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Is the Nokia N8's successor to be the last Symbian device ever?
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Say 'bye bye to Symbian' is essentially the message coming from Nokia as it looks to bring about the end of its legacy platform sooner than many expected.
Despite talks of Symbian Carla and even Symbian Donna in the works for current and new devices alike, it now appears that the successor to the Nokia N8 might be the last new Symbian device we shall see from the Finns.
Nokia had originally promised continued support for Symbian following their plans to switch to Windows Phone as their primary OS last Mobile World Congress, with the intention of selling 150 million more Symbian devices before completely phasing the OS out.
It would seem their good intentions didn't inspire enough Symbian fans out there and as such last month Nokia admitted that sales of Symbian devices were falling faster than they had anticipated (no doubt due in part to the aggressive promotion of Nokia Windows Phones).
Nokia's CEO Stephen Elop blamed the lackluster figures on ever-changing and increasingly difficult market conditions, influenced in particular by the demand for lower cost smartphones.
"We now believe that we will sell fewer Symbian devices than we anticipated," he explained.
Outside of the passionate Symbian fan base, Nokia's move to hasten the demise of the platform also has implications for a number of key partners as well.
Accenture acquired some 3000 Symbian developers from the Finnish mobile giant last summer and it would appear that now such a resource will be seldom used. A particularly sticky situation for Accenture who's agreement ties them into providing continued Symbian development until 2016.
ST Ericsson hinted at Nokia's unstable Symbian sales figures in guidance to their investors issued last week. The company cited a "very significant decline" in net sales expected this quarter as a result of a “reduction, in the short term, of new product sales with one of our largest customers."
We will have to wait and see how this news develops as there's still time for the trend to change, but is it too little, too late?
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lorr knape xpakai android terus a? window phone ok x? xpernah try window phone punye OS.
Pastu, ape jadik dengan model2 sebelumnya, contoh N97, adakah boleh upgrade jadik windows? atau model tu akan kekal dengan Symbian buat selama-lamanya? |
lorr knape xpakai android terus a? window phone ok x? xpernah try window phone punye OS.
Pastu, ...
diyes Post at 10-2-2012 15:16 
winmo pun ok je.. ok la dr symbian tuh |
pada sesapa ade N8,C7,E7..cubalah upgrade ke symbian belle...pasti rasa kelainannya. |
Reply 3# cmf_death
owhhh lg best la dari symbian.. Tadi ada baca dekat wikipedia.. Patut la Nokia still berkeras pakai Symbian walaupun company2 telefon bimbit lain sudah bertukar ke OS lain. Rupa-rupanya Nokia sudah beli Symbian Ltd. (In December 2008 - Nokia bought Symbian Ltd,
In November 2010 - Nokia announced it would take over the stewardship of the Symbian platform.)
Lepas itu, (On February 11, 2011, Nokia announced a partnership with Microsoft which would see it adopt Windows Phone 7 for smartphones,), baru la Nokia bertukar arus kepada Windows Phone.. |
Reply 4# putera7
malangnya N97 xdapat nk upgrade ke Symbian Belle sebab pakai Symbian S60 5th Edition je. Dah check kt website Nokia..
Aishh nak tukar rasa sayang lagi sebab baru 1tahun pakai, cuma tak tahan selalu "freeze" @ hang terutama bila ada panggilan masuk. Dah format pun, masih tak sembuh2 penyakit dia ni. Ada petua lain x? |
Kalau boleh tuan tanah cari la artikel dalam Bahasa Melayu atau translatekan dalam bahasa melayu. Sebab ini forum Bahasa Melayu. Nanti tak semua orang faham.  |
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