Reply #21 dutchy's post
indeed - such pleasure! OPS! |
prison of pleasure...
sbb aku tak tahan pain lahhh...
pain kat sini aku define macam kene pukul tiap2 ari... sakit ati tiap2 ari... leh mati wooo
prison nie.. cam tak leh bebas jer kan.... tp sumer mende eh dapat kecuali bebas... |
Reply #23 True-X's post
but bukankah kebebasan tu is the ultimate key to pleasure? |
thats why we seek independence in the first place, kan? MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA!!! *tudiah! tetiber masuk bab Merdeka - sapa nak jawab, kan? hahahah |
Saya pilih prison of pleasure. Bila rasa pleasure, kita takkan fikir kita dalam prison pun. Lagipun kebebasan sebenar yang dicari bukan kebebasan dari segi fizikal tetapi kebebasan minda.
Tapi dalam konteks ni pada saya, daripada minda dijajah oleh pain lebih baik dijajah oleh pleasure. Sebab semuanya di minda. Dunia seluas mana pun, kalau minda bercelaru...tak ada gunanya kita bebas tapi jadi gila.
Kalau dalam prison, berkawanla dgn Michael Scofield. Nanti dia tolong cari jalan keluar. |
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my answer PLEASURE neither with pain nor prison |
Originally posted by dutchy at 16-10-2007 08:58 PM
it's only for the receiving end that is painful..for the giver it's must be such a pleasure
somehow, i dont think the people potpetpotpet-ing other people are "happy"
when they are potpetpotpet-ing other people,
must be stressful to potpetpotpet,
must be straining to potpetpotpet,
wanting to stop but they couldnt, coz it became a habit,
wanting to change but they couldnt, coz they're stuck to it ..
maybe same thing with "melatah"
what started out as a joke, as something funny,
if done repeatedly, will become a habit,
and it will be very very difficult to get rid of it ...
mansairaku reminding mansairaku:
.....dont start "membebel" or "melatah" ...nanti cannot stop!
but then again, "membebel" is a good form of stress release!!
But I find it enjoyable bila am in my chirpy talkative potpetpotpet mood. hehehe |
our perception can be deceived, unintentionally or intentionally. sometimes, in the palace of pain, we can feel a tinit of pleasure.. afterall, pleasure does spiked with pain.. |
Kan??? No pain no glory! Hehehehe |
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