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Tlg!iPhone 4S aku takleh tima/wat call/received/send msg
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Baru ptg smlm iphone 4S aku problem takleh tima call/buat call atau send/received message..bila aku wat ringing tone pastu bila aku tekan end call,dia mcm hang..then kalau org call aku,dgr ringing tone tp aku plak xdgr..message mmg takleh..aku call maxis hotline..dia kata aku kena upgrade software guna iTunes..aku bab2 ni mmg buta sket..sape2 leh tlg bg aku tutorial camne nak update sbb bila aku update kat fon guna software update pastu dnload iOS 5.1..nanti ujung2 kata ada error..Org maxis tu kata mmg ni regular problem utk iPhone 4S sbb masalah software tak upgrade..
camne yea?? |
Go to Settings, General,
toggle Enable 3G on and off
toggle Mobile Data on and off |
lwyl..tq!tq!kalau ku tau sesenang itu,takdela sehari suntuk ngadap ifon ni dok tekan itu ini,on off..ishhh..tq lwyl! |
Reply 3# serafina
You're welcome. The problem may or may not come back again. |
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