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A time to reflect on NJJ
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JK's Digest No. 8 of September 2007 (255 of 2007) Nurin Jazlin Jazimin (NJJ) 8 years old - legacy of SHOCK and SHAME.
Why is it that she at that age has to die in terrible circumstances without explanation?
What now stand out is her special name with 4N, 4 I, 2 A, 2 J 2Z, 1L, 1M, 1R, 1U = 18 letters.
So the letter N is so prominent here when N or end happens on and around the 50th Merdeka celebrations as she was missing for 30 days. N is also the last letter of RAHMA....N.
Did not we spend RM100 millions or RM1,000 millions (all costs of civil servants included for almost 6 months) for the Golden Anniversary?
With this death and many other MYSTERIOUS deaths elsewhere, we are very sad for all of us and the nation?
To brush off all reflections on ourselves, many would compare this with the world in turmoil.
All human beings have five senses and five holes on our head and two other holes in the private part. NJJ's face was maintained for recognition but ... you know...
So when something terrible happen to the two holes in the private part, it is symbolic of the hidden agenda in society that is destroying us whether we like it or not.
Here ends my reflection for the time being....
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON) http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/;
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Category: Belia & Informasi