Crimes of the Future is an upcoming internationally co-produced body horror film written and directed by David Cronenberg.[1] The film has the same name as a 1970 film by Cronenberg but it is not a remake of said film. The film will premiere at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival, where it will be in competition for the Palme d'Or.[2]
A deep dive into the not-so-distant future in which humankind is learning to adapt to its synthetic surroundings. This evolution moves humans beyond their natural state and into a metamorphosis, which alters their biological makeup.
Author|Post time 17-4-2022 06:14 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Crimes of the Future is set in a future where sexually mature women appear to have been obliterated by a plague produced by the use of cosmetics. It details the wanderings of Adrian Tripod director of the dermatological clinic the House of Skin. Tripod seems at a loss following the disappearance of his mentor Antoine Rouge.
Ade rasa nak tengok maybe bukan sebab film ni gory, but sebab film ni competing kat cannes. So I expecting this movie have good story to watch. I don't really have problem with gory scene if it really needed to suport the story
I suke je TCM. I hope you enjoyed it too
Broker dengan Decision to leave ni film korea yang juga competing kat Cannes. Broker is a film directed by Koreeda Hirokazu. Koreeda Hirokazu is a Japanese director known for his film Shoplifters which won the Palme d'Or at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival.
While Decision to Leave is a film directed by Park Chan Wook (The Handmaiden and Old Boy director)
U mmg follow yea film festival ni semua. I pulak x minat. Genre gory ni i ingatkan dah pencen since tahun 90an dulu. TCM 2022 not bad la banding dgn Scream 5 baik tgk TCM 2022. Enjoy ke TCM 2022?? Not really , tp sekadar hiburan for horror tu not bad la bleh tahan sbb slalunye sequel/remake 80s/90s horror movies zaman skrg sgt disappointing.
I minat Sci-Fi movies ni sejak tgk Black Mirror. Kalau x sekadar tgk Aliens, Terminator mcm tu la yg jadi favourite . But this movie u they all kata Body Horror rs x sanggup nk tgk, tp The Thing 1982 bleh je .
So far fav lain sci-fi versi baru i minat
1-Ghost In The Shell 2017
2-Blade Runner 2049 2017
Yg i tepek kat atas tu Crime Of The Future 1970 full movie maybe la i akan tgk kalau bosan2 sgt. U minat x tgk filem 70an?. I skrg dah tgk about 6 to 7 kot. Antaranye sci-fi horror yg i dah tgk
1- Embryo 1972
2-Stepford Wives 1975
Kalau u all nk tgk full movie i ade share kat thread YOUTUBE Movies...enjoy la yea..rugi kalau x tgk
I love all genres of movies. As long as the story is good, I like it. Looking at the list of films that competed or won at a film festival is a quick way for me to choose the best films to watch from the huge number of films released each year. And so far I'm satisfied with festival movies
My fav Sci-Fi movies is Ready Player One. I love GITS too, haven't seen Blade Runner 2049 yet. What I like about Sci-Fi movies is that they have amazing visuals
I prefer new movies to old movies. Thanks for the recommendation, maybe someday I'll watch it too
Owh, bgs la but for me i alergic dgn 2 genre movie ni 1) musical 2) mystery lain2 tu semua bleh je kot. Fav genre drama, action, sci-fi, horror, thriller, black comedy..
Yaa u same here, i kalau plot x best mmg xleh nak tgk walaupun fav actor/actress ade berlakon. Mcm Eternals tu i tgk sekadar clips Angelina Jolie je kat youtube .
Sci-fi ni i fasinated dgn 1 quote ni tp bleh lupe pulak so i share yg lain. Antaranye disturbing quote mcm ni
Before i forget saje nak share clip ni. Baru je selesai katam TWD season 11. Best!!...Ingatkan ni movie sci-fi Lea yg 1st rupenye x..
Sblum ni i pun mcm u jgk x koser tgk movie2 lame even yg black & white versi James Dean ke P. Ramlee ke semua i x selera la. Tp lately i lagi suke tgk movies 80s & 90s. Skrg suke pulak yg 70s. Pd i movie2 baru ni sgt kurang ciri2 humanity mcm jiwa kosong banding dgn movie dulu2 Mcm souless gituww...
well, I think our taste in movies might be similar
Maybe mmng old film punya lebih banyak ciri2 humanity but I don't really like watching them coz quality gambar die. I don't have much knowledge about 70's or 80's movies. 90's or early 20's films from outside Hollywood such as from Korea, France or Iran also seem to be a lot of good ones
Owh yea ke? For me I suke VHS kualiti tu same mcm dlm video music old school . I pernah cube paksa diri tgk French ke Iran ke Korean movie tp x bleh ngam la. Yg latest i tgh movie Jepun ni kat youtube about apocalypse mcm mana satu family ni trying to survive without electricity food & running water. Tp x habis tgk pun.
Ok so far Crimes of t Future 1970 ni i mampu tgk 10 minutes je u . What u have seen u cannot unseen ...Tu je yg i bleh komen ..