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News over Aidil Fitri to consider

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Post time 15-10-2007 12:53 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
JK's Digest No. 25 of October 2007 (282 of 2007) Which one is the best news on Aidil fitri 2007?

After little ado about fixing the first day of Aidil fitri unlike previous years of laborious moon sightings by the most sophisticated telescopes which were not available at the time Islam came into being and until recent years. Are sophisticated telescopes the invention of westerners? Surprising the Chinese Lunar calendar is quite accurate in the first moon on 2nd day but this aidil fitri was held on the third day -13th October 2007. Nevertheless there were great celebrations after a month of fasting in Ramadan. Good and bad news do creep into our home television sets.

Yes our first Malaysian 'astronaut' also a Muslim after struggling a critical initial 18 hours of nausea arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) on the wee hour of Aidil Fitri on the Russian Suyuz TMA 11 for an undisclosed sum. Has the Aidil Fitri on Friday, Dr
Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha in the company of professional space experts Peggy Whitson and Yuri Malenchenko would be travelling to the ISS nevertheless nearer to god according to Dr Sheikh M Shukor. While Tun Dr Mahathir had been on the policy of LOOK EAST and condemn the WEST, this space trip was made possible with the outsiders. So nothing to shout about even with Islam hadhari - limited days. I would have thought 3 Islamists on that flight would be something to shout about. Space professionals get their credential in a 5 years period of learning and training but Dr. S M Shukor got his in much lesser time in Malaysia Boleh as a Space participant. Was he air sick with the nausea while the other two did not have that? We all saw him in ISS greeting us in Selamat Hari Raya.
Other news are aplenty namely The 27-year-old Palestinian stowaway, Osama RM Shublaq, hid in the nose wheel well of Singapore Airlines flight SQ 119 from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Singapore's Straits Times said. This is really a stark reminder of 911 in 2001 with the name and flight number by a foreigner.
How did this Palestinan come to Malaysia in the first place?

A first ever ferry disaster between Mersing Johore and Pulau Tioman where 4 persons perished and 4 injured on 13 October coincidentally due to the emergence of more evils in Johore after 10,000-20,000 dogs were killed in 2006. Some may say it is normal for such a tragedy but evils forces and demons also want celebrate with the human sacrifice. Also 44 is symbolic of Malaysia of 44 years. Why do certain bad people hate dogs also created by God for our welfare? There is a piece of writing of ancient time as in very thick book (the name I have yet to find out). It is writing about the Babylonians in page 778 and I quote "Priests served the great gods of Babylon in the temples. But the Babylonians also feared demons and evils spirits. They buried small clay dogs under their doorsteps to ward them off. The dogs are inscribed with such messages as "Don't stop to think, bite them." So those who would like to use black magic to harm others would hate dogs. So when dogs are gone and those without the true God would suffer the consequence of the emergence of demons, territorial spirits which can strike havoc wherever weak spirited people gather at home or outside. Don't you see a great deal of confusions around in society? Johore is also on the front lines of natural disasters and social ills. The Sultan of Johore also condemn the white people as filthy and may be he did not mean it when the evil spirits got the better of him to say such words for the first time in 2006. Some people want to get rid of dogs using excuses of the petty troubles from dogs especially strayed ones. I just love dogs but I also survive on the protection from the true God in Christ. I tell you thunders and lightnings are sent by God to destroy unseen demons etc. Weird or not?
Is this the first time that Aidil Fitri greetings wishing Malaysian Muslims came from the Indonesian President and his deputy, the Prime Minister of Singapore over the TV? Did they do that when Malaysia celebrated 50/44 years of Merdeka? Don't tell me the nations are giving more prominence to a religious occasion and could be swan songs of sort.

Also Singapore suddenly suggest for the second time since 1965 for a re-union but it was a response to a question. It is indeed a very diplomatic way of saying a conditional re-union.

So far in Ops Sikap 13, in 6 days 109 instant deaths on the roads plus many more to die in the hospital for serious injuries. Can we discount that some of the accidents are due to the emergence of territorial spirits which they had been displaced due to highway construction? Even the ancient pillars in the ground of Kepayan Police Hq, Kota Kinabalu has a strange story that nobody dares to remove the two pillars for new entrance. What do you think is the reason? Who can overcome such powerful spirits?

On such an auspicious day, a father and two children died from drinking poison in Petaling Jaya at home. Why?

Nearer home in Kota Kinabalu and other towns in Sabah, it looks like it is the pre- general election fevers when many wooden houses are burnt down with the recent ones in Tanjung Aru and now in Tuaran on first day of Hari Raya when the victims were out in mosques.

I just want some confirmation about the number of visitors in the open house of the Prime Minister and the Federal Cabinet of the illegal Government. TV1 news was telling us over 200,000 while TV3 news at midnight said it was over 100,000. So which is which? Were there also some unaccounted for hungry spirits at the official Hari Raya function at the PWTC? Some see them and some don't see them.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)

LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/;


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 Author| Post time 15-10-2007 01:11 AM | Show all posts

open house for less than 20,000 ???

not >200,000 and not >100,000 but less than 20,000????

who is scamming again on public fund???

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 Author| Post time 15-10-2007 02:07 AM | Show all posts

20 readers

who are they?

Since I posted at 15-10-2007 12:53 AM, and a 2 o'clock already 20 readers, when I do not see any names of callers in this forum.

good news for me too ....

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 Author| Post time 15-10-2007 09:54 PM | Show all posts

seagull = dead dogs

JK's Digest No. 30 of October 2007 (287 of 2007) Seagull, Tioman & Mersing in a disaster

After writing the link of the 10-20,000 dogs shot in Johore in 2006 with burning ferry on 1st Day of Hari Raya Aidil fitri - sad episode - (some you maybe cursing me as well for this far fetched correlation), but look again.

The boat seagull is owned by seagull express never reach Tioman Pahang but Mersing is messing in Johore, not Pahang.  Seagull express had caused 4 dead and 4 injured.  4 also sound dead dead in Chinese.  "Seagull' in Chinese sound like dead dogs.   So the dead dogs of Johore express their backlash when Seagull with expired licence should not be operating and so the dead dogs had sort of come back to cause havoc to people (Tioman or the man) who did not defend the dogs when they were shot.

Good to ponder over the relevance and it is timely to set up dogs sanctuaries where required.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2007 08:17 AM | Show all posts

dogs and watermelons in Mersing

Tuesday October 16, 2007

Families still hopeful missing three are alive

Mersing ferry tragedy

MERSING: The families of the three who are still missing from Saturday's ferry tragedy can only pray and hope for the best as the search continues off the coast here.

Although there was no sign of Choong Yoong Kim, Wong Song Leng and Wong Han Wen, their relatives remain hopeful that they could be alive.

Choong's wife Wong Soo Cheng and their eldest daughter Zi Wei, together with several relatives held a ceremony at the jetty yesterday evening.  

Soo Cheng and Song Leng are siblings.

They burnt a letter in Chinese that pleaded the Water God to be merciful and to return their loved ones.

They also called out Choong's and Song Leng's names before throwing watermelons into the sea.

揑f the watermelon sinks, it is bad luck. If it floats, then we can hope for the best,

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2007 08:24 AM | Show all posts

dogs have spirits

JK's Digest No. 31 of October 2007 (288 of 2007) Dogs have spirits or not?

I strongly believe that dogs have special place in the heart of God amongst the many animals.

Public Bank has a 2007 calendar dedicated to animals such as Respect for August with the head of tiger, Growth for September for Panda and Vision for the Owl. Dogs are really special that they can be close to human beings like God is so very closest to man.

These are some of my fond and unforgettable testimonies of pet dogs.

To me dogs had been special since childhood days although I did not have much time for them. I can fondly remember my white hairy dog in Labuan when I left for Kota Kinabalu to study in Sabah College in 1965 and only went home for Christmas at the end of that year. As soon I arrived at home and while still in the Anglia car, that dog would surge forward to kiss me to welcome me home as soon as the car door was open. It gives the impression that dog missed me very much. Indeed he did.

Since I left Sabah College and then for UK in 1974 until I came back in 1980, I did not rear any more dogs. Then I participated in the General Elections in 1986 where I went to house campaigns around Kota Kinabalu by foot alone. I did not have any problem with dogs or strayed dogs. Some people were more unreasonable cruel as I was assaulted in Bornion shops although I was no threat to any candidates. When I came to a house in Luyang Phase 3 where the brother of the PBS candidate was staying, a dog was urged by the owner washing his car to go for me. I knew who he was but before I could enter the gate of that house, the dog came up to me and kiss/smell my feet and went back to the house. So dogs can be better behaved than some people. Dogs know the heart of man better than man knows another person - sad for such a conclusion.

My house was broken in late 1986 and some people encouraged me to keep some dogs. But I moved to some shop house after that breakin for security reason.

Later I moved to Taman Jelitana where the landlady one day soon after I stayed in that house brought me a puppy of the mixed German Shepherd in late 1990. Since then I had been keeping dogs and learn from them so much in touch with the creation of God. That dog named Magi was not easy to keep and on the instruction of the Veterinary doctor, I had to shave her fur to resolve some skin disease. I had to use scissors to trim the fur and somehow I slip carelessly by cutting slightly into the skin. It did hurt Magi but Magi was such a gentle dog that she just move my left palm by her jaws without hurting me. Some people could be very angry if injured in this way. Magi could have crashed my palm. I hope you can imagine the consequence of hurting anybody or any animal except Magi my pet dog. Magi knew me so well as I had always cared for her and she responded with dedicated service for seven years despite her free food from a restaurant was regularly contaminated.

In Taman Hilltop in 1997, a very young bitch came to my house to make home and produced 8 very clever puppies of which I kept two myself.

When I have time, I would write a book on dogs and the lessons of them.

Do dogs have spirits and where do they go after death?

I have seen vision of my Magi (the older one) in sort of paradise. I have seen the Magi 2 (the later one) standing on the steps of heaven just a few days before she was taken ill. Four months after Magi 2 passed away, I had a dream of Magi 2 running to me for safety. I have also adopted a jungle puppy with me right now. I asked God if I could bring Euro (a difficult one) up and God showed me in a vision of a grown up dog.

All these experiences are indeed priceless and to be treasured.  I believe young children should learn from dogs.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)

LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004


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 Author| Post time 16-10-2007 07:10 PM | Show all posts

better kill yourself

JK's Digest No. 33 of October 2007 (290 of 2007)  Who are always there at natural disasters and crimes scenes?

The faithful and well trained cannine or simply dogs are there at all disasters yet they are despised by most people in Malaysia.  Why don't they train the cats for this kind of rescue jobs when they are smaller and easier to enter areas after quakes?   Wish we can do that.
Not only that dogs are so versatile to deal with illicit drugs, crimes, and VCD.  Now we should train dogs to detect suicide bombers before they pull the trigger.

I think there are many people hating dogs because of religion and the evil people dabbling in black magic. There is a piece of writing of ancient time as in very thick book (the name I have yet to find out).  It is writing about the Babylonians in page 778 and I quote "Priests served the great gods of Babylon in the temples.  But the Babylonians also feared demons and evils spirits.  They buried small clay dogs under their doorsteps to ward them off.  The dogs are inscribed with such messages as "Don't stop to think, bite them."   

There is always force of good and evil in the spiritual and physical realms and what we see materialising is the physical realm like bloodshed in murders and accident deaths on the roads.  How many would realise the impact of the spiritual realm (unseen) in our livelihood?  Why are there people still involved with black magic or some call white magic?  Black magic does reap a return of black things like sudden deaths and vengeance when some stupid people pay for that.  Have I got a special jacket or covering against such spiritual attacks that I dare to write about this?  As long as I continue to survive, my mission in the land of darkness and TII is soon to be accomplished.  Can I claim that such protection comes from the true God?  It cannot be the people of God to destroy dogs and when dogs face extinctions, the physical and spiritual realms would be filled with void and more evils would hit at the spiritually weak people.

I have yet to hear from any illegal elected political representatives about the ill impact of losing so many dogs in Sabah.  The politicians would not admit it that most of them consult people of sorcery.  While monkeys and orang utan have land of sanctuary, why can't dogs too have this privilege when dogs do a great service for society when we have problems.

Public Bank has this customer friendly slogan on the staff "No people No profit" and can I add "No people, no animals, no trees no profit" as both environmental and customer desirable.  We need a green world not a world of envy.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004    http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/

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