Post Last Edit by tepets at 2-8-2010 19:15
Last week, Samsung has added yet another touch device called Samsung Champ into its huge stable of mobile phone. Don’t be fooled by its name though; the new Champ is actually an entry-level touch phone, complete with a very affordable price tag of only RM 399.
Available in four different colors, the Champ is actually pretty well equipped: 2.4-inch TFT LCD display, quad-band GSM, EDGE connectivity, MP3 player, built-in radio, 1.3-megapixel camera with video recording capability and expandable memory. We can’t help but think of it like a “My First Touch Phone” due to its small size and low price, .
“With the launch of the Samsung Champ, we will reinforce our leadership in the overall touch screen handset category and also strengthen our product portfolio. The Samsung Champ is a good addition to our expanding product offerings, perfectly suited for our younger customers whom are eager for a fun, full touch experience at an affordable price,” - Yu Jai Sul, Managing Director, Samsung Malaysia.
As usual, check out the full spec and few more product shots after the jump or visit Samsung Malaysia’s official website (http://www.samsung.com.my) for even more details. The new Samsung Champ is scheduled to be available from this month onwards.
haha walaupun kecik tapi nampak cam menarik ngan harga dia tu..  |
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Beli mahal2, sekali jatuh, baru ada akal.
Aku pakai HP RM100 ni pun cukup lah.
Jatuh pun dah banyak kali. still ok je.
Hahhaaa |
bentuk cun dah..harga pn cun..esok sambaq truih |
tu lar... bentuk cun...harga pun cun... kira affordable lar bg yg teringin nak pakai jenis touch screen ni kan... kalau nak hadiahkan pada parents pun kira ok kot... x nampak cam complicated sgt cam iPhone or any other touch screen phone.. ni kira rival to LG Pop lar ek... tp sayang...if ada Wifi mesti laku cepat kan... |
a'a btul kalau ada wifi mmg cun.. sesuai buat hadiah birthday untuk budak2  |
betol la..beli mahal2..kalau jatoh trus rosak..yg ni kira ok laa..affordable...
beli mahal2 pon bukan kita guna semua aplikasi dia tuh.. |
wow, mana ada jual ni? dah masuk ke? |
wow, mana ada jual ni? dah masuk ke? |
hp ni sgt bagus... cuma camera jer kureng skit. yg lain superb .. |
Boleh tahan juga . harga pun OK |
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