ptg td dgn xsengaje lupe nak kuarkan hp dlm kocek, lalu masuk ke dalam pantai. sob2
tgh rendam dlm beras, tnggu je la 3 ari ni cmne. hrp2 sehat walafiat hp tu.
How many of you are guilty of dropping your phone into a pool of water? If you’re one of the lucky ones that have not, just wait. One of these days your precious device will end up in the toilet, sink or possibly an actual pool. Generally when this happens, you’ll try and dry it out and hope for the best (which doesn’t always work out so well). The best method I know of is to toss it into a bag full of rice, which should absorb a good deal of the water. Another option is to have a couple of these Wet Cellular Phone Emergency Kits on-hand.
The bag contains some sort of super-absorbent material that, much like the rice, will take the water out of your phone. When disaster strikes, you simply tear off the top, toss in the phone (or any other small electronic device) and zip it shut for a couple of days. Crossing your fingers and praying to your choice of deities never hurts either. At $10 a pop, I’d say it’s worth keeping a couple around. If it does work, you’ll save a lot of cash over buying a new phone.
elok semalam aku beli BB g toilet kat loyat tu.. phone lama masuk jamban... sib baik aku flush dulu masa masuk tu.. kot tak.. pitam la.. lepas tu dekat setengah jam aku basuh tangan guna sabun kat toilet tu...
balik umah tros bukak phone tu... then keringkan dengan hair dyer.. hari ni jemur kat dalam kete plak...
Cara nak selamat.... isikan hpon dalam kondon... ikat kondom tu, mesti tak masuk air walaupun jatuh ke dalam lubang tandas... dan bertaik busuk pulak tu.... selalunya pengembara yang akan merentasi laluan yang berair, mereka akan gunakan kondom untuk menyimpan barang2 penting. Semua ini boleh mengelakkan risiko barang terjatuh ke dalam tempat2 yang boleh masuk air...
baru je tejatuhkan hp dlm toilet smlm.huhuhu
yep,sgt bodoh.
tapi toilet berseh,ye tuan tuan puan p ...
brookemcqueen Post at 19-2-2009 12:16
hehehe my hubby pun hp sabun dia pernah jatuh dlm mangkok jamban. tapi jamban duduk la...lama gak hp tu terendam kat dlm mangkok jamban tu. so dissamble semua battery, sim card, mmc etc n kering kan... pastu... mmg boleh guna mcm biasa.... amazing....