ketulan di payu dara...adakah itu petanda kanser payu dara
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keretaapi posted on 18-1-2014 02:23 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
duduk subang.. dah check dah hari tu kat klinik pakar wanita ss15.. check ada cyst ke tak.. rupa ...
macam mana prosedur pemeriksaan ye
terus pergi klinik takyah apoiment ke
mana2 klinik bolh buat ke
ketulan kat breast tu mcm mana ye
breast kanan saya rasa kurang selesa
result akan dpt on d spot ke
kalo ada ketulan mmg kena cucuk amek tisu ye
keretaapi posted on 25-1-2014 01:07 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sy hari tu call klinik and buat appointment dlu 1 day before & request for female doc.. tp dpt doc ...
saya pon tinggal area subang..
bleh bagi no fon klinik tu
tapi situ laki ye.. mmg takde puan ke
mana2 klinik sakit puan boleh cek ye
kalo ada ketulan baru amek tisu ye
kalo takde ketulan ultraosound jela ye
mushroomsup posted on 25-1-2014 01:11 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
saya pon tinggal area subang..
bleh bagi no fon klinik tu
tapi situ laki ye.. mmg takde puan ke ...
dia same row as klinik ranjit. aah dr laki..dr sharad.. tp ok je la doc tu, xda nak pervert ke apa. lol. i rasa boleh je mana2 klinik sakit puan. but this clinic environment dia i suka. yg amek tissue tu i xsure. yg i buat ultra sound je. ni info klinik tu:
24, Ground Floor, Jalan SS15/4D,
47500 Subang Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
t +(6)03-56316631
m +(6)010-7778901
Call us @ HelpLine:
Note: We are located next to Guardian and CityCare Pharmacy in SS15 Subang Jaya
tanda2 kanser ni, selain dari benjolan, ada tanda2 lain lagi tak macam gatal2 di sekitar puting ke..? anyone knows..? |
wani_ta posted on 23-11-2012 03:11 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
salam, better buat cek up awal... sy kena breast cancer umur 25 thn jd benda ni x mustahil... pasal ...
sekarng macam mana..hrp awak da sembuh..inshaaAllah
ms_relax replied at 17-2-2014 04:41 PM
tanda2 kanser ni, selain dari benjolan, ada tanda2 lain lagi tak macam gatal2 di sekitar puting ke. ...
Ada juga tanda lain. Setiap.org berbeza tandanya walaupun breast kanser.
Paling penting, g jumpa doctor utk cek.. Jangan biar lama,, takut melarat. |
ya, tanda2 around nipples pon ada di dalam isu breast cancers ini eg:nipple tu terperosok kedalam
nipple bengkak
nipple persistently gatal
nipple ada discharge
nipple ada lump
nipple nyer skin ada changes jadi kasar etc
ada Paget's Disease of the Nipple jugak dan ini adalah breast cancer bila cell cancers terkumpul di area nipple
ipes2 replied at 25-11-2018 05:09 PM
ya, tanda2 around nipples pon ada di dalam isu breast cancers ini eg:nipple tu terperosok kedalam
Salam Dr Ipes,
Saya pun baru dapat tahu, ketulan di breast kiri saya, adalah kanser..
Sangat down bila dapat tahu :-(
Saya tak sangka sebab family history, tiada siapa pun family saya sebelum ini yg pernah dapat kanser..
Doakan agar breast kanser saya masih di peringkat awal.
Doctor baru ambil kelenjar ketiak saya. |
owh! subhanAllah!waalaikumussalam
sorry to hear that!
semoga semua treatment berjalan lancar
jgn delay ye?
push push doctors agar cepatkan treatment awak
semoga Allah tabahkan hati awak dan berikan kesembuhan
apa2 pun, jika awal, akan dapat disembuhkan dgn baik insyaAllah
ipes2 replied at 26-11-2018 06:26 AM
owh! subhanAllah!waalaikumussalam
sorry to hear that!
Terima kasih Dr
Doakan moga cancer saya masih diperingkat awal.
Hanya ketulan, tidak sakit pun. Tiada tanda lain seperti yg Dr nyatakan sebelum ini. |
girlphg replied at 26-11-2018 09:37 AM
Terima kasih Dr
Doakan moga cancer saya masih diperingkat awal.
Hanya ketulan, tidak sakit pu ...
Syafakillah awak. Kuatkan semangat. Sy doakan semua nya ok. |
Semoga dimudah urusan & diberikan kesembuhan. |
Terima kasih semua atas doa..
Saya kena operate lagi pada jumaat ni utk buat
"left axillary clearance" (operate buang kelenjar ketiak kiri)
Mohon doa kwn semua. Terima kasih |
Ameen ya Allah
dah angkat tangan dan doakan
semoga Allah jadikan ianya yg boleh di tangani dgn mudah
ipes2 replied at 25-11-2018 05:09 PM
ya, tanda2 around nipples pon ada di dalam isu breast cancers ini eg:nipple tu terperosok kedalam
Salam doc
Sy baru je kena diagnosed to have fibroadenoma. Selama ni sy perasan the lump since 2 years ago. Now sy fully bf anak sy, drj situ sy baru check lump sy ni. My surgeon told me to stop bf and do a removal of the lump. Is there a chance to not stop bf but still can remove the lump? Sebab baby sy baru 5 months old. Based on apa sy baca, bf literally increases the hormone and the lump tends to get bigger.. |
oh ''breast mouse'' ye
mana dia tau tu ''breats mouse''? dah amik tissue biospy dan hantar ke lab ke?
tapi ''breast mouse'' memang very mobile dalam breast tu, mudah digerak2 kan..berbanding dgn cancer yg susah
if nak Dx betul2 kena buat biopsy lah, atau terus je buat lumpectomy
my wife jumpa a mobile lump, dia fikir dan surgeon fikir, ianya fibroadenoma je, tetapi tetap mereka berdua setuju that it needed to come out so she had lumpectomy
dan ye, pregnancy buat fibroadenoma lagi besar
takleh tangguh after BF kah? tanya surgeon u
ipes2 replied at 22-12-2018 09:37 AM
oh ''breast mouse'' ye
mana dia tau tu ''breats mouse''? dah amik tissue biospy ...
Lepas sy bgtau my husband about the lump, kami jumpa surgeon and he did ultrasound and mammogram kat sy. Sy baru 26 and when he requested mammogram on me, cuak jugak lah time tu. adoii hehehe
So based on the ultrasound mmg ada lump size around 1.3cm. Then doc req buat mammogram and from there doc dx fibroadenoma. Tp since my 5 months old baby still breastfeeding, dia suruh sy stop bf dulu before surgery sbb kalau tak dia cakap it’ll be a messy surgery. But the doc yg buat ultrasound on me cakap boleh je kalau continue bf, but tu lah, surgeon cakap lain pulak..
So far the surgeon didnt mention about biopsy, just total removal je. Is it wise for us utk tunggu baby habis bf? A year perhaps? |
boleh saja u tanya dia if it is possible just to wean the baby off the breast milk before you embark on the lumpectomy. i myself would prefer that you get the surgeon's opinion. some decisions are best discussed with the one who decided on them in the first place. if its a lump, depa perform lumpectomy terus lah, dan hantar the lump to histology for diagnosis
it could be messy with breast milk flowing, yes i agree.
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