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What are the REAL sensitive issues in Malaysia?
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JK's Digest No. 35 of October 2007 (292 of 2007) What are the REAL sensitive issues in Malaysia?
Illegal Prime Minister in Kucing was talking of sensitive issues not to be publicly debated and the newspaper must exercise self control.
So every one would like to know what are the sensitive issues?
Are these only about race and religions? But UMNO with plenty of illegal members are always saying they fight for the race and religion, and many times waving the kris in the mid air screaming those words. Now in Malaysia Today there is an article that 19/10: Even God can抰 sink Umno.
What about sex or illicit sex, incest, rape, polygamy, broken families because of race and religion? Are these also taboo?
What about twenty points on Sabah forming Malaysia? I was told by a former Attorney General of Sabah that I must NOT refer to the 20 points in the 1986's General Elections.
How could that be sensitive when the spirit of the 20 points are part and parcel of a public document "Malaysia Agreement"? The thieves want to hide it from Sabahans so that they rob us in broad daylight. Ask Dr Jeffrey Kitingan how did the printed 20 points got onto the windscreen of cars parked in Segama next to his IDS office in Wisma Yakim which was reported broken in? Also ask Dr Jeffrey Kitingan how the Inland Revenue Office in Kuwasa or KWSP - a place under 24 hours security - was broken into resulting his tax files missing and then found in the dump site in Penampang? That was reported in the newspapers. Then the most weird thing is that the lost file was reported found amongst the trash in dump site amongst tons of daily trash. Who could have place that bag there? Who want to unlock this mystery as I had spoken at least a few times in IRD forums? Inside jobs I presume for cash. Tell us more of these exciting events, Dr J. No more taboo when the dreaming PKR becomes the Government in KL. Do we need this kind of people to lead Sabah to more ruins?
Coming back to the race and religion, these related issues cannot escape me although the illegal Governments want to make that taboo even in 2007. See the rational of taboo for the thieves including illegal leaders to rule towards anarchy. When the race identified by the first given name at birth can be simply changed by conversion into Islam, how can that be when security is concerned. While trojan horse is a physical phenomenon, the name changing affect the race when converted to Muslim is a spiritual phenomenon of great destruction in our midst. Don't stop me here. No taboo for me, please. So a rascal with many identity cards can go on committing crimes to avoid the consequence of arrests and jail. When a person X convert to Islam, the person assumes a new Islamic name and with this done before greedy authorised kampong heads, this person can get a new identity card just because the person is a Muslim. Ask all those illegal people how come they are Muslims by virtue of holding identity cards overnight as a Muslim. There have been reported of many greedy kampong heads and other civil servants including illegal people holding key posts, and so the same person X can go around Sabah to get conversions with many new names and new identity cards. This is likely the modus operandi of a Soh See Yee (SSY) - a gangster of more than 15 years with some networks escaping from the Police - who is known to have many wives as well to the detriment of the society. In this instance, can we talk about race and religion as a FACT of evil practice prevailing in Sabah?
The nation must address the whole scenario of race and religion as religion has sort of distorted the natural life and livelihood in Malaysia by appearing as more prominent in many areas of fundamental factors.
The other terms - natives and bumiputra - must be addressed. Are these terms also sensitive? Look at the definition of natives in the dictionary. Native is defined as birth in a land of <qualified parents>. It is really unrealistic for Malay/Muslim parents from a foreign land to come to Sabah and give birth to a child in Sabah and claim the child to be native just because there is an ordinance on native. So if birth is the criteria for native, then those children born to second and third generations of former migrants into Sabah are also native after 1963. I would not know how to define 'bumiputra' when false declaration on some paper witnessed by corrupt people of people born elsewhere can make some people bumiputra overnight. Where is the bumi for such people- in a foreign land? How can they be putra when no royal blood is in them? So these two terms (native and bumiputra) are not sustainable now in reality and should be done away with by repeal of those obsolete ordinances.
So fake identity cards or actually genuine identity cards given to illegal people also sensitive issues as the newspapers were very reluctant to proceed to promote the program of CASH- PaCiFIC- to deal with the project IC now almost convenienently forgotten by the illegal Government to address this critical issue. If this is not tsunami yet, then we can talk about that before the non Muslims are almost wiped out in Sabah.
Can I talk of zakat in favour of a single majority group when that is in fact a burden of all tax payers as zakat are filtered through the tax system without consent from all citizens of Malaysia? Where is the law that zakat is lawful according to the Federal Constitution (the original version). Don't let the national religion deemed a ceremony item be the tsunami of every thing beautiful prior to 1963? The way zakat is designed now, it is deemed to be the tax on dhimmi or jizya. Christians also pay zakat or tithes of 10% really, but no tax relief is ever considered when society benefit from such tithes in nation building. One aspect of that is mission schools (now taken over by Government) have contributed educational materials in human developments and nation building. The system we have now is naked biasness. I am talking here of natural justice. How do we deal with the travesty of justice when Sabah is 1 of 4 in 1963 not 1 of 14?
Maybe we also cannot talk of corruption and abuse of power as I was detained without trial in the USNO time when there were such things as evident and even encouraged then but always not considered harmful to the society at large. Maybe the people in power then were like god and we cannot talk any thing about these gods. These greedy people were beyond rebuke by anyone. Even in these days most whistle blowers over these governance issues are ignored. Known whistle blowers today are likely to be blacklisted. We have seen how the system allow people to be paid by public funds handsomely to do illegal things with impunity as all my 16 Police Reports (2 more on 19 Oct 07) are likely ignored.
Maybe we also cannot talk about politics and only UMNO can talk of every thing on the race and religion. Once we talk about politics we are sure to go over the system based on the race and religion and so politics is sensitive.
So cannot talk about the state of economy which will also touch on race and religion as NEP is a taboo item too.
We also cannot talk about the religions other than Islam as Islam forbids others talking of their religions to the Muslims which is to be construed as preaching to the Muslims. But Muslims can tell others what to do like not rearing dogs. Dogs are very sensitive item to the Muslims but Muslims are rescued by dogs in disasters.
Maybe we can talk about spiritual things - real and pseudo items. This may be offensive as well as many Muslims are also full time or part time bomohs but Islam would say that it does not support bomohs, and then who are really the Muslim bomohs? There are many deceptive things in the spirit but many such bomohs (Muslims and others) can be involved in the vindictive business of getting some socalled 'enemies' killed in the process of fatal sorcery paid by some people who want to cast spells over some people. Ask Yong Teck Lee over the case of Joseph Chia in sort of vengeance as the rumour goes as I was told in the barber shop in Jalan Gaya. The spirit of man come from the spirit of God as man is in the image of God and the people must come to term with this true God in only one way to be sustainable now and into the eternity. The true God is not idle when some people go the way of the suicide bombers killing themselves and others and this is fundamental in the challenge of the true God if you read the Bible properly. Don't just listen to me but do the needful in hearing the Voice of God in Christ.
So there are plenty of things and issues we cannot talk about.
When we cannot talk about many things, many things are happening in our midst and when we challenge these things visibly we are harassed in many ways seen and unseen. Why should this be so?
(to be contid)
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
part 2
So in Sabah we have seen how we are in an era of Tsunami of Illegals & Illegalities where we have the horrible thing like ethnic cleansing (but denied by those perpetrators) and the powerful weapon of apartheid (which is not declared) exposed by the much analysed NEP (new economic policy) also described as sort of social contract. Someone asked me this social contract was made in the period of early independence and why should the new generation born after 1963 be subject to this? Whenever we want to think of the malaise of society loaded with so much social ills (mind boggling), our minds would go back to the race and religion. So we are not allowed to speak our minds and where would such oppression go? Maybe we have many human bombs within many people when migration is not the way out. For me, I had been in a crusade sort of alone by writing much above this malaise - the illness of human rights violation in our homeland - when the world is in sort of darkness, Christians can be the light and salt of the world. I know where my strength (physical and spiritual) comes from. We need to address the paralysis of crisis, first by talking about it and then appropriate action as listed (some only) in the letter in Forum in Daily Express of 21 Oct 2007 titled "Why the YB Reps Report is necessary?" by HI. I consider that letter as a 'volcano' worst than human suicide bombs.
Set your people FREE, my God.
So I await the good news for my effort to lead Sabah.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/; |
good to thank God... for all times
JK's Digest No. 49 of October 2007 (306 of 2007) How great is Allah for some people?
Not meant to be an insult (feeling is serious) rather than this is an appraisal in reality.
I have been to a few official celebrations in this month, and no normal formality prevails.
Not a complaint from me but some people may want to make a BIG meal over my recent comment - some consider sensitive - at the STRICTLY non Malay and non Muslim function at the STAR in July 2007 of a protocol of only Baca Doa which was out of line with the occasion.
Since then I went to some more official public functions sponsored by the Government and its agencies and full opening ceremonious protocols were applied. Very well and good possibly at my instigation.
But in the few official public functions organised this month by the Government and its agencies in the name of Allah, the official ceremonious protocol were not in place. We should be thankful to all especially to Allah if really Allah rules in Malaysia for many wasteful (time and money) celebrations and throwing away plenty foods while waist lines go obese for many. You think God is pleased with this? Some (miserable poor ones) may find this is the only time to partake in some sumptuous meals but one too many for some people.
So why such inconsistencies in forgetting Allah? It is sort of confirmation that Allah resides in every man for self serving purpose. Who are really fooling around?
Christian gatherings would surely start with a thanksgiving prayer to the true God. Thank God that I can share this taboo subject - again a human restriction to seek some clarification to clear confusion observed.
Who can now offer the explanation?
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/; |
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Category: Belia & Informasi