Manusia Akar Indonesia Dapat Perhatian Pakar Dan Media
MANUSIA AKAR ... Dede yang mendapat gelaran manusia akar sedang dilayani anggota keluarganya di Hospital Hassan Sadikin, Bandung. Foto: Mohd Nasir Yusof
Oleh Mohd Nasir Yusoff
BANDUNG, 27 Nov (Bernama) -- Sehingga usianya 17 tahun, beliau masih seorang lelaki biasa namun setelah itu, beliau mengalami ketumbuhan yang luar biasa yang kemudiannya merebak ke seluruh badannya sehingga beliau dipanggil oleh media massa tempatan sebagai manusia akar.
Memang tidak jauh salahnya, jika selepas mendengar gelaran manusia akar, ramai yang akan membayangkan akar yang bercabang tumbuh dari tubuh lelaki yang dikenali sebagai Dede itu.
Kedua-dua tangannya dan kedua-dua kakinya sudah dipenuhi tumbuhan itu manakala mukanya juga sudah hampir tertutup oleh akar dan kulit kayu yang menurut beberapa jurufoto "sangat mengerikan untuk dilihat".
Dalam bahasa seharian, penyakit yang berupa seperti akar yang bercabang dan seimbas pandang pula seperti kulit kayu tua, dipanggil kutil yang bertumpuk-tumpuk dan dalam istilah perubatan pula, menurut doktor, dipanggil "Epidermodisplacia Veruciformis-Giant Cutaneous Horn", yang telah tersebar di seluruh badan Dede.
Penyakit itu dikatakan disebabkan oleh kuman human papilloma virus dan kini setelah lebih 10 tahun menderita, Dede kembali mendapat perhatian berikutan tersiarnya berita mengenai penyakit anehnya itu.
Dede juga telah mendapat liputan sebuah program dokumentari televisyen antarabangsa, yang menimbulkan kemarahan Menteri Kesihatan Indonesia Dr Siti Fadillah Supari, yang merasakan tidak adil jika penyakit aneh lelaki itu dijadikan bahan yang menghasilkan wang oleh pihak tertentu tanpa Manusia Akar sendiri mendapat bahagiannya.
Siti Fadillah seperti dilaporkan agensi berita Antara semasa melawat lelaki itu yang kini dirawat di Hospital Hasan Sadikin di sini pada Ahad, mahu Dede, 38, penduduk Ciclilin di sini dibantu oleh peguam dalam urusannya dengan 'Discovery Channel' untuk menjamin hak-haknya.
Apabila Dede betul-betul telah mendapat kontrak, tentunya harus mengetahui pelbagai haknya. Jangan sampai pihak asing meraih keuntungan yang lebih besar daripada dirinya, katanya.
Namun tumpuan sebenar menteri itu ketika melawat Dede ialah meminta para doktor memastikan lelaki tersebut mendapat rawatan perubatan yang sebaik-baiknya daripada pasukan perubatan tempatan sendiri.
Fadillah juga tidak gembira kerana contoh darah Dede dikatakan telah diambil oleh seorang doktor dari luar yang dibawa oleh penerbit filem dokumentari itu.
Ketua pasukan doktor yang kini merawat Dede, Dr Rachmat Dinata yang juga pakar penyakit kulit dan kelamin, berkata penyakit itu sangat jarang terdapat di dunia dan kerana itu menarik perhatian banyak doktor dari banyak negara.
Pasukan yang merawat Dede terdiri daripada pakar kulit dan kelamin, pakar penyakit dalaman, pakar bedah plastik, pakar ortopedik, pakar pemulihan perubatan, pakar patologi klinikal, pakar radio-biologi dan pakar bius dan pakar jiwa.
Pengarah Urusan hospital itu, Prof Cissy Prawira Kartasasmita pula berkata Dede tidak dikenakan sebarang bayaran untuk rawatan tersebut kerana beliau daripada keluarga miskin.
Katanya, sebahagian pakar itu juga dari Hospital Dharmais di Jakarta, yang akan membantu menangani penyakit Manusia Akar, yang telah bertambah parah sejak rawatan pertamanya pada 1996.
Media massa tempatan melaporkan manusia akar itu pernah tinggal di hospital itu selama setahun untuk mendapat rawatan tetapi setelah tidak juga sembuh, beliau merasa putus asa dan pulang ke kampungnya.
Tree man 'who grew roots' may be cured
By Matthew Moore
Last Updated: 2:55am GMT 27/11/2007
An Indonesian fisherman who feared that he would be killed by tree-like growths covering his body has been given hope of recovery by an American doctor - and Vitamin A.
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Dede, now 35, baffled medical experts when warty "roots" began growing out of his arms and feet after he cut his knee in a teenage accident.
The welts spread across his body unchecked and soon he was left unable to carry out everyday household tasks.
Sacked from his job and deserted by his wife, Dede has been raising his two children - now in their late teens - in poverty, resigned to the fact that local doctors had no cure for his condition.
To make ends meet he even joined a local "freak show", parading in front of a paying audience alongside victims of other peculiar diseases.
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Although supported by his extended family, he was often a target of abuse and ridicule in his rural fishing village.
But now an American dermatology expert who flew out to Dede's home village south of the capital Jakarta claims to have identified his condition, and proposed a treatment that could transform his life.
After testing samples of the lesions and Dede's blood, Dr Anthony Gaspari of the University of Maryland concluded that his affliction is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), a fairly common infection that usually causes small warts to develop on sufferers.
Watch: The growths on Dede's arms and feet are known as 'cutaneous horns' |
Dede's problem is that he has a rare genetic fault that impedes his immune system, meaning his body is unable to contain the warts.
The virus was therefore able to "hijack the cellular machinery of his skin cells", ordering them to produce massive amounts of the substance that caused the tree-like growths known as "cutaneous horns" on his hands and feet.
Dede's counts of a key type of white blood cell are so low that Dr Gaspari initially suspected he may have the Aids virus.
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But tests showed he did not, and it became clear that Dede's immune condition was something far rarer and more mysterious.
Warts aside, he had enjoyed remarkable good health throughout his life - which would not be expected of someone with a suppressed immune system - and neither his parents nor his siblings have shown signs of developing lesions.
"The likelihood of having his deficiency is less than one in a million," Dr Gaspari told the Telegraph.
Dr Gaspari, who became involved in the case through a Discovery Channel documentary, believes that Dede's condition can be largely cleared up by a daily doses of a synthetic form of Vitamin A, which has been shown to arrest the growth of warts in severe cases of HPV.
Watch: Dede with his teenage daughter. He fears that his children may also become infected
"He won't have a perfectly normal body but the warts should reduce in size to the point where he could use his hands," Dr Gaspari said.
"Over the course of three to six months the warts should be come smaller and fewer in number. He will be living a more normal life."
The most resilient warts could then be frozen off and the growths on his hands and feet surgically removed.
Dr Gaspari hopes to get the necessary drugs free of charge from pharmaceutical firms. They would then be administered by Indonesian doctors under his supervision.
Still intrigued by the origins of Dede's peculiar immune condition, the doctor would like to fly him to the United States for further examination, but fears the financial and bureaucratic barriers would prove too difficult to overcome.
"I would like to bring him to the US to run tests on where his immune condition has come from, but I would need funding and to get him a visa as well as someone to cover the costs of the tests," he said.
"I've never seen anything like this in my entire career."
"Half Man Half Tree", part of the "My Shocking Story" series, will be shown on the Discovery Channel at 9pm on Nov 15. For more details visit the programme's website. |
siankan die ni...wife die lari tinggalkan die sebab takut ngan penyakit yang dialaminya tu... |
kesian dia...
ekceli nengok dia.. aku terinngat mahkluk Ents dlm LOTR ( pokok besar bernyawa).... kebetulan mamat Dede ni ader dua orang anak dara bernama Entis dan Entang... |
bila ader org luar yg ambil perhatian, baru nak mengelabah... benda da lama tak pernah ambil tahu....:@ :@ :@ |
benda2 nie watkan aku slalu bersyukur, if ada jerawat ker, bisul ker...kalau nak dicomparekan dgn keadaan die. |
siannya dia.... karam bersyukur dengan kurniaan yg diberikan tuhan utk karam..... alhamdulillah.... |
masa saya pergi bali minggu lepas , berita indon tunjuk org pokok ni di masukkan spital sana .. tgk gambar ajer paham.. berita yg lanjut ngak faham sih... |
kalau dah takde lauk kat umah...boleh la hiris sikit sikit buat sayur sambal tumis.... |
akhirnya Dede meninggal dunia.. |
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