Reply audreyhepburn
wakakakka..indon gak abis-abis serem ama FPDA!!!
gede-bab Post at 29-9-2011 13:07 
dah lame tak jumpe gede bab dah serik ke berporem ato sibok bisnis ejen amah indon ?  |
Reply 201# audreyhepburn
hahaha...memang indon bego...dasar bajingan...ayuh isep memek ibu loe aja bangsat....
hahahahha..TNI indon konon setanding ama US SEAL walhal sama FPDA aja takut kayak kelinci ketemu serigala....
hahahahahh... |
Post Last Edit by gede-bab at 30-9-2011 09:13

wakaka....polisi indon pun rame yang pingsan.....
bagaimana audrey???katana polisi dan tantera indon tangguh banget setanding SEAL???
tak lah toro gue lagi sibuk urusin wanita tatasusila dari indon....
ngetop banget deh....; ...
gede-bab Post at 30-9-2011 09:06 
rakus banget loe cuk...ejen amah sekaligus germo lonte  |
Reply 203# gede-bab
Semua baghal lain macam. Yang Indon pun sama, yang provokasi pun sama.
Tapi yang Indon memang baghal tu kena lebih sket.
Udah2 la berentap tunjuk bodoh goblok korang, kembali ke topik asal. Kenapa Malaysia & Singapura masih dengan FPDA ... sebab geo-politikal serantau. Ini pun sebab salah Indo juga, sapa suruh Bung Karno lancar Konfrontasi? Sapa nak ganyang sapa dulu? Sejarah tetap sejarah, kami tetap ingat sebagaimana sejarah kebencian kami pada komunis.
Sekarang, kepentingan FPDA penting atas sebab pengaruh PRC. Indo boleh la cakap senang, bukan korang yang nak berentap dengan PRC kalau berlaku konflik Spratley atau Laut China Selatan.
Sebab Malaysia, Singapura, UK, Australia & New Zealand bergabung dalam FPDA kerana satu keperluan, serta kerana konotasi sejarah yang masing2nya adalah negara Komanwel. ASEAN hanya sesuai sebagai blok ekonomi, bukan blok ketenteraan. Sebab ASEAN bukan macam EU (European Union) yang ada zon ekonomi serantau, semuanya negara2 Eropah demokrasi, ada matawang Euro & ada perlembagaan EU sendiri serta ditunjangi kapitalisme acuan Euro-zone & pakatan militeri NATO.
Rakan se-ASEAN ada blok demokrasi (berparlimen / republik), blok monarki, blok komunis, blok sosialis, blok diktator, blok rejim militer .... malah bercakaran kerana tuntutan wilayah masing2 .... jangan cerita soal kerjasama militeri ala NATO. Yang realistik, hanyalah misi pengaman UN sahaja. |
mo FPDA kek, mo FPDB kek... mo FPDC kek.... EGP ...  |
Oi jenglot ....
mo FPDA kek, mo FPDB kek... mo FPDC kek.... EGP ...
Who the hell cares? Apasal Indo paranoid soal FPDA? Ikut suka hati mak bapak atok nenek kitorang lah?
Nyai belah paman ibu tiri datuk kakak bapak kamu pun nggak ambil kisah, ngapain kamu harus ambil berat? |
Oi jenglot ....
Who the hell cares? Apasal Indo paranoid soal FPDA? Ikut suka hati mak bapak ...
robotech Post at 4-10-2011 19:16 
tau artinya EGP ga?  |
Do I care? Does it even relate to the topic? If it did, do contribute whatever you want to discuss as long within the parameter of the said thread? |
Do I care? Does it even relate to the topic? If it did, do contribute whatever you want to discuss a ...
robotech Post at 4-10-2011 19:44 
Closed the thread please. Ada yang OOT  |
Closed the thread please. Ada yang OOT
You do not even have any clout to influence the MOD. Get this straight, you wanna be a troll, do that at your turf. Here, we've dealt with so many trolls it ain't no longer funny anymore.
It comes a time when you guys do look pathetic. For a while we thought some levelheaded Indo forummers who shared the same passion in military & defence to contribute meaningfully to the forum. Noooo, majority of you guys come & provoked us with potshots & such since the past two years.
Do you expect us to be civil anymore? We've tried a number of times, but your species would sprouted up & spoiled everything again. No wonder from our part we would retaliate in kind.
Get this, we've had frakking trolls enough. You wanna a good fight, start it at your home country. When Indonesians stopped sending migrants & actually managed their backyard quite nicely, then come back to us.
Berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah. |
You do not even have any clout to influence the MOD. Get this straight, you wanna be a troll, do ...
robotech Post at 5-10-2011 15:24 
once again, Do I Care? |
indonesia pasti bisa..we love you indonesia.. |
indonesia pasti bisa..we love you indonesia..
audreyhepburn Post at 19-12-2011 03:20 
bisa apa??? korupsi??? |
| |