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deep freeze...solved

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Post time 13-12-2011 02:22 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by trunks at 14-12-2011 10:40

salam otai2 semua.. aku ada mslh sikit la pasal laptop aku..
aku ari tu saje2 jer nak try deep freeze ni..tngok funtion die ok ke tak, tp jd mslh la pulak..
mcm ni, setiap kali aku download, tak kira la ape jenis file sekali pun, lepas aku restart blk file tu mesti ilang..
walaupun aku dah pindah kan file tu kat tempat lain..kalau aku nak dpt kan blk file2 tu blh tak?? lg satu, yg paling penting skali,
mcm mane aku nak remove terus deep freeze ni..aku try uninstall pun tak blh..kat add or remove pun takde icon die..
pastu aku try msuk password pun app die tak kuar.. pening lak main benda alah ni...
ingat blh pasal program jer dia take care, skali rupanya semua skali dia tak over..
sapa2 blh tolong??

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Post time 13-12-2011 04:25 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by trunks at 21-12-2011 05:24

Reply 1# warn

llepas aku restart blk file tu mesti ilang..
walaupun aku dah pindah kan file tu kat tempat lain..kalau aku nak dpt kan blk file2 tu blh tak??

Itulah fungsi Deep Freeze..ia akan buatkan system kita back to normal selepas restart..ko boleh
pindahkan ke external hard disk,, sana tak hilang..kalau ko pindahkan ke partition lain..memang
akan hilang juga sebab ianya di kira satu hard disk..lain-lain 'bilik' sahaja kononnya la..

aku tak fikir, ko boleh dapat balik walaupun guna recovery software, sebab ko bukan delete
pun file-file yang ko simpan di partition lain..
mcm mane aku nak remove terus deep freeze ni..aku try uninstall pun tak blh.

1) ko kena 'tak activekan' ia dulu..

caranya tekan Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F6 atau tekan dan tahan Shift dan click 2x  pada icon Deep Freeze menggunakan Mouse.

Masukan Password Deep Freeze kalau ada

Tick salah satu button yang bertuliskan Boot Thawed on next atau Boot Thawed, dan click Apply and Reboot
dan click OK, selepas Restart, tengok icon pada desktop komputer akan ada tanda non active..

selepas itu, pergi ke exe@installer Deep Freeze..dan akan ada option uninstall di sana
ikut sahaja arahan sehingga ia akan restart sendiri..



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Post time 13-12-2011 10:20 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2# trunks

nice info mod , smoga aq x terjebak tok install bende alah ni

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Post time 13-12-2011 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Reply 3# loslocos

hehe ha tau tak apa..
tetapi..aku bagi pendapat itu dari segi negative..kalau dari segi positif
berbalik kepada tujuan software ini dicipta ialah..ia nya lebih focus
kepada shared computer terutama di office dan cyber cafe ..mereka
tak nak buat maintenance ..sebab banyak computer nak repair..sebab
mudah virus di sebarkan dengan plug in pendrive sahaja pun..

kalau pengguna individu macam laptop dirumah baik tak
payah guna la..ko akan memaki sana sini nanti..ada baiknya
ko backup system computer ko, bila ada problem, revert
back sahaja ..mudah..

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Post time 13-12-2011 11:15 AM | Show all posts
menarik untuk digunakan ni...hehehe

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Post time 13-12-2011 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Reply 4# trunks

   owhhh btol la ckp ko trunk .dekat CC pki sopware nih . aq ade prasan sbb aq ade letak folder dekat desktop,pas tu pc hang ,aq pon restart la ,tp folder 2 da xde da .

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Post time 13-12-2011 03:32 PM | Show all posts
menarik untuk digunakan ni...hehehe
firdaruddin Post at 13-12-2011 11:15 AM

try le yow dan bagi review hehe

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 Author| Post time 13-12-2011 04:05 PM | Show all posts
hahaha... mcm sial pun ada.. aku download movie dah bnyak dah.. siap repeat lg download.. pastu ilang gak.. aku dah try recovery pun tak dpt.. btl la ape ko ckp..
cara nak remove pun lain dr yang lain..kalau tak pandai cara memang tak kan dapat remove.. benda alah sial tu..file ilang tak dpt..

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Post time 13-12-2011 04:10 PM | Show all posts
Reply 8# warn

software anak haramjadah itu, macam tak kasi kita uninstall kaedahnya
bukan main susah nak buang..vangang punya software..sudah berjaya ke

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Post time 13-12-2011 04:36 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by firdaruddin at 13-12-2011 16:40

kalau nak buang atau uninstall a.k.a make permanent change, aku dah baca manualnya. kena masuk ke thaw space.  klu x, memang setiap kalu reboot, pc akan jadi balik macam masa mula2 pas install deepfreeze tu..
ThawSpace is a virtual partition on a computer that can be used to store programs, save files, or make permanent changes. All files stored in the ThawSpace are saved after a restart, even if the computer is Frozen. ThawSpace is only available if it was set to be created in the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator. After uninstalling Deep Freeze, all the ThawSpaces become visible. When Deep Freeze is reinstalled, the ThawSpaces are Visible or Hidden as per the original settings in the ThawSpace tab.
Any existing ThawSpace is deleted during an uninstall if any of the following apply:
• the option to retain existing ThawSpace was not selected in the Configuration Administrator
• the ThawSpace was not created with Deep Freeze Version 5 or higher
Permanent Software Installations, Changes, or Removals

Computers must be Thawed for any permanent changes to take effect. Installation of software
often requires one or more restarts to complete the installation.
Deep Freeze helps administrators overcome challenges with maintaining the configuration of their
computers in a production environment. Deep Freeze protects computers from unauthorized
changes, viruses and malware, that can leave computers in a non-functional state. Deep Freeze
also provides features to retain user data while protecting the computer.
For more information on how to implement Deep Freeze and ensure that the user data is retained,
refer to Deep Freeze - Retaining User Data available at[/code][code]Deep Freeze can be rapidly installed to many computers over a network using the Silent Install          
System. Any deployment utility that allows execution of a command line on a remote computer          
can implement the Silent Install System. After the Silent Install is complete, the computer          
immediately restarts.
The command line has the following options:          

[/Install] - Install Deep Freeze using installation file
[/Install /Seed] - Install only the specified Workstation Seed file
[/Uninstall] - Uninstall Deep Freeze
[/Uninstall /Seed] - Uninstall Deep Freeze and leave the Workstation Seed installed          
Example Command Line
[/PW=password] - Set a password during installation*
[/AllowTimeChange] - Allow system clock to be changed*
[/Freeze=C,D,...] - Freeze only drives listed (Thaw all others)*
[/Thaw=C,D,...] - Thaw only drives listed (Freeze all others)*
[/USB] - Exempt external USB hard disks from protection
[/FireWire] - Exempt external FireWire hard disks from protection          

Example Command Line

DFWks.exe /Install /Freeze=C /PW=password          
In the above example, the Deep Freeze installation program file is named DFWks.exe. Only the C:          
drive will be Frozen. Any other drives on the computer will be Thawed. If the computer only has a          
C: drive, the [/Freeze] switch can be omitted. A password (password) will be created. After executing the command, Deep Freeze will install and the computer will restart Frozen and ready to use.          
The Silent Install System does not work without the [/Install] or [/Uninstall] switch. Deep Freeze must be in a Thawed state before [ ] can be used.

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Post time 13-12-2011 05:01 PM | Show all posts
wah..  macam sangat berguna software ni. mungkin aku bleh try install software ni kat pc kawan2 aku

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Post time 13-12-2011 05:55 PM | Show all posts
Reply 11# aLieNzDaToR

Dan jangan lupa letak password yang power kaedahnya

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 Author| Post time 13-12-2011 11:20 PM | Show all posts
berjaya gak.. tp sblm tu aku memaki hamun gak software menyusahkan aku tu..
google sana sini..cari mcm mana nak remove..
ni aku sambung blk download movie aku yg ilang tu...masuk yg ni aku download dah 3 kali..
buang masa jer..bnyak tu aku download.. 6 movie semua skali..rugi aku..
pepehal thank for tour information..

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