Edited by manjalara_01 at 21-1-2015 01:17 PM

Sudanese refugees given the chance to resettle in America arrive in Kansas City, Missouri. where their encounter with an employment agency counselor forever changes all of their lives.
Director: Philippe Falardeau
Writer: Margaret Nagle
Stars: Reese Witherspoon, Arnold Oceng, Ger Duany |
"The Good Lie sacrifices real-life nuance in order to turn its true story into a Hollywood production, but the results still add up to a compelling, well-acted, and deeply moving drama."
Rottan Tomatoes.
IMDB 7.4/10
Rotten Tomatoes 87%
manja 7/10
movie underdog 2014 ke?...manja x pernah dengar psl movie ni tahun lepas...
tu yg baru tgk mlm tadi...its a really good movie, heart warming, not too heavy not too light..everything is just right..mcm pantun pulak 
yg paling best part refugess/adik beradik ni masa die org selamat kan diri dlm perjalanan (as in jalan kaki dlm 1000 miles)
...dari sudan ke kenya..kebijaksanaan budak2 ni..& kasih sayang antara siblings..suasana wilderness dekat afrika..menarik + menakut pd manja...
menarik sbb budak2 ni punye survival skills..nak hidup..nak cari air...menakutkan..sbb time tgh nak perang..dll...
2 part yg manja suke..masa adik beradik ni dpt offer dari tinggal dekat kem pelarian dekat kenya..dlm 13 tahun..
die org dpt ke Amerika utk bina hidup baru...No its nothing to do with propaganda ke ape..Its more about humanity, org lain tlg org yg memerlukan..
ade culture shock skit..mmg kelakar..jgk la..kadang2 tu...watak Reese la yg tlg adik beradik ni cari keje..dll...