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RMAF to fire ASM at malacca straits
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A Notices to Mariner has been issued by Malaysian Marine department to advice mariners and vessels plying along the Straits of Malacca that a live missile firings activities will be conducted by RMAF on 9th to 12th August which involve implementation of ASM firing from Su-30MKM aircraft The activity is intended to test the effectiveness and accuracy of the Flanker's ASM thought to be of Kh-31A Krypton. The Kh-31 is a sea skimming cruise missile with a range of 60 nautical miles. Other air to surface weaponry equipped to the RMAF Su-30MKM are the KAB-500KR and KAB-1500KR. The KAB-500KR is an electro optical TV guided fire and forget bomb analogous to American GBU-15. The KAB-1500KR, meanwhile is the larger development of the former |
yang ini ke...
alang alang , tembak je kat kapal singapore atau indon yg asyik masuk laluan kita tu |
alang alang , tembak je kat kapal singapore atau indon yg asyik masuk laluan kita tu |
kat kaskus dah kecoh pasal menda ni.....siap ada yg tak caya kita ada Kh-31 krypton..hahaha..ingt indon ke sukhoi tak dak rudal... |
Post Last Edit by F15SG at 17-8-2011 09:31
Who was firing the missile? Russian pilot with Malaysian pilot as navigator? |
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What do you think we were like VNAF early in Vietnam war?
Well at least your gob is shut for a while.... |
Reply 7# F15SG
...and u hope to find the answer to yr question??.... |
Who was firing the missile? Russian pilot with Malaysian pilot as navigator?
F15SG Post at 17-8-2011 09:30 AM 
wallaawwwww...uve been drinking too much shit water la.... are u scared that we have a pool of capable fighter pilot u are really2 desperate and your malaysianphobia has really screw your brain kid... |
yooo man, I got a feeling that this wartaberita and f16sg is the same donkey. To be remind, f16sg is not a singaporean. His IP track in mymil is well logged. |
Kalau dah puak BENDERA tu tak payah le nak menyamar jadi RSAF punya orang! Dok je diam2 kat Lapang Sasar Siabu tunggu jet RSAF gugurkan bom kat korang boleh? |
apa kelas yakhont lawan stealth missile nnti huhuhuhu |
wow...tahniah wat malaysia, bertuahnya pilot2 ciksu mesia flight hournya semakin bertambah dan semakin proven... |
kat kaskus dah kecoh pasal menda ni.....siap ada yg tak caya kita ada Kh-31 krypton..hahaha..ingt in ...
lkick2113 Post at 17-8-2011 08:23 
btol ker ni?korang yakin gan komen korang?sy ada lo dithread kaskus psl test kh-31 krypton ni?..
gambar2 misil ciksu mesia dahpun byk ditepek hangpc disana (sudah lama itu) termasuk misil kh-31 krypton..jadi btol ker kami tak caya mesia punye misil kh-31!!?? perasaan yg dipertanyakan itu tempat testnya tetapi setelah dijelaskan forumer registrasi singapura+malaysia baru sumenya paham bahawa testnya di selat malaka tepatnya di perairan penang yg cukup luas...faham2 je kami setakat ingin melihat reaksi jiran anda yg paling dekat. |
btol ker ni?korang yakin gan komen korang?sy ada lo dithread kaskus psl test kh-31 krypton ni?.. ...
advark Post at 18-8-2011 17:08 
wak...mungkin bukan wak sebagai subjeknya....tetapi memang ramai kaskuser2 (mungkin tak termasuk wak advark) yang seakan-akan ngak percaya itu sahaja wak..... |
wak...mungkin bukan wak sebagai subjeknya....tetapi memang ramai kaskuser2 (mungkin tak te ...
lkick2113 Post at 18-8-2011 17:13 
tetapi forumer2 yg reply di topik kh-31 kaskus sebagaian besar percaya kok wak ikick, sy dah check balik ni?entah kalau member2 di luar board military (sy jarang masuk sana) apatah lagi yg nubie2..harap maklum je la. ..maaf melalut, silahkan lanjut discusnya. |
Post Last Edit by eltoro at 18-8-2011 20:08
yooo man, I got a feeling that this wartaberita and f16sg is the same donkey. To be remind, f16sg is ...
powerwoot Post at 18-8-2011 10:23 
wartakita and f15sg semarmesem aka jf pratama , all of them are same person  |
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