smartlah...jepun punye carrier...huhuhu |
Tu hang tak tengok masa baru siap...ada tiga flight deck!! |
Britain jual kapal induk pengangkut

KAPAL induk pengangkut pesawat HMS Invincible milik British semasa berlabuh di dermaga New York . - AP
LONDON 1 Dis. - Britain mahu menjual sebuah kapal induk pengangkut pesawat udara lama menerusi laman web kerajaan dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan wang bagi mengurangkan defisit bajet tertinggi pada masa aman.
Kementerian Pertahanan semalam berkata, tawaran dipelawa untuk membeli kapal induk Invincible yang pernah menyertai perang Falklands pada 1982, di laman web 'khidmat pelupusan' yang didirikan bagi menjual peralatan lebihan tentera, www.edisposals.com.
Kapal yang disiapkan pada 1980 itu menganggotai pasukan petugas tentera Britain yang dihantar untuk menawan semula Falklands pada 1982 selepas kepulauan tersebut yang dikenali sebagai Malvinas di Argentina, diduduki oleh tentera Argentina.
Anak lelaki Ratu Elizabeth, Putera Andrew berkhidmat sebagai juruterbang helikopter di atas kapal itu semasa konflik tersebut.
Kapal induk Invincible ditamatkan perkhidmatan dan ditempatkan dalam simpanan pada 2005.
Pihak yang ingin mengemukakan tawaran diberi tempoh sehingga 5 Januari ini, menurut Kementerian Pertahanan.
"Kami akan menimbangkan tawaran yang memberikan pulangan terbaik," kata seorang jurucakap kementerian.
Semua pilihan diambil kira tetapi kapal itu kemungkinan besar akan dijual sebagai besi sekerap, katanya.
Jurucakap itu tidak dapat menganggarkan nilai kapal tersebut. - Reuters |
asal orang lain ada, semua nak beli. |
takyahla..uselsess la bende2 ni....seriusly USELESS.
ape aircraft carrier US dah buat..Iraq dan Afghanistan tak settle....China pun tak heran..anta 2-3 bijik Song class tenggelam la biggest naval target ni.
Ape gune US ade byk aircraft carrier apabila kapal2 dagang China gi export brg ke US smpai US berhutang US$2.3 trillion dgn China..hahaha.
Percayala...kalo US perang dan navy die hancur..depa takkan mampu nak bangun balik navy depa..tgkla UK sendiri...dulu kuasa tujuh lautan dunia tinggal 19 surface combatant je nant..aircraft carrirr simpan sebijik berhabuki!!! Hahahahah |
aircraft carrier = power projection...
exocet Post at 2-3-2010 12:53 
it does its job just doing that with the royal thai navy  |

First supercarrier goes for cheap
October 22nd, 2013 | Carriers Historical | Posted by Sam Fellman
The Navy’s first supercarrier sold Tuesday for the bargain price of 1 cent.
Texas shipbreakers paid a penny to dismantle and recycle the remaining hulk that was formerly the aircraft carrier Forrestal, a ship that sailed to wars and crises over 38 years and which suffered one of the Navy’s worst tragedies: a 1967 fire that killed 134 sailors.
Despite its service over 21 deployments, the ship’s legacy is forever tied to the flight deck conflagration that raged for hours after a rocket mounted under wing accidentally fired, slamming into another jet and unleashing a fuel blaze that cooked off bombs. The flames and explosions killed many of the ship’s best firefighters, who had rushed into action. One aviator, then-Lt. Cmdr. John McCain, escaped by sliding down the nose of his A-4 Skyhawk. Because of reflashes, it took 16 hours to declare the fire out.
Named for James Forrestal, former Navy secretary and the first secretary of defense, Forrestal has been part of the Navy’s lexicon ever since. The incident showed the danger of fighting a fuel fire with seawater, as some crew members did, leading the Navy to develop wash-down sprayers for flattops. And it showcased the importance of using foam to extinguish fuel blazes.
Footage from the blaze is still shown to recruits to convey the dangers of shipboard fires.
Forrestal was decommissioned in 1993. It called Newport, R.I., home until 2010, when it was moved to its current Philadelphia location. The ship scrapers, All Star Metals, will tow the 1,067-foot long Forrestal to their recycling facility in Brownsville, Texas, Naval Sea Systems said in a Tuesday news release.
Two other conventionally-powered carriers, ex-Saratoga and ex-Constellation, are also up for scrapping.
Sources : http://blogs.militarytimes.com
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