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FanTasyCreaTioN    |   30-9-2021 06:30 PM    |   View:243   |   Reply:123    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 3-8-2023 01:00 AM This Category
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medangmru    |   21-5-2016 02:27 PM    |   View:22771   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 1
BabeYSHa 22-5-2016 10:51 AM
Hide sticky threads [Borak MPS] Istana Hijab Terbuka Hihihihihihi  ...2345
trexxxxxi    |   1-10-2021 12:47 PM    |   View:24457   |   Reply:89    |   Likes: 6
NurAin05 17-11-2023 05:14 PM Polls
Hide sticky threads NOTICE BOARD - PENGAMAL PERUBATAN  ...2
babydoll    |   8-1-2019 12:55 PM    |   View:23529   |   Reply:36    |   Likes: 5
RJami1 10-3-2023 06:17 PM This Forum
Hide sticky threads ★★MPS ~ Dark Club★★ attachment  ...23456..16
BabeYSHa    |   25-11-2008 03:24 PM    |   View:182856   |   Reply:313    |   Likes: 2
saddieaddie 24-6-2022 05:59 PM This Forum
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Masjid Lama Kulim agree New
annehuda    |   24-7-2024 03:45 PM    |   View:40857   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
raihaneem 27-7-2024 10:06 AM
Pengalaman-Pengalaman Aneh di Kuala Lumpur Newbie Thread agree  ...2
namaakusapik    |   23-5-2024 12:36 PM    |   View:8581   |   Reply:28    |   Likes: 0
raihaneem 27-7-2024 09:40 AM
Pengalaman Seorang Pegawai Penyelamat Hutan di USA (ceduk dari reddit) attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..74
mrs_salvatore    |   10-12-2020 04:20 PM    |   View:586109   |   Reply:1477    |   Likes: 90
Babyarissa 25-7-2024 07:03 PM
Jawa Tengah yang mistis attach_img New
bizard    |   25-7-2024 06:06 PM    |   View:36598   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
bizard 25-7-2024 06:06 PM


Share channel Paranormal/Seram YouTube yang best2 attachment recommend agree  ...23456..9
ChildrenOfBodom    |   12-10-2020 03:18 PM    |   View:52163   |   Reply:162    |   Likes: 5
Babyarissa 25-7-2024 03:47 PM
Himpunan cerita-cerita seram aku dan keluarga aku recommend
daisy_dukes    |   7-2-2024 02:43 PM    |   View:11460   |   Reply:15    |   Likes: 2
prettygood 25-7-2024 12:47 AM
Pengalaman Mistik Mommy Ainiz Pindah Rumah Baru Lokasi Putrajaya :) attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..10
ainiz81    |   7-12-2022 10:04 AM    |   View:37633   |   Reply:180    |   Likes: 5
nazzse 22-7-2024 10:24 AM
Jawa Tengah yang mistis New
bizard    |   20-7-2024 12:41 PM    |   View:68666   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
bizard 20-7-2024 12:41 PM
Jawa Tengah yang mistis
bizard    |   19-7-2024 06:22 PM    |   View:25772   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
bizard 19-7-2024 06:22 PM
Rahsia di sebalik kain cindai. Benarkah pemakainya jadi ‘kebal’, tidak lut senjata?
Raline    |   20-12-2023 11:31 PM    |   View:23499   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
lee_sakura 18-7-2024 08:13 PM
Tolong fahamkan saya isu saka keturunan agree
nadeaosmand    |   28-5-2024 09:03 PM    |   View:3984   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
lagendahidup 18-7-2024 10:47 AM
Disantau Makcik Cleaner Kerana Dapat Bonus 2 Bulan Gaji attach_img recommend  ...2
^CUN_GILA~.    |   7-2-2024 10:37 PM    |   View:27250   |   Reply:37    |   Likes: 3
rospinki 16-7-2024 10:49 AM
Kerana hal tanah dan sawit. Aku yang terkena. oleh theflash. thread tamat attach_img digest recommend agree  ...23456..28
theflash    |   14-2-2013 03:52 PM    |   View:177044   |   Reply:557    |   Likes: 3
Daisy98 13-7-2024 06:04 PM
Pengalaman budak2 nakal (Update 15/8/21) recommend agree  ...23456..39
Exoskeleton    |   31-5-2019 05:05 PM    |   View:300763   |   Reply:771    |   Likes: 69
bebulu 13-7-2024 03:49 PM
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Kisah Pengalaman Mistik Ilahkhatibrani-VI- digest recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..79
ilahkhatibrani    |   9-8-2010 09:54 AM    |   View:501891   |   Reply:1575    |   Likes: 16
woddy 12-7-2024 08:21 AM
Kes-Kes Paranormal Dammerung Volume III (Kemaskini 6 Oktober 2021) recommend agree  ...23456..11
dammerung    |   8-9-2021 07:16 PM    |   View:123657   |   Reply:217    |   Likes: 32
ayoppilah 10-7-2024 02:35 PM
Umah GPR Edisi "Meroyan Raya" attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..22
kucingkarate    |   25-6-2019 01:17 PM    |   View:71578   |   Reply:438    |   Likes: 4
kucingkarate 10-7-2024 11:32 AM
zasrfikri    |   5-5-2024 02:06 AM    |   View:20216   |   Reply:7    |   Likes: 0
Tukiman 4-7-2024 12:53 PM
[BEST]MISTERI! Kak Tipah t'jumpa buku jampi dlm smpnan suami..omaaiiiii[post ... digest recommend agree  ...23456..45
KakTipahYangHot    |   23-11-2012 11:30 AM    |   View:398568   |   Reply:882    |   Likes: 18
Supersirap 4-7-2024 12:04 PM
Pendaki Gunung Yong Belar ‘disambut’ suara riuh-rendah... Bunyi aneh makin ketara ketika kawan baca al-Fatihah recommend
DidiAndFren    |   28-4-2024 07:19 AM    |   View:3341   |   Reply:13    |   Likes: 2
QueenGambit 30-6-2024 04:06 PM
Pengalaman bersama dng seseorg sebelum mereka arwah attach_img digest recommend agree  ...23456..24
audioslavefan    |   1-7-2006 06:57 PM    |   View:140527   |   Reply:477    |   Likes: 5
tuanmashi 24-6-2024 02:29 PM
OBE/Astral Projection atau Roh Keluar Dari Badan digest  ...23456..39
rhoyo    |   25-4-2004 03:04 AM    |   View:193806   |   Reply:770    |   Likes: 0
plywood 23-6-2024 12:45 PM
Sihir Pemisah yang belum pulih (UPDATED #285 - PIC di #55, # 156 ) attachment agree  ...23456..21
missdiyana    |   8-3-2016 12:04 PM    |   View:81695   |   Reply:407    |   Likes: 0
sweetfasha 20-6-2024 04:11 PM
tieyrai_83    |   5-6-2024 02:57 PM    |   View:1115   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
Ytee 19-6-2024 05:17 PM


Kenal pasti lakaran ‘pelaris’ di kedai makan  ...2
Raline    |   20-12-2023 10:50 PM    |   View:14572   |   Reply:21    |   Likes: 0
Ytee 19-6-2024 05:07 PM
Mengenal kalendar jawa -> untuk mengetahui bilakah jumaat kliwon.. agree  ...2345
budingyun    |   5-3-2010 03:49 PM    |   View:37886   |   Reply:85    |   Likes: 0
selipar_hijau 19-6-2024 02:46 PM
Nenek Hantar Sihir Pemisah Sebab Cucu Tolak Permintaan Untuk Dijodohkan
CARI-MAL    |   29-7-2023 11:25 AM    |   View:3951   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
lyza2474 18-6-2024 09:40 PM
Dikacau 'something' dekat tempat baru [kisah benar] recommend agree
prettygood    |   15-5-2024 03:00 PM    |   View:7345   |   Reply:13    |   Likes: 4
yenil95 14-6-2024 03:58 PM
Akhir Zaman.. Misteri Sebuah Perjalanan.. Jejak Terakhir - [Read permissions 2]attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..62
miftahuljamilah    |   26-10-2022 08:36 AM    |   View:117741   |   Reply:1233    |   Likes: 30
miftahuljamilah 8-6-2024 09:26 AM
Mimpi aneh recommend agree  ...23456..15
lalalisa    |   10-8-2020 02:39 PM    |   View:54548   |   Reply:287    |   Likes: 2
linuxer 29-5-2024 03:55 PM
Arwah yg balik ke rumah & himpunan kisah seram Borneo attach_img digest recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..103
ainiz81    |   7-6-2012 04:01 PM    |   View:441885   |   Reply:2049    |   Likes: 5
ainiz81 29-5-2024 12:06 PM
kaya dengan pesugihan Newbie Thread
bizard    |   28-5-2024 05:07 PM    |   View:4444   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
bizard 28-5-2024 05:07 PM
Bekas family pembela pelbagai jenis jin attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..11
green~tea    |   4-1-2023 11:09 AM    |   View:32613   |   Reply:216    |   Likes: 2
lightheaded67 27-5-2024 07:48 PM
Gambar Hantu Zaman Kodak attach_img recommend
tumpanglalu74    |   10-4-2024 12:36 PM    |   View:11863   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 1
supernaturalee 23-5-2024 10:41 AM
Welcome to our new moderator recommend agree  ...2
admin6    |   1-5-2024 12:36 AM    |   View:14298   |   Reply:20    |   Likes: 1
Radzor 23-5-2024 10:22 AM
Malaysian's Talented/Gifted Psychic@Supernatural Discussion (MTPSD) recommend agree  ...23456..18
olyd88    |   22-7-2012 03:39 AM    |   View:56077   |   Reply:347    |   Likes: 1
Paiya 14-5-2024 02:16 PM
(koleksi dari pengalaman sebenar)Rezeki attachment recommend agree  ...23456..31
DumBell    |   2-12-2012 03:09 AM    |   View:245439   |   Reply:618    |   Likes: 10
DumBell 7-5-2024 11:32 PM
Highway terbengkalai recommend
eizarz    |   24-3-2024 10:31 PM    |   View:21218   |   Reply:15    |   Likes: 1
is_eyta 7-5-2024 11:31 AM
Susah ke nak buang saka? digest recommend heatlevel  ...23456..60
gammbir33    |   25-4-2012 08:12 AM    |   View:223060   |   Reply:1193    |   Likes: 1
kakacantikkan 26-4-2024 01:26 PM
Kisah Pengalaman Merawat recommend agree  ...234
lagendahidup    |   28-11-2018 10:56 AM    |   View:26105   |   Reply:69    |   Likes: 10
lagendahidup 25-4-2024 02:08 PM
Apartment keranda
pearl.silver    |   2-4-2024 11:01 AM    |   View:9468   |   Reply:11    |   Likes: 0
Radzor 9-4-2024 11:15 PM
kubur P.Ramlee kat kampung baru recommend  ...23456
ms.delko    |   18-6-2010 12:53 PM    |   View:54478   |   Reply:106    |   Likes: 1
eizarz 6-4-2024 06:44 AM
Ritual Memanggil Hantu Dengan Sajian Sate Gagak
Raline    |   25-12-2023 10:12 PM    |   View:32542   |   Reply:9    |   Likes: 0
epullipan 3-4-2024 09:37 AM
Misteri kelibat wanita bertelekung bersama jenazah budak di Putrajaya
Raline    |   24-12-2023 08:57 AM    |   View:12535   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
AraBellaJuan87 14-3-2024 11:17 AM
Gambar ‘melekat’ di telefon walau dah padam
Raline    |   28-6-2022 03:24 PM    |   View:6224   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
Sunrize 13-3-2024 08:16 PM
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