hehehe...COB siap tepek gambarajah lagi tu...
once leaking jer terus kering kena sedut...hahaha ...
mimiekiut Post at 3-7-2012 13:57 
tu la sementara nk tggu tarikh release tu banyak betui tempat yg tiris yg membolehkan album/dvd/bluray bolos ke internet. rasanya dvd/bluray ni selalu leaked masa kt plant ataupun warehouse tu la. |
i order kat amazon UK je lah ...
mbhcsf Post at 3-7-2012 13:33 
donlod ja kan lagi mudah, takyah tggu lama2, jimat plak tu . tapi kalau nk beli terpulanglah, bukan nk hasut suruh donlot pong.
i watched it .
saya nak tahu siapa yer the script writer ? the screenwriter ?
pandai dan bagi sesiapa yg meminati movie yg philosophical, nice dinner comversation about fish, faith & religion silakan.
dan i guess the director ni german born kot ? Halstromm ni ?
well managed to make fun of the british tapi
so i tak lah recommend sangat nak tengok movie ramadhan ni , kalau ada reason justified then fine, if not tak rugi sangat lah missed this film. get it on dvd , i think for me it is a must.
it is all about having faith and hope and choices to make.
quite philosophical, i suka the scene .
there you go , salmon fishing in Yemen.
ah - the media , focus on that.
interesting tau.
wait after ramadhan. |
aku suke cite ni sebab ade part fly fishing je 
giler wei nak fly kat yemen.... |
rurouni posted on 31-7-2012 03:10 PM 
aku suke cite ni sebab ade part fly fishing je
giler wei nak fly kat yemen....
kat mana lokasi depa lunch tu between Blunt and Dr Jones tu ?
is it the SHARDS? yg baru kat London Bridge area? i rase ye, kan? |
rurouni posted on 31-7-2012 03:10 PM 
aku suke cite ni sebab ade part fly fishing je
giler wei nak fly kat yemen....
i love the scenery ...cantik...
nasib baik ikan tu tak 'lemas' sebab of that limpahan ...
but i like the dinner conversation
not after the coffee....haiyoooo horror script tu |
dreamworks SKG - yep u know who and Oprah Winfrey |
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