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Myths about FBI debunked
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Seperti yg diceritakan oleh Pakcik Russell Atkinson seorang bekas FBI.
1. FBI agents do not wear sunglasses any more than anyone else. This cliche stems from Secret Service agents who often do wear mirrored lenses when on protective duty so that the would-be assassin cannot tell whether he is being observed.
2. FBI agents do not investigate serial killings. The Behavioral Science Unit will do analyses for local agencies at their request, but they work in a dingy cinder block room in the basement of the FBI Academy (or did when I was there) and generate paper. Agents never go out in the field chasing murderers except in those rare cases where the murders take place on federal government land or the murderer becomes a fugitive and the local agency can provide evidence he has fled across state lines, or a few other cases of federal jurisdiction.
3. FBI agents almost never travel around the country on a case. They send leads to other offices if investigation is required. That's why it has offices all over.
4. FBI agents don't wear trench coats. At least I've never seen any of them do so.
5. Another myth that bugs me is how authors love to portray the local cops and FBI as being at each other's throats, usually with the FBI shown as trying to hog some "glory" case. In my experience the FBI and police got along quite well, although there was some competition and resentment at times. Usually that was due to specific personalities, not agency-wide. Most agents and detectives have more than enough to do and are happy to have someone else take some of the workload.
to mod @NIXAR or @Muntz kalau rasa tak sesuai silalah pindahkan ke mane2 ye
6. Most FBI Agents are not martial arts experts or super fighters, although I've known a few who are. They aren't even recruited or hired based on size or physical prowess the way cops and sheriff's deputies are. Except for SWAT team members (a voluntary assignment) they virtually never have occasion to engage in a physical confrontation. They do get training at Quantico as new agents and get in decent shape there, and the least fit people (think of the lowest 1/3 of your high school gym class) don't make it in, but that's about as far as it goes.
7. Agents rarely make arrests. I probably made fewer than two dozen in my 25 years, and all but one or two were made with a large group of armed agents, so were totally without incident (and were equally arrests made by the other members). Much of FBI jurisdiction is non-criminal matters, like foreign counterintelligence and doing background investigations on federal appointees, etc. Most criminal cases, when they are prosecuted begin with an indictment, not an arrest, so the defendant has a lawyer already and arrangements are made for him/her to self-surrender to the U.S. Marshal. Of course, this doesn't make for good fiction, reinforcing what I said in my last comment.
8. Agents rarely investigate cases with partners. Most investigation is done solo unless it is dangerous or requires teamwork. However, I can forgive this one since it is almost impossible to write a compelling story without dialogue. Usually for the mystery/police genre readers expect some romantic tension, too, which is most easily done with partners.
nih blog pakcik tu
Malaysia ada geng skodeng yg boleh dijadikan bahan cerita |
US ada FBI,CIA,NS...mesia ada x badan2 berkanun begitu? SB,Gerak khas,PAC part of polisi nga asykar... |
ekceli... pakcik tu nak ckp... FBI yg korg tgk kt tv tu suma tipu jah  |
Movie dan drama Hollywood seperti CSI perosak imej sebenar FBI. |
I like fbi agent mulder scully ngan olivia.. |
Agent Scully & Agent Mulder - The truth is out there! |
Aku tergelak je kalau tengok cite, contohnya Datin Ghairah, ending cite tu kan Aaron kata, " Sebenarnya saya Inspektor XYZ, saya siasat kes ini bla...bla...bla..." aduhai, takkanlah dalam dunia realiti diorang ni mengaku diorang ni spy. Hmmm...mana tau lepas ni cite polis, ada yang berbalas pantun atau bersilat sebelum bunuh penjahat. |
Myth #5 - walaupun tak direct, tapi myth ni ditonjolkan dalam Matrix. Bila Agent Smith sampai, polis tu kata : "I'm just doing my job. You give me that "juris-my-dick-tion" crap... you can cram it up your ass. " |
Msia ada x ala2 fbi or cia ni? |
FBI nak kira tak ada sebab kuasa menyiasat dipusatkan seperti PDRM. Agensi mcm CIa tu macam ada, tapi tak pasti. |
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