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Post time 16-10-2014 11:41 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

hello dan assalamualaikum semua...

Ingin semua kak bel nak sampaikan berita..untuk pada Dog lovers semua...

Pada ahad ni bersamaan 19 October 2014 akan berlansung program yang diberi nama 'I WANT TO TOUCH A DOG'. Program ini terbuka kepada semua. Sebetulnya program ini adalah untuk memberi kesedaran terutama kepada yang beragama Islam. Tentu saja ada yang diluar sana...anda sebenarnya suka dengan anjing tapi takut untuk menyentuh kerana sejak dari azali telah diterapkan dlm pikiran bahawa menyentuh anjing adalah haram bagi yg beragama Islam. Dan oleh sebab itu anjing sering kali dijadikan mangsa diskrimansi dan ini sudah tentu amat menyedihkan sebab anjing juga adalah mahkluk ciptaan Allah.

Oke la...kalau anda semua berminat sila ramai2 datang ke program ini.. dan untuk pengetahuan semua juga program ini juga telah mendapatkan kelulusan dari MAIS. Malahan pengajur program ini iaitu En. Syed Azmi telah juga mendapatkan salah seorang Ustaz untuk memantau program ini. Disamping itu juga bebarapa 'guest speaker' beragama Islam yang mempunyai banyak pengalaman juga turut diundang untuk program ini. Oleh itu inilah masa untuk anda semua menambah pengetahuan segala berkenaan dengan bintang ini.

Dalam program itu juga anda diminta untuk mengenakan pakaian yang berwarna seperti dibawah... warna Kuning adalah bagi mereka yang ingin menyentuh anjing.

untuk keterangan lanjut anda boleh melayari facebook ini :

I Want To Touch A Dog. Complete circular.

Please read this.

This Sunday (19th October) 8am-10am sharp. Central Park Bandar Utama.

The aim is to overcome fear of dogs, understand dogs and for the public to practice samak/sertu. This actually would hopefully prevent cruel behaviour society has about dogs and might prepare them to save a dog in distress. This event not in any way promoting pet adoption.

This event is open to all age, race and religion for free. But first, decide what are you coming as? This decision will help you to determine the type of colour tshirt you have to wear. Tshirt is self own. Check out which tshirt colour you have to wear. Read below.

If you are afraid, curious or wanting to touch a dog. You do NOT need to register. Wear an ORANGE tshirt if you only wish to see or be a near a dog.

Wear a YELLOW tshirt if you wanted to touch a dog.

However if you suddenly decide to change your mind, its ok, no need to change tshirt colour.

To those who are not afraid of dogs and wish to come and play, I suggest YELLOW tshirt would be appropriate.

If you are a dog owner and wish to volunteer your dog for the event, then you HAVE TO REGISTER.

If you are keen to be a dog volunteer for the event, kindly contact Raymond Lok Twe (+60123661916) or Katty LoveKatts (+60123715190). They will vet your dogs.

Upon success you will need to wear a red tshirt. If you are not successful, you can still come over as observer, but please do not wear red, our volunteers might be confused. Remember, we are helping public including the children to ease their fears.

For the volunteers, by now I reckon the GREEN tshirt (coaches head by Sharimah Binte Shariff) and the PURPLE tshirt (lead by Naf Ameen) are full. However, if you still wish to volunteer, you have to PM them directly. They have the final say. All of the volunteers need to be registered under them.

The Sertu coaches that I was looking for is also full. They will be in GREEN tshirt but will wear a SERTU COACH tag for easy identification. Look for them if you wish to clean yourself up. Open to all race as well.

The event will start exactly at 8am for a short briefing, a mini forum and demo. This will take areound 30 minutes. The forum is just a basic 1 question on challenges being with a dog by an animal rescuer, taxi driver, veterinarian and a muslim scholar.

Once that is done, the GREEN TSHIRT team will lead the yellow and orange and ease them of their fear and bring them towards the red team. This is the most crucial part of the programme.

Around 930am, the sertu coaches will be ready to help out anyone to clean themselves up.

For all participants, please bring a 1.5l bottle of water and a mat to sit down. You never know if there is a walk in on that day and its really nice to share.

Please keep the park clean.

Do keep in mind there will be journalist, photographers and videographers as well at the event. To those who wish to invite media, please do so by contacting me.

There is a medic team on standby.

There are also police team nearby.

On that day, there will be a tent for the committee members, any enquiry do lead yourself there. All information regarding the panels are also there.

For more info and updates, click the link below:

My name is Syed Azmi (+60162184769) and this ‪#‎tamakpahala‬ project with friends (old and new) is simply too new for me. So please forgive me for any shortcomings.

I am terrified of dogs and cats too!

Please share this as its the complete version of the event. Will update this post from time to time if necessary.

Note : semoga Allah saja yg membalas segala kebaikan dan susah payah seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh En. Syed Azmi ini. Tidak lupa juga kesemua crew dan speaker yg terlibat didalam program ini.

Last edited by isabel on 16-10-2014 11:47 AM



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