun ini.

Ditanya sama ada DRB-HICOM masih lagi berminat untuk mengambil alih sejumlah saham dalam Proton, katanya, "Kami boleh bekerjasama dengan Proton dalam banyak hal, kami tidak perlu mengambil alih saham dalam syarikat itu.

"Kami telahpun menjalin kerjasama dengan Proton menerusi anak syarikat 80 peratus milik kami, Edaran Otomobil Nasional Bhd, yang menjual kira-kira 30 peratus dari jumlah kereta Proton dalam pasaran."

- Bernama -


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 Author| Post time 14-4-2008 05:05 PM | Show all posts
DRB-HICOM Keeping Options Open On Tata

SHAH ALAM, April 11 (Bernama) -- DRB-HICOM Bhd is looking into various options for its franchise deal with India's Tata Motors Ltd.

"We are looking into the possibility of whether we want to expand, remain as it is or look into greener pastures," group managing director, Datuk Mohd Khamil Jamil told reporters when asked on the latest development with its franchise deal with Tata -- due for expiry June this year.

"It is something that is under evaluation by Scott and English to look into the commercial automotive market which they are holding," he added.

DRB-HICOM currently assembles, distributes and sells Tata's commercial vehicles in Malaysia through its subsidiary Scott and English (M) Sdn Bhd.

A news report quoting sources Friday had said that "DRB-HICOM may not renew Tata franchise".

Mohd Khamil was speaking to reporters following the signing of a partnership agreement here Friday between HICOM Holdings Bhd and Midea Refrigeration Limited.

On the outlook for the group, Mohd Khamil said DRB-HICOM hoped its business will be much better this year given the positive performance of the car industry.

The car industry has stayed stable the past one year, he said, adding that Proton cars had also done very well under the new models, Persona and Proton Saga.

He also said the group had for the first time recorded the highest sales for Suzuki models since it took over the distributorship, with 450 units sold in January this year.

Asked whether DRB-HICOM was still interested in taking up a stake in Proton, he said, "We can work with Proton in many ways, we don't have to take up stake in the company.

"We already have a collaboration with Proton through our 80 percent subsidiary, Edaran Otomobil Nasional Bhd, which is selling about 30 percent of the Proton cars in the market."

- Bernama -


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 Author| Post time 24-4-2008 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 12-12-2009 17:22

DRB-HICOM secures RM541m military vehicles deal

KUALA LUMPUR: DRB-HICOM Bhd (stock) unit will supply military land-based vehicles for the Malaysian government under an RM541.3mil deal.

It said on Monday its unit DRB-HICOM Technologies Sdn Bhd (Deftech) had signed an agreement to supply 48 armoured carrier vehicles, eight 120-mm mortar carriers and 87 cargo carriers to the army.

It also said its unit Defence Services Sdn Bhd had also entered into an agreement with the government to refurbish 21 Scorpion and 13 Stormer land-based vehicles.

Deftech had also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to support the defence force modernisation programme.

The MoU would involve supplying, delivering and commissioning of vehicles and equipment; technical skill development; research & development and joint trials and evaluation collaboration; and maintenance, repair and overhaul programmes.

- The Star -


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 Author| Post time 12-12-2009 05:20 PM | Show all posts
DRB-Hicom Complex To Assemble Vehicles For Export Next Year

PEKAN, Dec 12 (Bernama) -- The DRB- Hicom Pekan automotive complex will start assemblying the Suzuki Swift car for the export market beginning next year.

DRB-Hicom Berhad's group managing director Datuk Seri Mohd Khamil Jamil said the first model is expected to be exported from April next year.

"DRB-Hicom has also been given the rights to launch two new Suzuki models and one of them will be assembled in Pekan as completely knocked down (CKD) unit," he said at the 25th anniversary of the automotive complex here Saturday.

The event was officiated by the Sultan of Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah and also present was Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Mohd Khamil said by assemblying for the export market, the complex would create a new chapter which showed DRB-Hicom's capability in meeting international specifications.

In another development, he said DRB-Hicom would set up an automotive university college of international standard in Pekan.

The automotive college is expected to start taking in its first batch of students in March next year.

"As a start, the temporary campus will be located in Kuantan and is expected to accept about 140 students for its automotive industry course," Mohd Khamil said.

The automotive college, he said, will be able to produce a workforce with indepth knowledge and high level of skills for the automotive industry of international standard.

He added that the establishment of the permanent campus in Pekan would also contribute towards the economic development of the area.

- Bernama -


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