Originally posted by viper_2803 at 22-2-2009 19:39
Robyn's North American Native Fish PageLast Updated: 1/27/09 Additional Pond and/or Aquarium Fish:
The following fish are native North American fish. Many of the native US fishes are also greataquarium fish. These are fish that I have never had with the exception of those listed with theirown web pages. Most I have never seen, but I would like to try some of them in my pond. Theproblem is that most of these fish are hard to come by unless you collect them from a localstream or pond. There are hundreds of species that I could discuss on this page but I will onlymention a few. Consult the books and links at the bottom of the page for expert advise on NorthAmerican native fish.
Two albino channel catfish belonging to Jane and Larry on the left, sent to me on7/6/04. Later, on the right is one of them coming to eat floating fish food.