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Ada user HTC Desire HD kat sini?
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utk navigation, korang pakai software pe?
battery camne lak? cepat out???  |
rsnya tak ramai....kalau x silap aku MOD Buding pakai HP jenama ni...tunggu dia masuk... |
Reply 1# Acong
aku ada pakai HTC Desire HD..tapi tak penah pulak pakai navigation tu...bateri memang cepat sgt habis asik kene charge je... |
Nie comparison study..... 
This year two of the great phone maker Apple and HTC has launched few of their excellent devices. The Apple stick with it’s iOS phone and the HTC has making more Android based smartphone. The latest HTC Android monster is now come with the name HTC Desire HD. Let see what Desire HD has to offer compared to iPhone 4.
iPhone 4 Vs Desire HD :
The HTC Desire HD has a large amazing 4.3” 480×800 WVGA resolution screen. It beats other smartphone competitor, not to mention it is also bright and sharp. The screen is very comfortable to browse the internet using HTC own internet browser.
On the other side, sporting a smaller screen at 3.5” 640×960 pixels resolution, the iPhone 4 is equipped with the Retina display technology that makes the display is stunningly sharp. The resolution may be higher resolution at 640×960 pixels and Apple calls this its Retina Display. Apparently it displays more pixels than the eye can see, which is a little pointless in our opinion. You’ll struggle to see pixels in WVGA resolution too.
The only disadvantage of the HTC Desire HD’s large screen is that it means the handset itself is massive. If you’ve ever used the HTC HD2, you’ll know what we mean
Winner: HTC Desire HD
The OS battle never stops between the iOS 4 and Android 2.2. There are always things to bring up and down and it finally concludes in personal preference. Not only the great improved apps, the new iOS 4 also brought new stuff like Apple’s community gaming platform Game Center, iTunes Ping, TV rentals and many more
Actually both operation system has similar features like multitasking (though the iOS is not as good as Android), Exchange email support, both with unified inboxes and the ability to change your homescreen wallpapers, folders and faster work around. However the Android 2.2 Froyo is better with the support of Flash 10.
Winner: HTC Desire HD
Off course in this case the Android has not yet able to surpass the 250,000 applications that iPhone has to offer through the Apple Store. The latest new in July 2010, Android has reached the amount of 80,000 applications available in the Android Market and 57% of it is a free apps.
Winner: Apple iPhone 4
The both occupy super fast 1GHz processor where the iPhone attach the Apple A4 processor; the Desire HD sports the famous Qualcomm Snapdragon QSD8255 processor. However the processor on Desire HD is more optimized that can handle any work smoothly even in gaming where the Apple will tend to lag and jerky.
Winner: HTC Desire HD
Sound and vision:
HTC Desire HD is equipped with Dolby Surround Sound and Dolby Mobile integration that provides you with sharp high definition video and amazing sound capability. The output speakers on the iPhone 4 is not bad either, more over when you put on the tinny speaker enhancement it will sound stunning.
However the HTC is more ready for share entertainment with Dolby Surround Sound and Dolby Mobile integration plus DLNA feature.
Winner: HTC Desire HD
Web services:
Backup, location and restore services is provided by this two smartphones, but in our opinion the Desire HD will win with the free better suite of services without any new application required.
Winner: HTC Desire HD
The Desire HD sports an 8 megapixel camera with dual LED flash and autofocus, great snap as well as video recording and that is just the right move for a great smartphone. In the other side the iPhone 4 only brings 5 megapixel camera on board and with the update firmware now it is able to perform HD video recording.
Winner: HTC Desire HD
This feature is very common to both devices just plug them via USB, the different is that while on the iPhone 4 we have to pay between £5-10 to enjoy tethering, on the Desire HD it is free all the way.
More, the Desire HD can be turn into wireless router providing hotspot signal. This feature surely swept the iPhone 4 away.
Winner: HTC Desire HD
iPhone now has Apple’s iBooks as seen on iPad. By using this feature the user are able to download ‘tens of thousands of books’ from the iBooks store. The book prices ranged from free to expensive, good selection of books many finds from the price £14.99 and above.
On the other side the Desire HD can also enjoy ebooks via Koboä eBook store, it even have the capability to make notes and annotations around the books. Though we still don’t know how many collections are available but if we see the comfortness in reading an ebook we have to go to the Desire large screen.
Winner: HTC Desire HD
The HTC Desire comes with cheaper price; T-Mobile priced this device freely with £40 per month contract while the free iPhone is £60 per month tariff for more than 2 years of contract. A larger screen, same storage capacity and cheaper price will drag us to the Desire HD.
Winner: HTC Desire HD
In conclusion, I think many will disagree but as we see from few aspect that the HTC Desire HD is better than the iPhone 4, featuring a larger screen, impressive sound and video quality thanks to Dolby integration, a better camera and a more competitive price. However the iPhone 4 is surely the best iPhone yet, but it is just not the best phone ever.
Winner: HTC Desire HD |
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rsnya tak ramai....kalau x silap aku MOD Buding pakai HP jenama ni...tunggu dia masuk...
medangmru Post at 1-1-2012 20:22  aku harap os navigation DHD nie bagus..... sbb byk pakai..... rasa mostly pakai papago x5....
ada support utk excel & powerpoint tak?  |
Reply Acong
aku ada pakai HTC Desire HD..tapi tak penah pulak pakai navigation tu...bater ...
KimoraHakim Post at 1-1-2012 20:33  pakai OS pe? android 2.2?  |
member aku ada pakai sebijik |
Reply 8# JohnDeSouza
member ko pakai biasa2 atau power user yg guna most apps? ada support utk files cam excel tak? dari segi ketahanan bateri camne?  |
Ade banyak software untuk buka sahaja, buka dan edit pun ada. Saya pun ex Winmo user, software apa yg Acong biasa guna dlm platform winmo ? |
Ade banyak software untuk buka sahaja, buka dan edit pun ada. Saya pun ex Winmo user, soft ...
Droid Post at 2-1-2012 23:07  mapking, office mobile, opera mini 10, mss converter.....  |
Laa tu je software nak guna?
Android Market ade software seumpamanya, tak terjangkau software librarynya TERsangat banyak, Mapking tak bestla, Papago dengan Syguc Aura lagi baik, (melainkan Garmin). Opera Mini ade, Opera Mobile, Mozilla, Maxthon, Firefox, MMS converter pun maciam2 ada |
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