www.Youtube.com has been really active in promoting new born star. Dueto large video collection from the internet, it is getting really toughspotting real star within the youtube directory. The number of videoposting from various singers are starting to make huge impact to themusic industry, This competition is meant to search for new born starwithin youtube. The competition will be like "treasure hunt or starsearch" whereby you need to find the star within haystack of videocollection in youtube.
How to win the Cash
1) Winner of the competition will be the person who managed to find video where it has the
higest views.
2) The total views must be at minimum of 2500 views
3) Please include the URL of the video and send to [email protected]
4) Same video/same songs with different URL is still valid for competition.
5) Winner will be awarded with RM 50
6) Competition ends at 30th May 2008
7) Only forum member from Malaysians are allowed to participate
8) Send the URL for the video information to [email protected]