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23 mati letupan dekat bas penumpang di colombo!!
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23 maut dalam letupan dekat bas penumpang

ANGKARA PENGGANAS: Seorang mangsa letupan bom diberi rawatan di hospital di Colombo, semalam.
Harimau Tamil disyaki terbabit serangan di selatan Moratuwa
COLOMBO: Sebuah bom tepi jalan meletup berhampiran bas penumpang penuh sesak di ibu kota ini semalam, membunuh 23 orang dan mencederakan 67 lain.
Letupan berlaku ketika waktu puncak sebelah pagi di pinggir selatan Moratuwa. Tentera menyalahkan pemberontak Harimau Tamil atas serangan itu.
"Bom itu disembunyikan dalam semak di tepi jalan dan kemudian diletupkan menggunakan alat kawalan jauh," kata seorang pegawai polis dengan unit pemusnah bom yang enggan namanya didedahkan.
Seorang saksi berkata, bas itu musnah akibat serpihan bom dan lantainya dipenuhi darah dan cebisan daging akibat kemalangan.
"Saya dalam perjalanan ke pejabat dan tiba-tiba saya mendengar letupan kuat dan melihat orang ramai menjerit dengan darah di merata-rata tempat," kata Aruna Wickramarachchi, 45, seorang pekerja hotel.
"Kaki saya turut cedera akibat letupan itu," katanya sambil menambah dia adalah antara kira-kira 100 penumpang di dalam bas itu.
Serangan terbaru itu berlaku ketika tentera Sri Lanka meningkatkan operasinya untuk merampas kubu kuat Harimau Tamil di utara dalam serangan darat, laut dan udara setiap hari dalam perang saudara yang membunuh 70,000 orang sejak 1983.
Tentera menyalahkan Barisan Pembebasan Harimau Tamil Eelam (LTTE) penyebab insiden itu.
"LTTE dalang di sebalik letupan itu," kata jurucakap tentera Brigadier Jeneral Udaya Nanayakkara.
Serangan itu berlaku dua hari selepas tentera menyalahkan pemberontak atas kejadian letupan di landasan kereta api yang mencederakan 27 orang awam di sini.
Pemberontak yang berjuang mendapatkan kemerdekaan di utara dan timur pulau ini, tidak dapat dihubungi untuk mengulas namun biasanya menafikan pembabitan serangan seumpama itu. � Reuters
dah berapa kali dah pengganas ni mengebom colombo... kalu ko nak pergi holiday... bandar yg kena scratch ialah colombo wokey....
aku tengok kat news petang tadi.. ngeri dan sedey woooo.... melotop bus kat tengah bandar ... darah merata2 kat bus dgn serpihan daging sumer... ganazzz.. dan kejam!!! :@ |
59 Arrested In Connection With Sri Lanka's Bus Explosion
COLOMBO, June 7 (Bernama) -- The police in Sri Lanka said Saturday that 59 suspects have been arrested and 48 of them are to be produced in court in connection with Friday's twin bus blasts that killed 24 people and injured about 80 others.
Police spokesman Ranjith Gunasekera said 56 people have been arrested in connection with the explosion in the southern suburb of Colombo that killed 22 passengers of a crowded bus and injured about 60 others.
"We have released eight female university students," Gunasekera was quoted by Xinhua on Saturday, adding that the remaining 48 suspects will be produced before court.
The rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has been blamed for the attack.
The spokesman said the bomb was triggered by a remote control device and the police investigators are also looking at the deaths of three dogs in the neighborhood.
Police believed that the three dogs had been poisoned by the bomber so that the dogs would not alert anyone when the bomb was fixed by the road side.
Friday's second explosion in a bus happened near the central town of Kandy in the afternoon.
Two people including the bomber were killed while 14 others were injured in the blast, Gunasekera said.
The spokesman said the police has made three arrests in connection with the explosion.
The government has called for extra vigil by the public to prevent passenger bus and train attacks by the LTTE rebels.
The twin explosions came as Sri Lanka's security forces intensify militar offensives against LTTE rebels in the north with the aim of crushing them before the end of 2008.
Air Force spokesman Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara said Air Force supersonic fighter jets raided an LTTE gathering place located in the Pooneryn area of the northern Jaffna peninsula late Friday night.
The LTTE has been fighting the troops since the mid-1980s to carve out a separate homeland for the Tamil minority in the north and east, resulting in the deaths of more than 70,000 people.
More than 7,000 people have been killed since the end of 2005 when violence escalated, said the military.
The Norwegian-backed peace process has been stalled with the February 2002 ceasefire being abandoned by the government early this year.
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