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Author: 13Friday

GE 2008 and the ugly sides

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2008 04:49 PM | Show all posts

at last the Police Report

LAPORAN Police- PILIHAN RAYA UMUM MALAYSIA 2008  by Joshua Kong        8th April 2008

The Police is urged to investigate the following matters in this page and appendix1 supported by 71 pages:-

1.        Discrepancies - Ballot papers (A1 of Appendix 1)
A system should be in place on polling day to ensue that the final results would be true not distorted by discrepancies for proper Governments (Federal & State) to be established.

1A.        Ballot papers issued  (A2 of Appendix 1)
The ballot papers issued for the Parliament and respective state seats based on the General Election Results published in the Elections Commission Malaysia's website as per pages A1- A38  show discrepancies as indicated in the column 4 ranging from 1 to 1,947 (26 cases of 0 out of 172  [222] Parliament seats where comparisons were made). Analysis in 6 Parliament seats are shown in A-C & A-D. Another indicator of discrepancies is in the averages of ballot papers issued over the number of voters in each Parliamentary and state constituency.

1B.        Ballot papers not returned  (A3 of Appendix 1)
The seats with big discrepancies occur in the ballot papers not return- page A-E - should be fully investigated.
1C.        Voters number discrepancies in A4 of Appendix 1.
2.        Lots of Election Offence nationwide when the caretaker Government took advantage of public facilities.  As an example there was a case in Peninsula Malaysia where a charity foundation's event was likely used for the campaign without accounting for that in the campaign expenditure (B7).(C of Appendix 1)
3.        Sabah case
3.1        I raised three issues in a press release on (1) the caretaker Chief Minister of Sabah using the official residence for the launch of the Barisan National's manifesto where all the candidates and their agents were there - a major Election Offence  (2) Police to protect incumbent candidates. (3)  Identity of candidates, proposers and seconders with birth certificates to ensue only genuine local /citizens are qualified to be in the Legislative Assembly. (B17) as extended to EC and others listed in B18. (B of Appendix 1)
3.2        The Yayasan Sabah or Sabah Foundation appears to have participated in the election campaign illegally for the Barisan Nasional when the management of the Sabah Development Corridor is under the new body known as Sabah Economic Development Industrial Authority. (B8). The caretaker Chief Minister spoke politics in all these events pleading for support for BN. (C of Appendix 1)
3.3        Other election issues and offence were raised from the dissolution of the Parliament until polling day as per various news ranging from votes bribes, intimidation, phantom voters, sensitive issues, sudden changes in polling processes as per lists in  item  D in appendix 1.
3.4        The appointment and swear in of the Chief Minister on Sunday 9 March 2008 appears to be flawed without a letter of appointment from Kuala Lumpur when the caretaker Prime Minister cum UMNO President was not sworn in. (E of Appendix 1)
4.    The circumstances of the dissolution of the Parliament on 13th February 2008 and the appointment of the Prime Minister on Sunday 9th March 2008 in Terengganu need to be investigated for legitimacy. (F of App1)

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2008 04:51 PM | Show all posts

part 2 of the Police Report

Strong Demand.
5.        I hope the Police would investigate these discrepancies, abuses and electoral offences and those electoral Police Reports lodged by others, for the purpose of a Royal Commission of Inquiry over the GE 2008 be held so that the distorted results would be reversed to bring justice to the nation after GE 2004 had been similarly rigged.  Meanwhile all records of Election Commissions nationwide for GE 2008 must be kept until RCI is completed.
        Pihak Polis digesa  buat siasat betul atas perkara-perkara  tersebut dalam muka surat ini dan lampiran 1 yang di sokong oleh 71 muka surat yang berikut:-
1.        Perbedzaan - Kertas undi  (A1 -lampiran1)
Se sistem  yang sesuai  perlu di buat pada hari undi supaya keputusam yang akhir boleh didapati betul tidak di kenakan perbedzaan untuk menubuhkan Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Negeri-Negeri yang tulin.
1A.        Kertas undi dikeluarkan  (A2 - lampiran 1)
Seluruh negara, kertas undi dikeluarkan bagi Bahagian Pilihan Raya Parlimen dan kawasan-kawasan negeri dalam setiap Bahagian yang berkenaan  berdasarkan  keputusan Pilihan Raya Umum yang dipapankan di laman web oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia seperti di muka surat A1-A38  tunjuk perbedzaan-perbedzaan  seperti ditanda dalam ruangan 4  sebanyak dari 1 hingga 1,947 (26 kes adalah 0 daripada 172 [222]- ada undi- Bahagian Parlimen di mana ada berbandingan.   Analisa dalam 6 buah Bahagian Parlimen di buat di muka surat A-C dan A-D.  Juga ada tanda lain bagi perbedzaan ialah peratus pengundian dalam setiap Bahagian Parlimen dan bahagian negeri.
1B.        Kertas Undi tidak dikembalikan  (A3- lampiran 1)
Bahagian-bahagian yang ada perbedzaan besar atas kertas undi di keluarkan tidak dikembalikan dalam muka surat A-E semestinya disiasat penuhnya.
1C.        Perbedzaan Nombor Jumlah pengundi (A4 -lampiran 1)
2.        Banyak kesalahan pilihan raya di seluruh negara apabila Kerajaan sementaranya guna beberapa kemudahan umum untuk berkempen.  Adalah secontoknya di semenanjung Malaysia ialah sebuah Yayasan Penyayang telah ada sebuah peristiwa dimana seorang calun BN wujud mungkin  tanpa mengira perbelanjaan itu seperti wang kempen. (B7) (C di Lampiran 1)
3.        Kes di Sabah
3.1        Saya telah menimbulkan tiga perkara di sebuah kenyataan surat khabar iaitu (1) Ketua Menteri Sabah sementara  gunakan Rumah rasmi kediamannya untuk  melancarkan  Manifesto Barisan Nasional dimana semua calon dan ajen-ajen wujud seperti kesalahan besar pilihan raya.  (2) Pihak Polis menjaga calun incumbent (3) Pengenalan dipastikan bagi calun, pemaju dan pesokong dengan sijil lahir yang sah supaya hanya raykat jati dapat menjadi ahli dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri (B17) yang di hantar oleh faks kepada SPR dan beberapa pihak tertentu disenaria di B18. (B di Lampiran 1)
3.2        Yayasan Sabah nampaknya telah terlibat dalam kempen pilihan raya  bagi pihak Barisan Nasional kerana pengurusan Koridor Pembangunan Sabah adalah dibawah sebuah baden baru iaitu Sabah Economic Development Industrial Authority (B8). Ketua Menteri sementara  telah bercakap hal politik dalam semua peristiwa meminta sukongan bagi BN. (C di Lampiran 1)
3.3        Beberapa isu pilihan raya dan kesalahannya adalah timbul sejak Parlimen di bubarkan sehingga hari undi seperti disebut di surat khabar diantaranya rasuah undi, ugutan, terkenan, undi hantu, isu sensitif, tukaran proses undi terkejut seperti disenaria D di Lampiran 1.
3.4        Perlantikan dan sumpah Ketua Menteri Sabah pada 9 haribulan Mac 2008 nampaknya tidak sah kerana tidak ada surat perlantikan dari Kuala Lumpur apabila perlantikan Perdana Menteri selaku UMNO Presiden  belum diadakan.(E di Lampiran 1)
4.        Suasana berkaitan pembubaran parlimen pada hari 13 Februari 2008 dan perlantikan atau watikah Perdana Menteri pada hari Ahad 9 Mac 2008 di Terengganu perlu disiasat sah atau sebaliknya.(F di Lamp. 1)
Minta hebat
5.        Saya harap Pihak Polis siasat perbedzaan, salah guna kuasa/tipu, kesalahan pilihan raya dan semua Laporan Polis pilihan raya oleh orang lain supaya ditubuhkan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Di Raja (SSdR) atas Pilihan Raya 2008  untuk dapat membetulkan keumuman keputusan yang tidah sah.  Demikian keadilan mungkin wujud di negara kerana Pilihan Raya 2004 telah didapati tidak sah.  Mustahaknya, semua rekod Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya  bagi Pilihan Raya 2008 seluruh negara disimpan sebaiknya hingga RRdR diselasaikan.

Items listed below means GE 2008 had been rigged officially and unofficially:-  APPENDIX 1 / LAMPIRAN 1
A.          The discrepancies are as follows:-
A1        Ballot papers issued for -Parliament and same State seats within- marked A-A to A-D.
A2.        Ballot papers NOT RETURNED (examples only) marked A-E.
A3.        All Parliament seats listed under column 4 in A1-A38. [refer examples A-A to A-D].
A4.        Numbers in Voters Rolls - P5 (A3/A4); P21 (A6/A7); P44 & P46  (A12/A13) and P101 (A22/A24) with discrepancies of 8,216,  2, 507, 83, 60 respectively. -EO4.
B.        Seri Gaya - official residence of Chief Minister was used for campaign after dissolution. on 26th February 2008 (B1-B4) and 22nd February 2008 (B5-B6)  -EO5.
C.       Yayasan /Foundation abused for election campaign:-
Yayasan Budi Penyayang (B7)-EO6./  Yayasan Sabah-Pitas B8,Sandakan B9,Tawau B10,Keningau B11-B13.
D.         Items of Election Offence marked EO including abuses, corruption, sensitive issues, violations, identity cards, threats, intimidation, ballot boxes, counting, indelible ink and phantom voters.
EO7- Identity card (B14, B17 and B26);   EO8 - Racial and religious issues (B15, B16, B27)
EO9-Phantom voters & Rolls (B18, B19); EO10-Counting & ballot box (B18, B23, B25). EO11 - Abuses (B17)  EO12-Police Report (B20, B25); EO13-Pasok's problem(B21 & B22); EO14-Corruptions&Bribes(B24, B25,B27, B28); EO15-Intimidation (B25, B26); EO16 -Polls Writs (B20, B24); EO17-Indelible ink (B28)                EO 18 - Printer's name  (B4).
E.         General Elections 2008 was the basis of the new Sabah state Government and the tradition of the Barisan Nasional and UMNO was that the Chief Minister from BN should be approved by a letter from the BN's national Chairman and Prime Minister of Malaysia.  Before the Prime Minister of Malaysia was sworn in, the Chief Minister of Sabah was already sworn in hurriedly on Sunday also a public holiday before The Yang di-Pertua Negeri and the High Court Judge.  It is a constitutional crisis for Sabah when the holder of the Chief Ministership is also subject to many allegations of corruption charges.  UMNO should be expelled from Sabah.
F.        DYMM YDP Agong was reported to be on the way to official oversea trip to Abu Dhabi on 13th February, 2008.  We did not see any courtesy call by the Prime Minister at the Istana Negara except a suddenly arranged media conference when the day before, the PM denied a dissolution on 13th February, 2008.  The PM was sworn in on the 10th March in the Istana Negara before the YDP Agong but after visiting the Agong in Terrenganu on Sunday possibly given an official letter of appointment.  Where is the Royal Seal of the YDP Agong kept?  The legitimacy needs to be established beyond doubt.
G.  Most of these items of Election Offence are published in the newspapers - not to mention many more in the Television channels - and no action was taken by the Elections Commission Malaysia.  
I intend to file another Writ of Summons on General Elections 2008 with the Kota Kinabalu High Court while my Writ of Summons on General Election 2004 on the rigged General Election filed on 25th February 2008 is yet to be processed for defendants despatch.

Kong Yun Chee@Joshua   480823125003, 26 Lrg 5, Tmn Iramanis, Kolombong, 88450 K. Kinabalu.
NB: The English version is the proper report for clarity.
LAPORAN Police- PILIHAN RAYA UMUM MALAYSIA 2008  by Joshua Kong        8th April 2008

1 &  2         Police Report in English and Bahasa Malaysia plus appendix 1

A-A        General Elections 2008 - Discrepancies of Ballot papers Issued (Parliament & State seats)
A-B        General Elections 2008 - Listing of  Discrepancies of Ballot papers Issued (Parliament &                 State seats)
A-C        GENERAL ELECTIONS OF MALAYSIA IN MARCH 2008 - an analysis  by seat (highest                         item) Perak, Selangor & Negeri Sembilan
A-D        GENERAL ELECTIONS OF MALAYSIA IN MARCH 2008 - an analysis  by seat (highest                         item)  Melaka, Johor
A-E        General Elections 2008-Discrepancies of Ballot papers not returned including postal ballot

        KEPUTUSAN PILIHAN RAYA UMUM 2008         from SPR's website
A1&2                 Perlis --Parlimen & State seats
A3-5                Kedah --Parlimen & State seats
A6-8                Kelantan --Parlimen & State seats
A9-11                Terengganu--Parlimen & State seats
A12-14                 Pulau Pinang --Parlimen & State seats
A15-18                Perak --Parlimen & State seats
A19-21                Pahang--Parlimen & State seats
A22-25                Selangor --Parlimen & State seats
A26-28                Negeri Sembilan --Parlimen & State seats
A29-30                Melaka --Parlimen & State seats
A31-34                Johor --Parlimen & State seats
A35-38                Sabah --Parlimen & State seats

        DOCUMENTS in support
B1-B6                Seri Gaya - EO5
B7-B13        Foundations - EO6
B14-B28        Wide range of Election Offence EO7-EO17

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2008 04:54 PM | Show all posts

part 3 of Police Report

Strong Demand.
5.        I hope the Police would investigate these discrepancies, abuses and electoral offences and those electoral Police Reports lodged by others, for the purpose of a Royal Commission of Inquiry over the GE 2008 be held so that the distorted results would be reversed to bring justice to the nation after GE 2004 had been similarly rigged.  Meanwhile all records of Election Commissions nationwide for GE 2008 must be kept until RCI is completed.

Minta hebat
5.        Saya harap Pihak Polis siasat perbedzaan, salah guna kuasa/tipu, kesalahan pilihan raya dan semua Laporan Polis pilihan raya oleh orang lain supaya ditubuhkan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Di Raja (SSdR) atas Pilihan Raya 2008  untuk dapat membetulkan keumuman keputusan yang tidah sah.  Demikian keadilan mungkin wujud di negara kerana Pilihan Raya 2004 telah didapati tidak sah.  Mustahaknya, semua rekod Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya  bagi Pilihan Raya 2008 seluruh negara disimpan sebaiknya hingga RRdR diselasaikan.

I intend to file another Writ of Summons on General Elections 2008 with the Kota Kinabalu High Court while my Writ of Summons on General Election 2004 on the rigged General Election filed on 25th February 2008 is yet to be processed for defendants despatch.

Kong Yun Chee@Joshua

NB: Although the Gazette of the Results should be done on 21 days after polling days,
the actual printed Gazette would be ready much later as it was in July 2004 when  the
Gazette was available in Kota KInabalu for General Election 2004 dated 21 April, 2004.

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2008 05:00 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2008 04:33 AM | Show all posts

25 April 2008

CASH members are expected to be at the KK High Court.  Thanks  Joshua Kong

Press Release of Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan (CASH) and Joshua Y. C. Kong 21st April, 2008

In conjunction with the submission of the Writ of Summons on General Elections 2008, at the High Courts of Kota Kinabalu on 25th April, 2008 at 10 a.m., Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan (CASH) and Joshua Y. C. Kong would like to invite the press for a buffet breakfast at the Oriental Cafe of Beverly Hotel, Karamunsing from 7 - 9 a.m. and then for buffet lunch at 12 noon. also at the Oriental Cafe to be followed by a press conference 2 p.m.

CASH would appreciate that this event at the Kota Kinabalu's High Court be publicised so that all those independent candidates of GE 2008 would come and support this activity.

RSVP and thanks for your attention.

Datuk Patrick Sindu 019 8117369; 088234616 (also fax)

Joshua Y. C. Kong 088- 474513 (handphone)

Joshua Y. C. Kong,

Deputy President of CASH.

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2008 07:18 PM | Show all posts

the poor is further deprived...

JK's Digest No. 9 of April 2008 (288- of 2008)  Is there JUSTICE by illegal Governments?

The rotten system made worst by the questioned Governments.
1.        The flaws of Election Commission under the illegal Governments.
It is a vicious cycle like the chicken and the egg.  The illegal Governments (Federal & State) prevail because the electoral system is filled with frauds.  The frauds are preferred by the illegal Governments to destroy what some call justice.  Free and fair elections are the basis of the credibility of the Election Commission and the Governments established on that process.
Particulars of the flaws of the Election Commission are quite well known:-
1.1   Gerrymandering of the boundaries of the constituencies to favour the ruling Governments and the transfer of voters plus the corrupted and faulty electoral rolls.
1.2        Phantom voters in the rolls were always denied officially until it was proven in the N13 Likas court case.   Then it was declared that Rolls as GAZETTE are not to be queried,  but not easy to get the  official rolls for verification for free.  There may be some deletion of voters but still loaded with dubious citizens who I call extra people identity cards - EPIC.
1.3        Then the deposits of the candidates were sharply increased from RM500 to RM3,000 in 1990s for the State seats.  Later, more deposits were introduced by the Election Commission and the local authorities for the same thing for the candidates even when the candidates may not construct election paraphernalia.  For the very short period of campaign it is quite impossible to put up such paraphernalia except to distribute some written handouts.  So elections for public office is for the rich and the corrupted rich politicians with ill gotten gains.
1.4        It is also known how Election Commission can commit all the electoral crimes by neglect, omission, and commission deliberately not ignorantly and ask the aggrieved candidates to go to the Courts.   The most obvious ones are the polling and counting of votes.   One much publicised case is the P175 Papar when the official result was declared by the television channel at 6.30 p.m. when tallying and counting were not even started.   Datuk Patrick Sindu wrote to the EC for recount with scrutiny of all documents and the reply came in a letter telling him to go to Courts.
1.5        If elections is intended to bring democracy as a channel of justice for all, then we are very dangerously wrong as it is not cheap to stand for elections.  Most candidates would be expected to spend RM200,000 for a Parliament seat.  Even before nominations, it is expected to have some RM50,000 ready in deposit and preparation expenses.
1.6        If you think it is easy to go to the Court to seek justice when the EC mismanaged the General Elections costing taxpayers some RM200 million, each petitioner or aggrieved candidate would have to seek lawyers and RM10,000 as deposit before the petition can be submitted at the High Court.  A very irresponsible item is the sudden withdrawal by the EC of the indelible ink with impunity after spending Millions of Ringgit over that purchase and the training of the indelible ink for application in GE 2008.
1.7        Article 118 of the Federal Constitution is not applicable to my Writs of Summons.  Bersih to EC: Here's the proof!
Furthermore, Bersih pointed out that several allegations pertaining to the 2004 general elections brought up in a judicial review case initiated by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), also remains unanswered.
(The application for judicial review was struck out after the attorney-general, representing the EC, argued that all challenges pertaining to elections had to be made in form of an election petition according to Article 118 of the Federal Constitution)
At a press conference in Kuala Lumpur this morning, Bersih committee member and PKR vice-president Sivarasa Rasiah said the challenge was not sincere as Abdul Rashid was well aware that the public could not take the EC to court.
Joshua Kong says there is certainly a miscarriage of justice in that case calling for judicial review.
In my effort on filing a case for GE 2004 on 25th February, 2008 as a Writ of Summons after all avenues (first Police, then Suhakam, and Anti Corruption Agency)  were exhausted over the commission of electoral frauds, and now another one for GE 2008,  and who are going to rectify the frauds.  My cases cannot be struck off under article 118.    To take an analogue like a thief is asked if he agrees to the laws of the land before action is taken against the culprits.  Even in the case of International Criminal Court under the auspices of the United Nation and that some members including Malaysia had not signed the convention, nothing can be done about that such non members when such members have committed criminal activities against their own citizens as far as human rights are concerned.  Unlike the United Nations took action under UNHCR in Sabah when Malaysia already did not sign the refugee convention in the late sixties till now. So the rotten system under the rotten old system and tradition would appear to be beyond repairs.
Finally, we can draw a conclusion that a cheating Government (the whole gang of them when Police cannot act, when Suhakam does not want to act, when Anti-corruption cannot act, when Election Commission does not want to know its feedback) would go free to rob the people especially the poor ones applying unjust laws in the outdated and corrupted Federal Constitution.
Have a new system under a new caretaker Government under Joshua Kong.
Joshua Kong - LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004

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 Author| Post time 18-5-2008 12:49 AM | Show all posts

great cheatings

EC chairman: Cabinet didn't approve of indelible ink        
Posted by kasee
Saturday, 17 May 2008  
(The Star) KUALA LUMPUR: It was the Cabinet that did not approve the use of indelible ink during the March 8 election, Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman disclosed Saturday.

He said he was told to take responsibility for agreeing to it.

"The Cabinet gave two very strong reasons why they did not agree to it

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 Author| Post time 18-5-2008 10:04 PM | Show all posts

RCI now

4.        Meanwhile the Elections Commission's Chairman had made some vivid statements such as the indelible ink for GE 2008 was not approved by the Federal Cabinet  and that new electoral rolls are desirable.  The BN requires such rigging to stay in office.  New electoral rolls would need to be handled by a new caretaker Government in conjunction with a Royal Commissions of Inquiry (RCI) on free and fair elections.  Sabah's electoral rolls had been loaded with dubious citizens since 1994.

5.        The RCI would have to examine the statement by the EC Chairman that the Cabinet did not approve the indelible ink but that announcement was only made only a few days before polling on 8th March, 2008 by the EC Chairman flanked by the IGP and AG with sort of official intimidation.  When was that decision of the Cabinet made?  Why was it not made public prior to the dissolution of the Parliament on 13th February, 2008? Was it made by the caretaker Cabinet after EC incurred a few millions Ringgit in the implementation of the indelible ink?

6.        General Elections have incurred tremendous official and unofficial expenditure by all the participating groups concerned and the nation can ill afford that when rigging go on especially in the last two General Elections as mismanaged by the EC.

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2008 09:46 PM | Show all posts


on 8th October, 2008 for this case in KK High Court..

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 Author| Post time 29-1-2009 10:07 AM | Show all posts

go there for the full details of the 2 cases


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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 02:40 PM | Show all posts

more info

Malaysian General Election 2004 and General Election 2008

I have published a book on "Malaysian General Election March 2004 - A Case of Victory -landslide or rigslide"

And the Election Chairman now retired on 30th December 2008 has been challenged in the following ways especially to explain those massive Issued Ballot Papers discrepancies of the Parliament seat and the respective State seats within it.

Also he has to initiate whatever actions necessary to clear his name in the following items apart from what he had said he had done nothing wrong and if proven wrong he was to resign.  The fact that he avoid the Court cases by legalities prove only one thing - mens rea.

For Malaysian leaders including (Tan Sri) Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman. ... =17934&Itemid=1
About the 400 acres awarded to Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman in Pahang for the arithmetic discrepancies in Pekan, Pahang where the deputy Prime Minister when he was returned in Pekan with a very big majority of 22,922 in Pekan in GE 2004 after only 241 majority in GE 1999.  

UMNO Pahang anugerah 400 ekar tanah pada Pengerusi SPR?

New Year's Eve celebration tonight has been cancelled!
By Raja Petra Kamarudin 31st December 2008

Rashid's reply to the proposal to abolish the postal voting system is that if they do that then none of the cabinet ministers would be able to retain their seats. When the shocked assembly asked Rashid is not the purpose of the Election Commission to ensure that they run a fair and free election, he shocked the assembly even further by retorting that the purpose of the Election Commission is to ensure that the Malays do not lose political power.

The Malaysian election system is rife with fraud and manipulation.
So, sue me Rashid. Take me to court, you slime-ball, scumbag and poor excuse for a human, and let all these details surface in my trial. I eagerly await your Writ of Summons.

Http:// ... malaysian-12th.html
MAFREL BERSIH? – To monitor the Malaysian 12th General Election; EC Chairman: "I Will Resign" If Court said there is rigging in any GE or By Election [November 20, 2007]

Http://         20 November, 2007
Prove rigging and I'll quit, says Election Commission Chairman ... /Joshua-Kong-cover/ ... nterest-appeal.html

How can we have a good governance when the General Elections had been rigged since 1957
especially proven in GE 2004 and GE 2008? ... nterest-appeal.html
The details of the two High Court cases on General Election 2004 and General Election 2008.


27th Police Report on all the corruption and profligacy of RM30 trillions - past, present and future. ... /Joshua-Kong-cover/


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 Author| Post time 4-3-2009 06:10 AM | Show all posts

IMPACT of rigged election

now Perak assembly under a tree  and direct to heavens...

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 Author| Post time 29-5-2009 08:44 PM | Show all posts

Rigged G elections

The costs of rigged general election are not quantifiable.

The rotten system we have is perpetrated by rigged elections since 1957/1963..

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