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BOPE - 15 Pictures Proving That Nature Never Fails To Amaze Us
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We all have seen paintings of artists and seen their unrealistic imagination expressed on a canvas, and thought to ourselves, where is this craziness coming from.
We are used to the ordinary, quiet, and calming nature we often turn to soothe our soul, but nature can go beyond that sometimes.
That landscape we see on a canvas can get even wilder in real life, and if you don’t believe us, below is a collection of pictures that is proof of nature’s wonders.
LINK - 15 Pictures Proving That Nature Never Fails To Amaze Us
kesian mangsa banjir baru2 ni
camne le dema nk mulakn balik hidup lepas semua reta benda, rumah musnah
sedih, ada yg mati, ada yg hilang
rasa serik nk bela lagi
skrg tggal 5 ekor je
semua duk dlm rumah je, takut hilang lagi
user saya moderator, bkn bigbos
tkde masalah apa klu nak tepek utube
tapi rasanya dh boleh kan?
tgk ada id yg oldtimer dh blh tepek video, gmbor
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byk jgk jalan dh ditutup
rumah org tua ok ke?
tk duk sekali dgn dema kan?
medal ada tapi skrg mod lagi
ntah bila nk turun
takut jgk kot turun nnt, ada masalah balik
cuma skrg ni masalahnya tk teruk mcm dulu
dulu kalu, semua bod tkleh masuk
setakat blh online je
kena hati2 jgk wpun kawasan tinggi
bkn apa, takut terkepung nnt bila keliling kawasan rendah banjir
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