sorry klau thread nie dh ader..
saya nk mntk tlg.. ade x cara utk kita block YM drpd email?.. cmne nk ckp yekk..
kalau kita nk block YM dr PC boleh kn.. tp skrg nie kn still boleh chat lg melalui email yahoo (baru)..
ade sorg staf kt office saya nie.. dia buat office nie mcm cyber cafe.. sakit hati betullah.. lgsg x respect org lain.. boss dh tegur bnyk kali pn still x nk berubah jgak..
[ Last edited by BaBY_GuRL at 24-1-2008 01:41 PM ] |
x de sesape leh bntu ke?.. |
Reply #2 BaBY_GuRL's post
PC2 korang connect terus ke net atau ikut network server? |
Originally posted by 0001 at 24-1-2008 02:28 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
PC2 korang connect terus ke net atau ikut network server?
connect terus..
sbrnya aku dulu ada gak buat research kat internet mcm mn nak block ym ni,tp x jumpa lg solution dia sbb software ym boleh guna 3 port.kalo 1 port x leh masuk dia akan pegi port yg ke 2 n kalo port yg ke 2 dah kena block dia akan pegi port no 3.yg probnya ialah salah satu drp 3 port ni ialah port 80.kalo kita block port 80 of course surfing http pun turut tersekat.mm mcm tu la cerita dia lebey kurang.harap membantu.. |
Originally posted by BaBY_GuRL at 24-1-2008 01:39 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
sorry klau thread nie dh ader..
saya nk mntk tlg.. ade x cara utk kita block YM drpd email?.. cmne nk ckp yekk..
kalau kita nk block YM dr PC boleh kn.. tp skrg nie kn stil ...
oobi tak pernah guna ym, but based on your description, i believe ym is integrated with yahoo mail and runs off of yahoo server. if that's the case, you can't block ym without blocking yahoo mail. unless you can see on your router or your firewall that even though they are integrated but they run on separate port, then you can manually block ym.
the easiest way is, if your colleague is not tech savvy, then add an entry in the host file of your colleague computer that blocks the access to yahoo mail. or, you can do it on the router/firewall too (block the ip or better the mac address from reaching yahoo mail).
create hosts file yg block messenger yahoo.
tapi jgn kasi dia tau la pasl hosts file tu.
lokasi hosts file : C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\ open-edit guna notepad. tapi kod utk block messenger yahoo tu aku tak pasti lak i.p. atau address dia nak letak cemana. sesapa leh tolon bagi... |
Nak block individual PC mungkin boleh camni... tapi aku tak pasti boleh block web-based chat... boleh cuba buat:
1. Mula2 gi tengok thread ni:
Pastu add IPs ni kat HOSTS file tu:
#Yahoo! Messenger: msg.edit.yahoo.com messenger.yahoo.com http.pager.yahoo.com
Semoga berjaya. |
Reply #8 0001's post
aaahaha.... tu dia...
goodluck... |
Originally posted by oobi at 25-1-2008 12:10 AM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
oobi tak pernah guna ym, but based on your description, i believe ym is integrated with yahoo mail and runs off of yahoo server. if that's the case, you can't block ym without blocking yahoo mail. unless you can see on your router or your firewall that even though they are integrated but they run on separate port, then you can manually block ym.
the easiest way is, if your colleague is not tech savvy, then add an entry in the host file of your colleague computer that blocks the access to yahoo mail. or, you can do it on the router/firewall too (block the ip or better the mac address from reaching yahoo mail).
smlm dh try buat cmtu.. pg nie dia dtg off, dok try bukak yahoomail smpai skrg x boleh2.. monyok dia satu hari nie.. kejamkah saya?.. |
TQ so much pd yg sudi reply & bntu.. ptg nie nk try buat mcm 0001 ajar tu.. hrp2 berjaya.. |
Originally posted by BaBY_GuRL at 25-1-2008 01:36 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
smlm dh try buat cmtu.. pg nie dia dtg off, dok try bukak yahoomail smpai skrg x boleh2.. monyok dia satu hari nie.. kejamkah saya?..
no, you're doing the right thing. in office, each person must know that everybody must respect his/her colleagues and they should know that their first priority is to do the tasks assign to them. that doesn't mean that they can't have fun at work, but they must understand office ethics. if he/she doesn't like working there, they can always go somewhere else. so, don't feel guilty.
kat company oobi, we have to go through many trainings, every year - from sexual harassment, anti-trust and all the way to privacy.
Reply #10 BaBY_GuRL's post
hehe. sian die monyok.. xpe la skali skala kejam..
nak ym mmg boleh.. tp kalo bos da x suke. kene la ctrl.. |
staff nie lgsg x respect ktorg yg satu bilik dgn dia nie..
utk pengetahuan u all smua, dia nie br masuk keje.. x smpai pn 3 bln lg.. my boss amik dia keje utk bntu ktorg (ktorg berdua sblm nie).. sbb ktorg dh x leh handle berdua lg.. keje ktorg nie mmg memerlukan tahap kesabaran yg tinggi..
tp dia dgn selambanye boleh ber'chatting' dr pg smpi ke ptg tnpa ade menunjukkn sikit pn rasa bersalah.. siap boleh gelak kuat2 lagi.. tu yg ktorg x faham tu.. x de perasaan ke dia nie?.. dhlah x respect ktorg yg kt sblh dia nie..
my boss penah tanye dia bnyk kali.. tp cepat2 dia 'minimize'kn YM @ email dia.. pstu buat bodoh jer.. |
Reply #14 BaBY_GuRL's post
Dia minimize YM tu ko boleh pakat dengan boss ko guna
keylogger aje dia akan kantoi punya.
[ Last edited by trunks at 27-1-2008 02:01 PM ] |
Reply #14 BaBY_GuRL's post
Yang paling tahan tu bab tergelak2 dan buat bodoh. aku paling pantang betul ngan orang macam gini.. heii rasa nak rosakkan je pc dia tu biar dia tak boleh online.
Aku rasa elok ko pegi report kat admin tempat ko suruh block YM access. jangan block benda lain dah.. hehe |
Originally posted by trunks at 27-1-2008 01:32 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Dia minimize YM tu ko boleh pakat dengan boss ko guna
keylogger aje dia akan kantoi punya.
cmne nk guna keylogger?.. |
Originally posted by Zep at 27-1-2008 02:04 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Yang paling tahan tu bab tergelak2 dan buat bodoh. aku paling pantang betul ngan orang macam gini.. heii rasa nak rosakkan je pc dia tu biar dia tak boleh online.
Aku rasa elok ko pegi report kat admin tempat ko suruh block YM access. jangan block benda lain dah.. hehe
mmg sakit hati tgk perangai dia.. penah terbaca kt YM dia.. dia bgtau kwn2 dia yg dia keje kt sini smntara je.. dia nk cari keje lain sbb nk smbung belajar..
kalau ye pn nk keje kt sini smntara.. buatlh keje elok2.. nie buat office mcm cyber cafe.. :@
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