yg black n white tu rasanya macam flashback... yg colour is present ... memang best kan filem ni. iols pun nak pegi tengok lagi...
I pun dh tgk lepas barbie last week.
Superb movie. Mmg 3 jam tu i fokus and tak rengsa sb jalan penceritaan yg menarik and almost all actors mantop.
My only regret sb malas nk tgu utk tgk kt IMAX. Huhu... nk ulang balik for the sake IMAX experience x la kot.
Ok movie ni, kalau uols ada kesempatan better uols tgk kt cinema. Kalau barbie, walaupun best la juga tgu streaming pun xpe.
ada lebih baik cite ni tgk dekat IMAX, mmg puas hati lahh..
kaka mmg feminat cite2 Nolan dr dlu.. so Oppenheimer mmg road to Oscar! |
awww...cillian ni mmg hensem sgt2 lagi2 tme batman begins tu..crush i msa kecik2 dlu..ehehehhe.. |
suka cillian lagi2 time gambar ni..ensem sgt btw..kahkahkah..ok x sbar nk tgok citer ni..cm best je bca review pun dorang ckp best..
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Oscar material sgt filem ni … lupa nak check length citer ni … 3 jam woii tapi rasa kejap sebb loooking forward for each scene …
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