THESE illustrations could save your life! What’s the meaning of pains in the neck, back, arms? BY MY HEALTHY FOOD TIPS ·
Pain is a way on which your body alerts that something’s wrong with some organ, so it’s best not to ignore the pain!
Sometimes, on time reaction is so powerful, so it could save your life, so if you find yourself in one of these illustrations, it’s not bad to visit your doctor. Heart problems
The first symptoms are pain in the chest, while some people are feeling pains and tingling in the left hand and upper back. Lungs and diaphragm
Pain in the neck and shoulder area are the first symptoms that something’s wrong with your lungs and diaphragm. Liver and gallbladderIf you feel pain on the right side of your body, where these organs are positioned and despite them, your neck and shoulders are in pain, you MUST check the condition of your liver and gallbladder! Stomach and pancreasAbout 50% of the people that suffer of chronic pancreatitis, are feeling this pain. Do not ignore them! Small intestineThe pain in the navel area is specific, so it is necessary to explain at the doctor the exact place where it hurts. Colon and appendixPain in the lower part of the abdomen is the first sign that something’s wrong with the colon and appendix. KidneysEvery pain in the lower back, abdomen, pelvis and upper thighs must be considered as an irregular work of the kidneys. BladderThe women often confuse this pain with the one of ovary before their period, so it’s time to learn the difference. OvaryThe ovary inflammation usually manifests with pain on the both sides of the abdomen. The cysts often cause sharp pain, so if you feel them, it’s obligatory to visit a doctor!