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Post time 24-1-2020 04:21 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by amandel at 1-3-2020 05:59 PM




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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 25-1-2020 02:06 AM

(I translate it with google translate, I hope I can fix it soon)

The story of the Desa Penari Village Community Service Program (KKN) was viral after the writer with a Twitter account @ SimpleM81378523 made several series from June 24 to July 25, 2019.

The last week of this story became a question mark among netizens, but the writer was reluctant to reveal the location of the incident. The reason, the request of people who directly experienced the story.

The story turned out to have 2 versions. This story is summarize the first version he made through the story from the perspective of Widya, one of the students who participated in the Community Service Program.

Here is the full story from Widya's perspective:

Tonight, I will tell a story from someone, who I think is special. Why? Because I'm a little unsure about being able to tell every detail of what he experienced.

A story about his experience during KKN, in a dancer village.

Before I start it all. I want to say a few things.

Previously, the author did not get permission to post this story from the owner of the story, because he has his own fears about a number of things, which include campuses and villages where KKN is held.

However, because the writer thinks that this story has many lessons that might be learned regardless of the experience of the owner of the story finally, we agree, that, everything related to this story, including the name of the campus, faculty, village and story setting, will be kept confidential.

So make friends who read this story, who might know, or feel familiar with some of the places that despite this disguise, please, just keep quiet, or keep everything a secret, because this has become the promise of the writer and owner of the story.

In the end of 2009, all children of the 2005/06 generation had almost completed the requirements to take part in KKN in several villages as a follow-up requirement for thesis work.

From all the enthusiastic faces on campus, one person seemed to be alone. Widya, as the other children called him

He looked so nervous, solitary, alone, until the telephone call interrupted his reverie.

"I wis oleh nggin KKN'e" (I already got a place for KKN) said on the other end of the phone. The gloomy face, turned into a hopeful smile.

"Nang ndi?" (Where?)

"Nang city B, gok deso  kabupaten K *** li **, akeh proker, tak jamin, nggone cocok gawe KKN" (in city B, in a village in regency K *******, there are many proker(work/service program) to do , the place is suitable for our service learning).

At that moment, Widya immediately submitted the KKN proposal. All requirements have been fulfilled, except for the completeness of the members in each group must involve at least 2 different faculties with a minimum of 6 members.

"Relax," Ayu said, the woman who the other day gave the news of the KKN where she had observed it with her brother. Sure enough, not for some time, Bima and Nur appeared, he said, the completeness of the members of 6 people involving 2 faculties had been approved.

"Sopo sing gabung Nur (who has joined Nur)?" Ayu asked,

"Temenku. kating, 2 angkatan di atas kita, satunya lagi, temannya.(My friend. Our older batch. and one more is his friend) " Relieved already, thought Widya.

All KKN decisions have been approved, consisting of 2 faculties with group and individual programs, for community service to be held for approximately 6 weeks.

Just waiting, briefing before departure. Long before the night of the debriefing, Widya said good-bye to his parents about the progress of the Community Service Program he was obliged to take. When Widya's parents asked where their KKN project was going, a look of dislike from her mother's expression.

"Gak onok nggon liyo, lapo kudu gok Kota B (there isn't any other place, why does it have to be city B)?" his mother's face stiffened. "Nggok kudu nggone Alas tok? Ra umum di nggoni gawe menungso (where is the place instead of the forest? Not good for humans to live in).

But after Widya explained that observations had been made before, his mother's face softened.

"Perasaane ibuk gak enak, opo gak isok diundur setahun maneh (My feelings are not good, can not be delayed for another year)."

Widya was reluctant to do it, so, even though it was hard, his parents were forced to agree.

Procurement day before departure. Widya, Ayu, Bima and Nur, their eyes looking around, worried, 2 people who should have participated in debriefing had not yet seen the bridge of his nose, until, before noon, 2 people appeared, greeted and introduced himself in front of them.

Wahyu and Anton. After the pleasantries, asking about the KKN plan from A to Z finished, they finally departed.

"Numpak opo dik kene (By What)?" Wahyu asked.

"Elf (minibus), mas(mas=to call older bro)," answered Nur.

"Numpak opo dik kene (until the village by Elf)?"

"Mboten mas. Berhenti di jalur Alas D engken enten sing jemput (no bro, then stop on the D forest path, someone will pick we up)," Nur said.

Hearing that, Widya asked Ayu. "Yu, deso'ne ra isok diliwati mobil ta (Yu, is the village can't be entered by car)?"

Ayu just shook her head. "Ra isok, tapi cedek kok tekan dalan gede, 45 menit palingan  (you can't, but it's close to a big road, 45 minutes, maybe)."

This is where the story begins. According to what Nur said, the car stopped at the entrance to the forest D, traveled 4 to 5 hours from the city of S. Without feeling the day was getting evening, plus an area close to the forest, making limited eye sight, not yet there, drizzle began to fall , already complete.

After waiting for almost half an hour, visible from afar, the light approaching, Nur and Ayu immediately said that they would deliver.

Apparently, who delivered were 6 middle-aged men, with worn out motorcycles.

"F*ck,  motorbike," Wahyu said, spontaneously. At that time there was something strange whether intentional or not, a statement that was considered normal in the city of S, responded differently by the man, his face looked unhappy, and sharply cynical seeing Wahyu.

Only, who pay attention to all the details, only Widya. Whatever it is, hopefully not a bad thing. In the middle of the drizzle, the muddy road, the trees on either side, they traveled with the sound of motorcycles that seemed to have just crashed, plus the terrain was up and down, making Widya think again.

It's been almost an hour, but the motorbike still goes further into the forest. Worried that what Ayu meant, half an hour past 15 minutes was half a day, Widya began to hope that everything would be over quickly.

On the way, none of the motorcyclists invited him to talk, strange. Are all the residents there quiet all.

The night grew darker, and the forest became lonelier. However, people say, where quiet and lonely are found, there are secrets kept tightly.

Now, regret had occurred to Widya's mind. Is he ready, spend the next 6 weeks, in a village, deep in the forest. When the sound of the motor broke the drizzle noise, from a distance, faint, a voice was heard.

Familiar sounds, with drum beats and gongs, followed by the sounds of kenong, kompyang, blend into the strains of gamelan sounds.

Is there anyone who is having a celebration nearby. And as the sound slowly faded away, a wooden gate appeared, welcoming them.

They arrived at W **** Village, where they will devote themselves for the next 6 weeks.

"Monggo (excuse me)," said the man, before leaving Widya on his motorcycle.

"Mrene rek (Come here)," Ayu shouted. Beside him stood a man, his face calm, with a thick mustache, wearing a typical eastern batik shirt, he stood as if he had been waiting for this.

"Kenalno, niki Pak Prabu, kepala desanya, koncone mas'ku. Pak Prabu, niki rencang kulo yang dari Kota S, mau melaksanakan kegiatan KKN di kampung panjenengan (Intruduce, this is Pak Prabu, the village head of my brother's friend. Pak Prabu, this  my friends from the city of S, who want to do KKN). "

Pak Prabu introduces himself, tells about the history of his village. In the middle of his story, Widya also asked why his village had to be this remote. With a happy laugh, Pak Prabu replied: "elosok yok nopo toh mbak, jarak ke dalan gede cuma setengah jam kok (how do you mean Miss, instead of the distance to the main road only 30 minutes)?"

Widya's confused look, greeted by the questioning of all his friends, as if the question was confusing.

"Mbak'e paling pegel, wes, tak anter nang ndi sedoyo bakal tinggal (maybe you are tired, so, let's not take you to the place where you live later)."

In the midst of the confusion, Ayu reprimanded Widya. "Maksudmu opo to Wid, takon koyok ngunu? Garai sungkan ae  (What do you mean Wid, why do you ask like that, make the situation feel bad)."

There, Widya realized, something was wrong.

The place to stay for men is a shack house that used to be used as a posyandu, but has been changed in such a way, even though it is grounded, but there is already a shadow (a sleeping bed) on a mat.

As for women, stay overnight in one of the residents' houses.

In the room, Widya also explained the meaning of his words to Pak Prabu, because during the trip, if it was felt by Widya himself, it was more than an hour. Ayu denied that the journey did not last that long. Strangely, Nur chose not to debate.

Nur, prefer to be quiet. "Ngene, awakmu krungu ora, nang dalan alas mau, onok suara gamelan ( did you hear or not, on the road, there was the sound of people playing gamelan)?"

"o paling onok hajatan lah, opo maneh  (yes, Maybe there are residents who have a celebration, whats more).?"

In contrast to Ayu, Nur looked at Widya in horror while speaking softly. Nur, who should be the most cheerful among them, said, "mbak, ra onok deso maneh nang kene, gak mungkin nek onok hajatan, nek jare wong biyen, krungu gamelan nang nggon kene, iku pertanda elek  (Sis, there can't be another village here) , there can't be an event nearby,  long ago people say, if you hear the sound of gamelan, that's a bad sign)

Thickened it, Ayu ignited and immediately accused Nur of speaking nonsense.

"Nur, ra usah ngomong aneh-aneh kui, awakmu yo melok observasi nang kene ambek aku, mosok gorong sedino wes ngomong ra masuk akal ngunu (Nur, don't talk carelessly about you, instead you take part in observing this village with me, not a day you said something that doesn't make sense). "

Ayu leaves, leaving Widya with Nur. At that time, Nur said, "mbak, aku yo krungu suara gamelan iku (Sis, I also heard the sound of the gamelan). Masalahe mbak, aku yo ndelok onok penari'ne nang dalan mau (the problem, I also saw someone dancing on the road)

"Astaghfirullah," said Widya not believe.

Nur stared at Widya, her tears were like forced out, Widya just hugged and tried to calm her down.

True said his mother the other day.

"Banyu semilir mlayu nang etan." (water always flows eastward) which means, that east is the place where all is gathered together, between the bad and the worst, and now, Widya must live in the easternmost forest.

Nur and Widya's story about the sound of the gamelan along the journey, was just the beginning, like a coffee still arrived at the sweetest taste, not until the bitterest taste.

Widya does believe in supernatural things, it is in the teachings of his religion. But this was the first time he felt that experience firsthand, even though it was only a sound. In contrast to Nur, his friend, he claimed to see what he shouldn't have seen.

Maybe Nur is more sensitive. Indeed, from the beginning, Nur was the most different of the others, only she was the one who wore the hijab, compared to Ayu and herself. Nur was the most religious, because as far as Widya knew, Nur was a famous boarding school in the city of "J".

Apart from all that, the experience of this Community Service Program, will never be forgotten by all these groups.

"Nur," said Widya still calmly. "Nur bisa ndak, cerita ini ojok sampe nyebar yo gok arek2, kan gak enak, nek sampe kerungu ambi warga deso, opo maneh kita di sini iku tamu, insyaallah, kabeh lancar, nggih (Nur, can you keep this story should not spread to friends. It won't be good, if the villagers hear it, especially if we are here as guests, God willing, everything will be fine, yeah). "

Nur nodded, although he was reluctant to answer Widya's sentence, and that night, without being felt passed by.

The next day, the group gathered, according to Pak Prabu's promise, today, going around the village, seeing all the proker that Ayu had proposed the other day, at the same time, asking for advice for individual proker that must be done by one child individually.

"Ngene iki, walaupun saya tinggal nang kene, aku yo pernah kuliah loh dek, sarjana lagi( even though I only live here, I have graduated as bachelor" said Pak Prabu, his language was mixed, mixed between Javanese and Indonesian,

Hearing that, Wahyu chimed in, "ku lo, rungokno bapak'e, walaupun wong deso, gak lali kuliah  ( listen him, even though he live in vilage, he doesn't forget to go to college)."

Wahyu continued, "what did your major, sir? Forestry?"

"No," he said casually, "agriculture."

"Lah ra onok sawah nang kene, piye toh pak (there's no rice field here, what do you do, sir)?"

"Yes, do you really think that just because you take agriculture, you have to go into the fields?"

Pak Prabu's answer instantly made laughter break. Widya glanced at Nur, he could be cheerful again, forgetting for a moment what happened last night.

They arrived at the first stop. A village funeral. Strange, that was the first time Widya thought, or maybe a group of people, in every headstone, was covered by a black cloth.

The cemetery itself, surrounded by a banyan tree and on every banyan tree, there is a large rock beside it. There, there is complete, offerings in front of him.

Nur who had joined in the laughter suddenly became silent. He lowered his head, as if he didn't want to see anything. That morning suddenly felt dark in Widya's mind.

"Ngapunten pak, niki nopo nggih kok...  (sorry sir, why is this ...)."

Widya has not finished speaking yet, Pak Prabu cut him off.

"I know, what do you want to say, you want to ask, how come the patek (tomb) is covered with cloth, isn't it?"

Widya nodded. the group looked seriously at Pak Prabu, with the exception of Wahyu and Anton. They heard a small laugh

"This is called Sangkarso, people faith here."

"It Let people know, There are cementery," explained Pak Prabu, the answer of which did not make a group of children satisfied, to the extent that Wahyu and Anton, though slowly deliberately quipped.

But Pak Prabu can hear it.

"Wong pekok yo isok mbedakno kuburan karo lapangan pak (a fool can also distinguish graves and ball fields sir)."

Pak Prabu who initially smiled full of jokes, suddenly silent, his face changed and unpredictable.

"Hopefully, you know what you said."

Pak Prabu's sentence was like a threatening emphasis, at least that was what Widya felt. Suddenly, Bima immediately responded by apologizing, but Wahyu and Anton chose silence after hearing Pak Prabu's response.


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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 25-1-2020 02:11 AM

"Monggo, sir, you can proceed to the next place."

The next place is sinden (pond, where water comes out of the ground). Pak Prabu said that this sinden could be the most promising Proker.

Not far from there is a river. You want Pak Prabu, Sinden and the river to be connected, so it becomes a kind of water way.

Imperceptibly, it was noon, Ayu and Widya had mapped out everything that Pak Prabu showed, giving him a sample of red to blue, from the most preferred to the most recently done.

However, still, during the trip, Widya found many oddities. The most striking oddity is, not once or twice, but many times, he saw many offerings placed on tempeh, complete with flowers and food placed there, plus the smell of incense, making Widya uneasy.

Every time he wants to ask, his little heart always says that it's not a good thing.

Nur, after being from Sinden, he was allowed to return home, because his body was not comfortable, Bima volunteered to deliver it. So, observation is only done by 4 people.

Then, at the most frightening point.

"Tipak talas." As Pak Prabu said, a boundary where a group of children is strictly forbidden to cross a haphazard road, on either side, there is a complete red cloth tied by a yellow leaf like a wedding.

"Why forbidden, sir?" Ayu asked curiously.

Pak Prabu was silent for a long time, as if he had prepared an answer but he was reluctant to say it.

"Iku ngunu Alas D****** , gak onok opo-opo'ne, wedine, nek sampeyan niki nekat, kalau hilang, lalu tersesat bagaimana (it's a wilderness, it's nothing, just consider, just be afraid if you go there, lost, lost, then how)? "

Once again, the answer was enough to make Widya sure it was not the truth. However, the feeling of being chilled to see the path was real.

Continue ??

So just telling me. This story is very long, because I have to write as much detail as possible for each incident during the 6 weeks. I do not want to lose every detail of the experience of the narrator.

Btw, when I heard this, I was weak every time I remember being told last Eid

The observation ended when Pak Prabu drove the group back to his house.

When he returned, Wahyu and Anton asked, where was the bathroom, he did not find the place where they were staying, apparently, every house in this village did not have a bathroom.

The reason why none of the houses has a bathroom is because of the difficulty of accessing water.

But, Pak Prabu explained, in the southern part of Sinden, beside the river, there is a booth with a large jug in it, there, it can be used for bathing.

Do not stop there, Pak Prabu said that from today, the jug in the cubicle will be tried to always be fully loaded, especially for bathing girls.

For men, it can fill water in a jug by drawing water from the river.

All children seemed to understand, although Wahyu and Anton's faces seemed objected, but they could not do anything.

Upon returning to the inn, Widya saw Nur sleeping, the day ended with a meeting with all the children, then returned to the room to work on the report.

Late in the evening Nur was awake. At that moment, Widya asked him to take her to go to the bathroom in the booth next to Sinden. At first Nur did not seem to want to, but because he was forced to, he finally joined with the note, Nur was the first to enter the room.

Widya agrees. He doesn't think weird.

During the trip, he saw every house that was passed by, on average the same, all house tepan (wall in front) left and right of gedek (bamboo plaited), the sky was red, and after a decent distance, they finally arrived at Sinden.

The sinden building resembles a small temple. The difference is, the pool is square 4 with clear but mossy water, after searching from sinden, the room was found right next to the tamarind tree, which was huge, shady, but terrible.

I was doubtful, but Widya said to continue. Apparently true, there was a large jug inside the cubicle.

The water is also full in the jug, Nur enters, while Widya waits in front of the cubicle, his eyes cannot escape from the sinden building which somehow seems to attract his attention, beside him, there is that offering.

From inside the room, the sound of rinsing water from Nur, after trying to divert attention from Sinden, Widya realized, there was a smell of incense near where he stood, in the search for the fragrance, sure enough, beside the tamarind tree there were offerings.

What's worse, the embers of incense had just been burned.

Between fear and surprise, Widya returned to the cubicle door, and from inside, the sound of rinsing water was not heard.

"Nur, Nur," shouted Widya while banging on the wooden door, strangely, silently, there was no answer from inside.


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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 24-1-2020 08:58 PM

Still trying  called, there was a faint, low voice, so soft that Widya had to put his ear to the cubicle door.

The voice of someone in the nose.

The song itself resembles the song of Java, the sound is very soft, very soft like a singer.

"Nur, open Nur !! Open!" spontaneously banged on the door loudly, and when the door opened, Nur looked at Widya with a panicked expression.

"Nyapo to, Wid (why the hell is Wid)?"

Widya's odd expression made Nur confused, especially her facial expression stealing the inside view of the room. "Ayo ndang adus, gantian, aku sing gok jobo (let's take a quick shower, change it so I take care of the outside)."

Shocked, Widya was doubtful, seeing beside the cubicle there was an offering, Widya didn't know what to tell Nur about, but hesitantly, Widya finally rushed into the cubicle, closing the door.

The inside of the chamber was very moist, the wood inside was covered in black moss, in front there was a large jug, half of the water had been used, grabbed a dipper made from coconut shells with teak handles tied with tendrils, Widya began to open his clothes slowly.

Still imagined the singing of the song earlier, Widya stole a glance, he was not alone.

The atmosphere is like there is a figure who sees and observes it, from head to toe, the figure is like the face of a beautiful and beautiful woman, the problem is, Widya does not know who owns the face.

He stood in front of the jug, his clothes were dated, reaching for the first water to wash his body, Widya felt the cold water rinse his body.

Silent, lonely, Nur did not speak outside the room, giving a sensation of solitude that made the hair on the back goose bumps. Every splash of water on his head, made Widya close his eyes and every time he closed his eyes, pictured that beautiful and beautiful face was smiling at him.

Who owns the beautiful face?

Then, the song was heard again, Widya turned around, watching his voice from outside the room, where Nur stood alone. Is it Nur who is having a nose?

That question, stuck hard in Widya's head. After the bathing event that afternoon, on the way home, Widya stole a glance at Nur, his eyes watched, as if he did not believe, then he asked.

"Nur, awakmu isok kidung jawa ya (Nur, can you hum a Javanese song)?"

Nur watched Widya, then, he was silent.

Nur left without answering a word from Widya's question. He seemed to carry his own secret, without wanting to share the secret.

Electricity in this village uses generator power, so when the clock shows 9 o'clock the lights are gone, replaced with petromacs. Nur had gone to sleep, only Widya and Ayu were still completing the progress for the proker tomorrow.

Widya still remembered the incident this afternoon.

Actually Widya wanted to tell a story, but if she saw Ayu's response yesterday, it seemed like she would be sprayed and lead to a midnight speech.

In the midst of their silence working on progress, suddenly Ayu said something that made Widya interested. "Mau aku ambek Bima, ngecek progres gawe pembuangan, pas muter deso, iling gak ambek Tapak talas, tibakne, gak adoh tekan kunu, onok omah sanggar.(I was with Bima, checking progress for disposal, when going around the village, remember not at Tread Tilas, apparently, not far from there, there was an old building resembling a studio)

Widya was silent for a few moments, processing Ayu's sentence

"Loh, awakmu kan wes reti nek gak oleh mrunu (Loh, don't you already understand that it's prohibited to be there) !!"

"Not me," Ayu protested, "Iku ngunu Bima sing ngajak (Bima Invited). Jarene, onok wedon ayu mlaku mrunu, fit in tut'i, ra onok tibak ne (he said there were beautiful women, right there were none) . "

"Lah trus, awakmu tetep ae mrunu  (keep you going there)?"

"Cah iki, yo kan aku ngejar Bima, opo di umbarke ae cah kui ngilang (this child, I am chasing Bima, will he just let the child disappear)?"

Their debate stopped there, but Widya's feelings grew worse. Since stepping on this village, everything feels like chaos.

Because the night was getting late, Widya went to his room, where he saw Nur, already asleep in his sleep. Ayu also followed later, hoping that tonight would soon pass.

Suddenly there were footsteps when Widya saw what was happening, Nur's shadow stepped out. Doubtful, if she wanted to wake Ayu, Widya moved from where she slept, walked, and pursued Nur.

The house was completely dark, the owner of the house seemed to have fallen asleep in his room, in front of Widya, the door of the house was wide open, slowly, Widya stepped there.

The night was very dark, darker than Widya predicted. The shadow of the tree seemed bigger than usual and the faint sound of the night animal was very quiet, very quiet. He looked here and there looking for where Nur was, Widya was stunned to see Nur, in front of him.

Nur stood on the front square of the house, she danced very gracefully, barefoot, Nur waddled like a professional dancer.

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 24-1-2020 08:57 PM

Widya, stunned to see his friend like that. Doubtfully, Widya approached him. Nur never thought that she could dance like this.

"Nur," called Widya, but Nur's figure seemed not to listen to him, he was still wadding, his eyes glanced at Widya several times, horrified, suddenly the hair on his neck felt standing up when he looked at him.

From afar, faint, the drums are heard again, Widya is increasingly made afraid, the gamelan drum responded, mixed with the Nur dance which was like following the strains.

Feet like running and stepping into the house, but Nur is getting crazy, he is still dancing with an odd smile on his lips. Until finally Widya forced Nur to stop the dance. He shouted asking his friend to stop acting weird. And that's when, Nur's face turned into a very scary face.

His eyes were sharp, with almost all black eyes. Widya screamed uncontrollably. The next time someone held Widya very strongly, shaking him while calling his name, Wahyu.

Widya saw Wahyu staring at him with a confused look plus fear.

"Bengi-bengi lapo As *, nari-nari gak jelas nang kene (what are you doing at night d*g!! dancing alone here alone) !!"

Widya's scream apparently woke everyone, including the house owner. Widya saw the look in everyone's eyes, including Nur, who apparently had just come out of the house.

"Onok opo to ndok (what's up kid)?" that sentence was the first time Widya heard. The owner of the house looked worried, but Widya was more focused on Nur, he also looked at himself, they were both dazed at each other.

The incident ended with the story of Revelation.

Wahyu told everything, initially he just wanted to smoke a cigarette while sitting on the porch of the posyandu, then he accidentally saw someone, alone, dancing in the field, out of curiosity, Wahyu approached, until Wahyu realized that the dancing was Widya.

All who listened to Wahyu's story could only stare, no one commented. The landlord finally ordered them all to disperse and enter the house again, because it was getting late.

The owner of the house, promised to tell this to Pak Prabu. But there is one thing, Revelation deliberately did not tell, later, he will explain everything.

But that night, it was truly a crazy night, as if it opened the series of events that they would face in the midst of their KKN assignments into the most serious situations.

Everyone has gathered, fulfilling Pak Prabu's call. He asked about the chronology of events. Ayu claimed not to know, Widya said he was chasing Nur who went out of the house, but Nur said he only went to the kitchen to look for drinking water.

All of these explanations did not help at all, but it appeared from the face of Pak Prabu, he was more interested in how Widya could dance if he just backgrounded that he claimed he had never learned to dance before

That day, Pak Prabu asked Widya, Ayu and Wahyu, to accompany him. Nur left, he still had to work on his individual proker.

Armed with an old motorbike that was used to take them into the village, this time it was used to take them to someone's house.

Wahyu with Widya, Pak Prabu rode with Ayu. The path they took was almost the same as the track the other day, strangely, this time Widya felt himself, to get to the highway in less than an hour, not even 30 minutes, then, how could he feel that slow time at night when people villagers pick up.

The house that Pak Prabu visited, apparently someone's house.

Crossing the main road, then entering again into an artificial path, the house is nice, in fact it can be said to be the best compared to the houses of the villagers, only, the house stands in the middle of another wilderness.

Fenced in red brick, with lots of yellow bamboo, the house looks very old, but still pleasing to the eye.

In front of the house, there are parents, grandparents, elderly, standing like they already know that today there will be guests visiting. No one knew the name of the grandfather, but Pak Prabu called him Mbah Buyut. After Mr. Prabu finished telling everything, mbah Buyut's face looked normal, not interested at all in the story of Pak Prabu who even made all the children still could not understand.

Every now and then Mbah Buyut is seen staring at Widya, seemingly stealing glances, but that's how it is, just stealing glances, nothing more.

With a hoarse voice, Mbah Buyut went into the house, he returned with 5 cups of coffee served in front of them.

"Monggo (please)," he said, his eyes on Widya.

Seeing that, Widya refused, saying he had never drank coffee, but mbah Buyut's odd smile made Widya feel reluctant, which in the end he took a sip of coffee even though only one sip.

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 24-1-2020 09:11 PM

Sweet coffee, there is jasmine aroma in it, which initially Widya was just trying to unconsciously, the coffee cup was empty.

Not only Widya, everyone was reprimanded for tasting his coffee, he said, it was not good to refuse the host's gift. All finally tried it.

Next, Wahyu and Ayu were shocked to death, until they had to spit out the coffee they were gulping down, their faces confused, because the taste of the coffee was not only bitter, but very bitter, so it could not be tolerated into the throat.

Strangely, Pak Prabu gulped down that ordinary coffee. "Well," said Mbah Buyut, he used Javanese so softly that his words were sometimes incomprehensible to all children. There are dancer and watchman sentences, but the others cannot be digested.

He pointed Widya directly in front of his face, his face was very serious.

Pak Prabu listened carefully, then said goodbye home.

Before they left, Mbah Buyut gave turmeric right on Widya's forehead, he said to look after Widya.

The purpose of the visit was unknown. During the trip, Pak Prabu told me about coffee. The coffee served by Mbah Buyut was Ireng Coffee which was specially formulated to summon softlings, demits and the like.

Not coffee for humans, those who have never tried it, will surely spit it out. However, for the supernatural creature and the like, coffee is very sweet.

All children look at Widya. But Pak Prabu immediately said something else. "Sepurane sing akeh nduk, sampeyan onok sing ngetut'i  (sorry, kid, you, someone is following)."

In addition to saying that, Pak Prabu also said that there was no need to be afraid, because Widya would not necessarily be done with anything, only followed. More importantly, Widya must not be left alone, there must always be someone accompanying him. For that, Pak Prabu has an idea. Starting tonight, they will live in one house, only separated by a divider from woven bamboo, Pak Prabu only asks for one thing, do not violate ethics and norms.

The meeting was also asked not to be told to anyone anymore, even Nur, Anton and Bima.

Their new residence is right at the end, quite large, and former family homes that migrate, at the same time this answers the question why it is rarely found children of their age in this village, apparently, most of the children who are of puberty must go abroad.

Behind the house, there is a large stone (watu), with several banana trees and surrounded by complete leaves.

Anton initially did not agree that they moved, because the atmosphere of the house was indeed uncomfortable and could be seen from the outside, but this was the order from Pak Prabu. After the incident, Ayu slightly avoided Widya.

Widya understood that, but Wahyu, on the contrary, approached Widya and encouraged him not to digest the old man's message outright.

Revelation here tells of events that he did not tell about the night of the incident. "Wid, kancamu cah lanang iku, gak popo tah? (Wid, Is your male friend  fine)?"

"What do you mean, mas?"

"Cah iku, ben bengi metu Wid, emboh nang ndi, trus biasane balik-balik nek isuk, opo garap proker tapi kok bengi (your friend, every night comes out Wid, who knows where, usually usually just back in the morning, what is working on prokernya but why does it have to be night)? "

"Ra paham aku mas  (I don't know mas)."

"Then," Wahyu said, "aku sering rungokno, cah iku ngomong dewe nang kamar ( (I often hear the child talking alone in the room)."

"Ra mungkin tah mas (Imposible mas)."

"Sumpah!! Gak iku tok, kadang, cah iku koyok ngguyu-ngguyu dewe, stress palingan (I swear !! not only that, sometimes he laughs by himself, sometimes the kid is crazy)."

"Bima iku religius mas, ra mungkin aneh-aneh  (Bima is religious, may not be strange)."

"Yo wes, takono Anton nek ra percoyo, bengi sak durunge aku eroh awakmu nari, Bima asline onok nang kunu, arek'e ndelok tekan cendelo, paham awakmu sak iki. Gendeng cah iku. (Alraight, ask Anton if you don't believe, the night before the incident, Bima was actually in the scene, he just saw you from the window, understand you now, he is Crazy). "

Widya was silent for a long time, processing the sentence, he saw Wahyu leave with an annoyed expression.

At night all the children had gathered, Nur was in the room, she was praying.

Widya in the living room alone, while Ayu, Wahyu and Anton chatting on the porch of the house, Bima, there was a meeting with Pak Prabu.

Before the sound of the hymn was heard again, his voice came from the pawon (kitchen) to reach the pawon, Widya passed through the room, where Nur was prostrating, the longer, the more clearly her voice was heard.

Pawon of this house was only closed by curtains, when Widya opened the curtain, he saw Nur, gulping water from a jug, complete with her face.

Widya frozen, silent, for a long time, until Nur who took a sip from the pitcher saw it.

Their eyes looked at each other.

"Lapo Wid (why Wid)?" Nur asked.

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 24-1-2020 09:28 PM

Widya was still silent, Nur approached Widya, instantly Widya ran away, and saw the contents of the room, there, there was no Nur

"Onok opo toh asline (what's the truth actually)?" Nur asked, now beside Widya, he was holding Widya's shoulder.

Cold, Widya's hands were still trembling, until all the children saw them and then approached him.

"Lapo kok rame'ne  (why is it so crowded)," Ayu said.

"Gak eroh, cah iki ket maeng dijak ngomong ra njawab-njawab  (I don't know, this child was asked from earlier not answering)."

"Lapo Wid?" Wahyu approaches

"Tanganmu kok gemeteran ngene, onok opo sih  (why is your hand trembling like this, what's wrong)?" Anton asked.

"Nur, jupukno ngombe kunu loh, kok tambah meneng ae (Nur, get me some water, don't just be quiet)," Anton said.

Nur returned with the pitcher of jug earlier, he gave it to Widya, and Widya then gulped it down. Then, suddenly Widya was silent again making everyone confused.

Widya's left hand is still holding the teapot, while his right hand, raised then goes into the mouth, there, Widya tries to take something, there are 2 to 3 strands of black hair, long, and it comes out of Widya's mouth.

All who watched, inched back, shocked. Once the lid is opened, inside, there is a wad of hair, really a wad of hair with water in it.

Nur who saw it immediately reacted. "Aku mau yo ngombe teko kunu, gak eroh aku onok barang ngunu'ne (I also drank from there, I didn't see anything like that)."

Widya threw up uncontrollably. When the situation was tense like that, Anton suddenly said, "awakmu diincer yo Wid, jare mbahku, nek onok rambut gak koro metu, iku biasane nek gak disantet yo diincer demit.( You're targeted, Wid, my grandmother said, if suddenly hair appears, it's usually you either get witchcraft or targeted  by ghosts.)"

Nur, then say it.

"Wid, opo penari iku jek ngetuti awakmu?, soale ket wingi aku wes ra ndelok gok mburimu maneh (Wid, did the dancer still follow you?, because from yesterday I haven't seen him behind you)."

Days after Nur's confession, made Widya more alarmed, he fell ill for 3 days, and during that time, Widya was lying on a mat.

Nur did not continue the story, because he said he had said it wrong, he should have withheld the story.

As long as Widya lay sick, he was often left alone in the house, and during his stay in the house, there was an incident that Widya would never forget.

It all started when he just lay on the mat. Ayu and Nur say goodbye to starting their program. The boys also start their respective proker.

Supposedly, there was no one in the house. However, that afternoon the sound of something being beaten. That caused curiosity, his voice like a clash between hard plates.

At first Widya ignored him, but the longer Widya could not stand it and finally examined it.

The sound was heard behind the house, right next to the wasp (kitchen). So Widya went there, when he arrived at the door of the wasp, which was made of wood, Widya stopped, between the doors.

Widya peeked. How confused Widya, seeing among the banana trees, there was a man, his age ranged between 50, wearing black clothes the style of people who will garden, he stood between the banana trees.

His eyes seemed to oversee the house that was Widya's inn during the Community Service Program.

For a long time, the man stood watching the Widya inn, his movements very suspicious, as if he wanted to enter the house. However, the man hesitated.

Fear, suddenly felt inside Widya, then, after a few minutes, the man left the place.

Relieved, the man left, Widya intends to return to the room, there he saw Anton, had just entered the house, they passed each other, stupidly, Widya did not tell Anton and the other children, because the next day, the same event, returned repeated.

Beginning with the same loud noise, Widya returned to peek, this time, the man was bolder, he looked here and there, approached the inn and several times tried to peek, from his movements, it seemed that the man intended badly, the problem, what he wanted search here.

Thinking about that, Widya suddenly seemed to remember, he was only in this house alone, a woman, alone in the house, and a strange man, approached the house.

Especially if it's not for a moment, when the man is standing in front of the wasp's door, the sound startles him. The loud sound was apparently from the rock behind the wasp, so loud that it made the man run away helplessly, Widya watched it for himself.

Someone throws a pretty big stone, right on the item (stone) behind the house. So the man panicked and left.

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 29-1-2020 08:37 PM

Widya went along. Widya reported it to Pak Prabu, who was surprised to hear it. Looked for the man and get caught. Apparently he is a villager there. When asked what he was doing at the KKN children 's home, the man said something, whether true or not, when he saw a woman. The woman who saw this man, wearing clothes like a lady-in-waiting (dancer) and he entered this house.

But because he was afraid of being suspected of doing bad things, he examined it secretly. But, on the day he ran away, he saw something in the house wasps. He saw her in the wasps of the house, he was dancing gracefully.

Shortly before he saw his face, the man was shocked to death, because behind the woman's face, which was allegedly beautiful, apparently innocent, there was no shape.

What the man said was indeed not to be trusted, but Pak Prabu had no further evidence, so Pak Prabu only rebuked him for not doing that again, the man left.

However, Pak Prabu said something else that made Widya horrified.

"Onok sing nyoba ngbari sampeyan mbak (someone tried to give a message to you, sis)."

"Sinten Pak (who is Sir)?"

"Mbah-mbah sing nunggu nang watu item (grandfather of stone guardians)."

After the incident, Widya was asked to go to Pak Prabu's house if he was still ill. However, there was another incident that Widya experienced, this time involving Nur.

It was noon, Widya was working on the proker, which had been delayed several days. Wahyu approached Widya, he offered the opportunity to leave the village. While having to buy equipment for the progress of work that must be purchased in the city.

"Melu Mboten (come along)?"

"Adoh gak (far or no)?"

"2 hours," Wahyu said.

"Aku wes ijin Pak Prabu, oleh nyilih motor'e (I already have permission from Pak Prabu, may I borrow the motorbike)."

"Nggih pon, melu (that's it, join)."

Wahyu looked at the clock in his hand, 11 o'clock, he had to quickly finish his business in the city. Because just before asking for permission, Pak Prabu had warned to return before evening.

When Wahyu asked why it had to be like that, there was an easy trail to enter this forest.

With an unpredictable face, Pak Prabu said, "gak onok sing ngerti opo sing onok gok jero'ne alas le (no one ever knows what lives in the jungle boy)."

They departed through the path. Then he reached the big highway, traveling along it, far, very far. Until finally they arrived at the city B. There they stopped at a market, Wahyu and Widya began to look for all their needs.

Approximately after 2 hours of searching here and there and after getting it, they immediately returned quickly.

Wahyu stopped at the gas station, he had to return the motorbike in full petrol state, ethics when borrowing other people's things.

The clock showed 4, it was too late. For a moment he saw Widya from afar, he stopped right beside the cilok seller. When Wahyu got there, he bought some cilok for Widya and himself. At that moment, the cilok seller saw it as if he wanted to say something.

"Masnya pendatang (Are you a visitor).?" said the person.

"Mboten Sir, kulo KKN ten mriki (no sir, I'm just community service program here)."

"Still, wong joboh to (still, outsiders, right)," said the seller, still seeing Widya and Wahyu alternately.

"Mbok oleh takon, dimana mas KKN?(May I ask, Where are you doing KKN?"

Wahyu told everything, including the place of the Community Service Program, at that time the change in the seller's face was very clear.

"Loh, sampeyan berarti mari iki liwat Alas D********* (you came here passed the D********** woods )?"

"Yes sir (yes sir)."

"Loh, loh, halah dalah, wes yang mene mas, opo ra isok mene ae mas, sampeyan golek penginapan ae, soale nek jam yang mene, jarang onok sing liwat  (already at this hour, bro, can't tomorrow, bro, just look for it lodging, because at this hour there is rarely a pass), "said the seller man.

"Mboten sir, kulo bablas mawon (no sir, I'll just continue)," Wahyu said.

"Ngeten mas, iso kulo nyuwun when'ne sampeyan (like this, can I ask for a moment)?" The cilok seller, suddenly said that with a tense face.

"Yes sir," Wahyu said.

Widya, who had been silent, only listened when the cilok seller told them what to do when they entered Alas. **********

"Ngeten mas (like this, mas)."

"Engken, bade sampun mlebet nang Alas'e sampeyan mlaku ae teros (later after you arrive and enter the forest road, just keep going)."

"Ora usah mandek, utowo ngeladeni opo ae, ngerti ya mas (no need to stop, let alone take care of anything, to this point, understand, mas)."

"Ojok lali, moco dungo'e sing katah" (don't forget the many prayers). "

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 24-1-2020 10:23 PM

"Sing paling penting, nek sampeyan krungu suoro ra onok wujud'e, tetep lanjut, bade sampeyan sampe digawe ciloko, nek isok lanjut, lanjut ae, ra usah diurus mas, sampeyan percoyo ae, dungo nggih. (Most important, if you guys hear sounds without form, just keep going. If until you are harmed, then you can still continue, just continue, never stop there, the important thing is not to care, you just believe, pray also prioritize). "

Widya had never heard of anyone telling a story with a tense expression on his face, even his lips were trembling while telling him.

"Kulo dongakno sampeyan sampeyan selamet sampai nang tujuan (I wish you all safe luck)."

Right when the sky was reddish, they continued on their way. Behind, Widya began to feel the cold wind, just passing by him.

It was never thought, the entrance to the forest, darker when evening was approaching.

The light of the motorbike driven by Wahyu through the darkness of the night, the flash of the forest trees on either side of the road became an inevitable sight. Only the sound of a motorbike that is able to turn off the quiet quiet along the road, because sure enough, not found any other motorists here.

Wahyu tried to dilute the atmosphere by wishing what if a motorcycle broke down or a tire erupted in the middle of the forest while none of the riders had passed yet.

Widya only responded wryly, was afraid if Wahyu's assumption happened to them, and sure enough, their motorcycle broke down right after Wahyu said that.

Widya, silent a thousand languages, things less smart than humans since long ago is to think of something bad in bad conditions that they should not even do when prayer can be answered at any time.

"Mlaku o disek, ben aku isok nyawang awakmu (just go first, so I can keep monitoring you)," Wahyu said.

Could not stand hearing the number of times the word "idiot" came out of Widya's mouth, as long as they walked alone down this road while trying to start a motorcycle.

I don't know how long they walked, and still not found a single driver who was asked for help.

Wahyu still saw Widya, walking alone in front, not even once his face looked at Wahyu as if Wahyu had made the most fatal mistake, Wahyu had ever made. Until, his footsteps stopped.

Widya, stopping his footsteps, Wahyu who saw that, suddenly felt something was wrong, for sure.

"Nek sampek awakmu kesurupan, bener-bener parah awakmu, gak isok ndelok sikonku nyurung montor ket mau (If you get possessed, it's really too much of you, can't you see my condition has been tired of pushing the motorbike from earlier)."

Widya saw Wahyu, their eyes looked at each other.

"Yu, krungu ora? Suara mantenan (Yu, do you hear me? There is a sound of celebration)?"

Not to say Widya was crazy, but, Wahyu also heard it, and the voice was not far from their place.

"Wid, eleng gak, jare wong dodol cilok, nek onok opo-opo lanjut ae  (Wid, remember not to say cilok seller, don't stop even if there is anything, we continue)."

As Wahyu said, Widya continued his journey, the more they walked, the louder the noise was, and the longer it was, accompanied by the laughing sounds of people who were having a celebration.

Until, he saw, there was a curved yellow leaf. There, Widya saw a party, right in a field next to a highway, like a village area. There, complete with the people, also the stage where the music is sung.

Wahyu and Widya, remained silent for a long time, as if pensive to ensure that what they saw was human.

There was no wind, there was no rain, Wahyu and Widya choked when a bent old man asked suddenly right beside them.

"Nopo le (what's up kid)?" very soft voice, very fine. "Sepeda'e mblodok (Your bike is stalled)?"

Wahyu and Widya just nodded, resignedly.

The parent calls the younger children, then guides the bicycle. Stopping off the highway, not forgetting, the parents invited Wahyu and Widya to rest for a while, while waiting for the motor to be fixed.

The atmosphere is busy, everyone is busy with their own business. Some are joking, there are chatting with each other, there are those who enjoy the strains of gamelan beating in rhythm, complete with the bride who looks far from where Wahyu and Widya sit.

"Aku ra eroh nek onok kampung nang kene (I didn't know there was a village here)."

Widya just said nothing, his eyes focused on the stage, in front of the gamelan player there was still space. What program will they hold with such a large space.

Apparently, Widya's question was immediately answered. From far away, the jasmine aroma suddenly smelled. a familiar aroma for Widya, followed by a crowd of people.

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:43 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 24-1-2020 10:40 PM

In front of him is a dancer, he is led up to the stage. Then, everyone looked at one point, where the dancers began to waddle on the stage. All eyes, like hypnotized to see it.

"Ayu'ne curr !!" (How beautifull ), "Wahyu said

Confused, was it just a feeling, the dancer's eyes stole several glances at Widya. He seemed to know the dancer, but, no one knew who the dancer was. Until the old man returned, offering them food. Wahyu, who might be hungry, devoured everything from lemper to apem in front of him, while conversing with the old man.

However, Widya prefers to see the dancer, he is able to make everyone look at him, staring at him with a hypnotic look.

After the dancer got off the stage, the father said, their motorbike was finished, could be ridden again, sure enough.

Their motorbike can be used again. Before leaving, Wahyu and Widya said goodbye, they were thankful for wanting to help those in distress.

The father nodded, saying they must be careful, not forgetting the father gave a gift, showing its contents to Wahyu and Widya. It was a snack that was served earlier, wrapped it in newspaper. Widya accepted it, said thanks again, then continued to leave.

Nothing is as cool as Wahyu, who continues to talk about the beauty of the dancer, her age range may be older than theirs, however, the way she dresses up, can cover her age so that from a distance, her beauty looks so hard to describe.

Widya, more interested in the village. For whatever sake, during the trip, not even one village was found, let alone a village, there were no stalls at all.

However, Wahyu's motorbike is really correct, and they sincerely help without asking anything. So, by any chance, ghosts can fix a motorcycle.

One who tried to believe Widya, maybe they did not just see the village, most importantly, on this path, their KKN village was getting closer.

Arriving at the village, Wahyu went to return the motorbike, while Widya had been waited by all the children, they were worried, standing waiting on the terrace of the house.

"Tekan ndi seh? Kok suwe'ne (where's that from? How long does it take)," Ayu said,

"Tekan Kota, belonjo keperluan kene (from the city shopping for our needs)."

Nur looked away to see Widya. It is normal, sometimes Nur is like that, after he told the story yesterday, he no longer wanted to talk about it. Now, he was moving away from Widya a bit, and he felt that, very much.

In the tense atmosphere, only Bima tried to break the ice.

"Wes ta lah, kok kaku ngene seh  (never mind, it's awkward)."

Bima took Widya, told him to enter the house.

"Awakmu pegel, kan (you must be tired, right)."

Not for some time, Wahyu had come, he entered the house without wasting time, instead of taking a break, Wahyu with a passionate voice told me if he had just experienced an incident not wearing a motorcycle incident, until he was helped, a villager.

Do not forget, he told me about the dancers he met, her beauty, she told me everything.

It is not the greeting that Wahyu gets, but the look of confusion that Wahyu first sees.

"Ra onok deso maneh nang kene (there are no more villages here)," Bima said. The Wahyu that heard it was not received.

"Eroh tekan ndi awakmu  (know where you are)?"

"Aku wes sering nang kota (I've been to the city a lot)."

"Prokerku onok hubungane ambek program hasil alam, dadi sering melu nang kota mabek wong kene (My work proggram is related to the natural products program, so it often goes to the city with people here)

"Sampe sak iki, aku rong eroh onok deso maneh nang kene  (until now, I have not found another village near here)."

"Ngomong opo, mbujuk (what are you talking about, cheating)," Wahyu said furiously.

"Mas," said Nur, "pancen ra onok deso maneh nang kene, kan wes tau dibahas  (Mas, there really isn't another village here, it has already been discussed before)."

"Koen kabeh nek ra percoyo, tak dudui bukti, nek aku ketemu wong deso liane (if you don't believe, don't give proof if there is another village around here)."

Widya, who had been silent all of a sudden, was pulled by Wahyu.

"Takono ambek Widya nek ra percoyo (ask Widya if he doesn't believe it)."

Widya is still silent for a long time. While the others waited for Widya to speak, the thing that made Widya confused was, coffee.

Conscious or not, Widya could feel the sweet aroma of coffee in the snacks he tasted, the taste was exactly the same.

Because they were impatient, Wahyu forcibly opened Widya's bag and took the parcel, not the newspaper that Wahyu found, but, a banana leaf wrapped in a snack given by the old man. Right when Wahyu opened the parcel.

Everyone saw the contents in the parcel, slimy, and the aroma was very fishy, ​​no doubt, in the parcel was the head of a monkey that was still fresh with blood on its banana leaves.

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 24-1-2020 10:48 PM

After the incident that night, Wahyu locked himself in his room for 3 days. Sometimes, he still doesn't believe in it. However, when remembering how the heads of the monkeys fell from his hands, the feeling of nausea will again make Wahyu have to spit out his bowels.

Widya just repeat the phrase Grandfather, do not refuse the gift of the host.

In fact, Wahyu and Widya were correct, even though he knew that it was strange, but they had to taste it, the problem was, only Widya was aware that it wasn't human who accompanied them.

If only, Widya said the peculiarity to Wahyu, refused their help, refused their gift.

Maybe the storyline of all this will be completely different, you can. Instead, such rejection will bring disaster (disaster) for them.

Whatever it is, Widya has understood one thing, there is an indirect relationship about him and the dancer.

That night, Widya had just finished seeing his proker who was assisted by several villagers. When the sky was completely dark, Widya walked along the village footpath.

As usual, the sound of night animals began to be heard, he continued walking to see the house where they were staying.

The others should have been at home, either by paying in installments or maybe taking a break. But strangely, the petromax lamp that was supposed to turn on in front of the house, died, making the house look quieter, darker, and more terrible. As if the house is calling his name.

Wes was ordinary, Widya thought, establishing his heart. This house is still relatively new to Widya and others. However, the other day, hearing that there was a guard behind the house, made Widya sometimes uneasy, and some odd events had almost never happened to Widya.

It's just what Widya experienced, whether they also experienced, it's just that they cover and prefer silence.

Now, Widya was at the door, knocked on him, said hello, and then stepped inside. He saw the living room, where Ayu used to be there, wrote a report.

Unfortunately there was no Ayu there. only an empty room. Even on the porch, Wahyu and Anto were supposed to be there, joking around what they were doing today in the company of cigarette smoke from their mouths, or the voice of Nur who was studying the Koran and Bima who didn't know what he was doing.

During his stay in this house, only Bima, who still feels strange to Widya. Unfortunately, that night, none of the residents of this house were found. Is Widya too late to go home, while the others are still busy taking care of their respective proker together with residents.

I have no idea. Widya prepares to enter the room. When, a flash of that uncomfortable feeling arises.

Feeling as if someone is watching from somewhere, and cause a feeling of palpitations in the chest. When, the sound of laughter was heard from the house's pawon (kitchen), that's when, Widya was sure, something was there.

Something that is no longer new, he must examine it. When Widya pushed aside the curtain, he saw Nur, sitting in a wooden chair, his eyes staring straight at where Widya was standing.

He still wore his white mukena as if, he had just performed his prayer and had not removed his face, only, why was he sitting quietly like that.

"Nur, what are you doing?" said Widya.

Nur is still silent, her eyes are like those of an empty person.

At that moment, Widya saw Nur bowing her head in that sitting position, as if she had fallen asleep on her wooden chair. Make Widya panic, approach him.

Widya shook his body, but Nur did not budge, when Widya tried to touch his cold skin, Nur woke up and glared at Widya. His gaze, like someone who is very angry.

"Cah Ayu (beautiful child)."

That was the first thing Widya heard from Nur. It's just that, his voice, it's not Nur's voice. His voice resembles an elderly woman. Screeching, making Widya's neck hair stand up immediately.

However, when Widya tried to leave, his hand was gripped very strong.

"Kerasan nak nang kene (feel at home here)?"

Widya did not answer a word, his voice reminded him of his own grandmother, really shrill.

"Yo opo cah ayu, wes ngertos badarawuhi (how is a beautiful child, already know the watchman here)?"

Widya starts crying.

"Lo, lo, lo, cah ayu ra oleh nangis, gak apik (beautiful girl don't cry)."

His eyes were still glaring, Widya's wrist was grabbed by Nur's fingernail.

"Cah lanang sing ngganteng iku ae wes kenal loh kale Badarawuhi (the handsome boy already knew Her)."

"Nur," said Widya while he could not contain his fear anymore, the atmosphere in the room was really new this time could make Widya this scared.

"Iling Nur, iling (conscious Nur, conscious)!"

Nur laughed louder, her laughter really resembled laughter which made Widya silent and afraid.

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 05:48 PM | Show all posts
Edited by amandel at 24-1-2020 11:04 PM

"Awakmu gak ngerti, sopo aku(you don't understand who I am)?"

"Mbok pikir, nek gak onok aku, cah ndablek model koncomu sing gowo bolo alus nang kene isok nyilokoi putu'ku, aku, sing jogo Nur sampe sak iki, ra tak umbar, bolo alus nyedeki putuku, ngerti (You think, if there is no me, bad boy like your friend who has brought a evils here can harm my granddaughter, I who have been guarding her, I will not let them approach my granddaughter, understand)"

"Cah ayu, kancamu siji bakal ra isok balik. Nek awakmu rong sadar, opo sing bakal kedaden, tak ilingno, cah ganteng iku, bakal gowo ciloko, nyeret kabeh nang petoko nang deso iki.  (Beautiful child, one of your friends will not be able to come back, if you are not aware, everything will happen, remind the child, who is carrying a disaster if left unchecked, all will be affected by the stone in this village)

After saying that, Nur shouted very loudly, then fell flat.

Widya carried Nur back to his room, waited for him until he woke up from his stupor, and sure enough, he didn't know why he could fall asleep, maybe too carried away during prayer.

Nur told me when she was at the cottage, when she had to enjoy her prayers, usually she fell asleep. I wonder what Widya thinks, until suddenly he asked the thing that Nur most disliked

"Since when can you see something like that?"

Initially, Nur was uncomfortable, did not want to tell, until when Widya waited for him. Nur said, since he was a student he could see it, because he had to.

"Gaib itu ada(Unseen is exist)" said Nur.

"Sebenarnya, tiap orang ada yang jaga, jenisnya berbeda-beda, ada yang jahat, ada yang baik, ada yang cuma mengikuti, ada yang cuma numpang lewat (Actually, every people have guard , there are different types, there are evil, some are good, some are just following, some are just hitching a ride.) "

"Awakmu onok sing jogo (do you have a guard)?" asked Widya.

"Jarene onok (he said there were)," Nur said, her voice soft, as if she didn't want to answer.

"Kok jarene (why does it say)?"

"Aku ra tau ndelok Wid, aku dikandani kancaku sak durunge metu tekan pondok, jarene, sing jogo aku, wujud'e mbah dok, mbahku biyen. (I have never seen it directly, I was told my friend before coming out of the hut, he said, his form resembles my grandmother). "

After hearing that, Widya only heard Nur, telling her about her experiences during her hospitalization, but, Widya thought more about other things.

23 days, already passed, every day, Widya's feelings are getting worse. Starting from the residents who helped the proker, they did not come one by one. Reportedly they fell ill, strangely, it happened in their group proker, which deals with sinden.

Once upon a time, Widya heard indirectly, that this was all because his sinden contained a curse, but Pak Prabu was harshly clean, a myth, superstition, something that made the villagers outdated.

However, once, Widya had been told by residents, if there was someone to guard this sinden.

He said, this sinden first, often used for bathing by him. He who was talked about was never called a citizen. But what is suspicious of this case is, the name of this sinden, is the twin sinden.

Twin Sinden. Widya always repeats that sentence.

Sinden twins, making Widya more curious

The reason why Pak Prabu put this into a proker is, so that river water can be flowed to this sinden, so that citizens no longer need to go far to fetch water to rivers whose land is steep. However, like there is something strange.

That night, Ayu gathered all the children, regarding the problems they faced, almost half the residents who helped their proker did not want to continue their work. The reasons are various, busy gardening until his body aches all.

Of all the children who have a proposal, only Bima is not as enthusiastic as the others.

That same night, Widya remembered what Wahyu said, every night, Bima went out of the house, who knows what he was doing.

Widya, intentionally stayed up all night just to be sure, and it was true, that night Bima went out of the house.

Widya entered Bima's room, there was Wahyu and Anto, the first Widya did was to wake Wahyu. Although reluctant, Widya continued to force him.

After Wahyu was completely awake, Widya told him that Bima had just come out.

Wahyu only looked at Widya in astonishment

"Aku lak wes tau ngomong su (I already told you)."

"YLha ya, ayo di tutno, nang ndi arek iku (yes, that's why, let's follow it, where the child is)."

"Gawe opo? Paling nang omahe prabu, ndandani tong bambu'ne  (for what, take him to the prabu house, fix the bamboo trash).

"Yo wes mboh (Up to you)."

Widya came out of the room, then he left after Bima alone.

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 11:12 PM | Show all posts
Bima is the most religious boy, just like Nur, because they are already close on campus. But, Anton often told me, if sometimes, he caught Bima masturbating in the room, and that was not once or twice, the problem was, when Bima did that, there was a female voice.

Widya did not accept that Bima was said by Anton, Widya also asked where he knew Bima was masturbation.

"Heh, mbok pikir aku ra eroh wong onani iku yo opo (do you think I don't know how guys masturbate)?"

Widya is still silent, listening to Anton's explanation.

"Sing dadi masalahe iku guk Bima onani. Kabeh lanangan pasti tahu onani, aku gak munafik, masalahe, onok suara wedok'e. (The problem is not Bima masturbation, all boys must have, I'm not hypocritical, the problem is, there is a female voice ). "

"Pas tak enteni, sopo arek iku, nek gak awakmu, pasti Ayu nek gak Nur, tapi, ra onok sopo sopo sing nang kamar ambek cah kui.  (When I waited, who was that woman, I thought it was you, if not Ayu or Nur, apparently, there is no one in the room with him)

"Then?" asked Widya.

"Suoro sopo sing tak rungokno lek ngunu (whose voice did I hear at that time)?"

"TMasalahe, aku wes sering krungu, mesti, onok suoro iku (the problem is, I have often and always heard that voice)."

Anton's story changed Widya's perspective, and that night, he saw Bima walking far east, the direction to a place that often made Widya shudder when he looked at him. Tipas Talas.

Tipas Talas

Widya sees Tipak taro as a long corridor. It's just that the walls are large trees with roots here and there. In addition to the uphill terrain, in front of Tipak Talas, there is a small gate, complete with red and black cloth around it.

Pak Prabu once told me, black cloth is a custom name for a marker like in a funeral. However, isn't a bright color better for being a marker.

Before Widya knew the truth from the residents who told the story, that black meant was another natural symbol.

Black is not for the living, but for a sign for those who have died.

Dead then, what do you mean by the red marker?

It is said that of all places marked with a cloth in this village, only this gate is given a red cloth, especially if it is not a symbol of disaster.

Widya began to step up, his feet did not stop looking for a foothold between roots and stones, while his hands looked for something that could hold his weight.

Very cold night, very cold. Only fog in the darkness could Widya see. It takes a hard struggle to arrive. When Widya arrived at the top of Tapak Penilas, Widya only saw one footpath, it didn't look too steep, but apparently needed an extra struggle too. There, Widya felt it, an unpleasant feeling from this place, the more obvious, that, made Widya shudder.

The path was not too big, on both sides was overgrown with grass and plants whose height was nearly shoulder-length Widya, from between the plants and grass, Widya could see a forest that was truly forest, trees towering with plants around that were untouched.

It's easy to follow Bima, because all you have to do is follow the path. However, every time Widya walked, always, from behind a bush or grass, like someone was moving. Sometimes when Widya tries to look at him, the voice just disappears.

The soil is hard, and moist. But Widya continued to penetrate the street. The longer it got colder, and several times Widya stopped to take a deep breath.

The road seems endless, however, when he returns, Widya will not know what Bima is doing here.

The only thing that Widya regretted was one, he only wore slippers. Indeed, what Widya did tonight, spontaneously out of curiosity, without preparation, without friends, and regret, grew even more when Widya began to hear gending.

Yes, familiar voice. The tune played was the chant that Widya heard when he was in the bathroom, with Nur. While the gamelan strains that were played were the same strains when Widya stole glances at the dancer who danced on the night she was with Wahyu.

Instead of running away, Widya became more and more intense. The farther away, the clearer the voice, and the clearer the voice, the busier that there, Widya is not alone.

However, what Widya encountered, was the tip of Tipak taro, that is, a plant that was planted right on the path.

That plant, is a beluntas plant. The growth is small but lush left and right. It can't be passed, except when carrying a machete, and of course it takes a long time to cut down the bush.

However, the fragrance of beluntas should be unpleasant. But this one, it smells like jasmine.


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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 11:18 PM | Show all posts
As if unconscious, Widya had chewed the leaves, and continued to chew. Widya only realized when his throat was cut by a sharp stem of the beluntas. And behind the plant, Widya saw the road descending, naturally, he could only see the end of the path stopping here.

So, the way down is closed by a lot of beluntas, when Widya descends, he has to bleed to reach the beluntas plant which is wrapped around a princess's cord.

Beneath him, he saw the studio Ayu had told me about before, and the dish was really messy.

There are 4 teak pillars that are trimmed in terms of 4, extending upward with a conical roof. From afar it looks like a village hall building, but bigger with a stage floor.

There, the sound of the gamelan is clearly heard, like the sound source of the gamelan is in this building.

When Widya approached him, despite his hesitation, he felt his presence was not alone. Crowded, like this place is crowded. However, there was no one there, only he himself, who approached.

Right when Widya stepped on the first step, the sound of the gamelan, stopped, was very silent.

The silence really bothered Widya, his presence seemed not to be accepted here.

But Widya insisted to keep watching. And at that moment, Widya heard someone crying, his voice was familiar, like the voice of the person he knew, Ayu.

Widya only remembers the most bizarre thing during KKN here, Ayu.

Ayu never once told any story about this village, something strange that disturbed her. On the contrary, Ayu opposes all that does not make sense in this village.

But on the night when they were debating to hear the sound of the gamelan, Ayu must have lied. Ayu actually also know and hear it directly, Ayu knows better about all of this, far above the others including, what Bima has done so far.

Like catching the wind, there was the sound of crying. But there is no form wherever Widya looks for. However, such a quiet and lonely place, still feels crowded for Widya, like he was looked at from various angles.

Widya saw from a distance, under the studio there was a hut, with a door.

Widya approached him, but was reluctant to open it, he surrounded the hut, from inside the hut, Bima's voice followed by a woman's sighing voice. It was very clear, but Widya could not see what was in there.

Widya's neck slowly grew heavier, and heavier when Widya was still struggling to find a way to see. Good luck, Widya found a few small gaps to peek at. From there Widya watched it live, Bima, was soaking in the sinden (pool) around him. He was surrounded by many large snakes.

Seeing that Widya was shocked, and worse, Bima stared straight at the place where Widya was peeking, all the snakes were the same, as Widya felt. They know there are guests not invited.

Seeing such a reaction, Widya turned and ran away. When running, the sound of the wasp gong followed by the sound of drums, was heard again. The sound of the gamelan, loud, complete with a loud laugh, and Widya saw the empty studio, filled with all that Widya did not see when he arrived at this place.

From end to end, it was crowded, lots of things that Widya saw, there were glares from those with half their faces, to those who didn't have a face.

From the short one, to the tall one as tall as the banyan tree. They meet the studio and its surroundings.

Widya starts crying. The sound that almost filled Widya's ears and almost drove him crazy suddenly stopped.

Widya saw, in front of him, that someone was dancing, his dance almost made everyone there saw it.

There, Widya realized that the dancing was Ayu.

Ayu's eyes were swollen, as if she had been crying for a long time, but the expression on her face was like telling Widya to run, run, without knowing what was happening. Widya immediately ran away, passing the crowd who were watching Ayu dancing in the studio.

Widya climbed the place, crying uncontrollably. Arriving at the path, Widya heard a dog barking, after a while, a black dog came out of a thicket, after seeing Widya, the dog ran away, Widya followed the dog.

Widya came out of the path, at dawn, visible from the bluish sky. But apparently, Widya was wrong.

A villager was shocked not to see Widya. He immediately ran away shouting to the villagers.

"Widya nang kene, iki Widya wes balik (Widya is here, his son has returned)."

Confused, almost all the residents scrambled to embrace Widya.

"Mrene ndok, mrene, awakmu sing sabar yo, awakmu kudu siap yo ambek berita iki (come here son, come here, you are patient huh, you have to be prepared with the news you will hear later)."

A woman , hugging Widya, seemed to hold her tears in her eyes, Widya was just crowing, silent, not understanding. The mother took Widya, Widya was still silent, like a daze.

On a busy street the villagers follow Widya. Widya heard from those who talk behind their backs.


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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 11:38 PM | Show all posts
"Wes di goleki sampe Alas D********* jebule, maghrib kaet ketemu arek iki, aku wes mikir elek.(I've searched all the way to the end of the Forest *********** I don't know when I just met the Maghrib of this child, I've been thinking badly). ""

One day last night, Widya had apparently disappeared.

When Widya saw their lodging house, Widya saw a lot of people gathered there, and when their eyes saw Widya, they were almost astonished. Like seeing a ghost then, seen from inside, Pak Prabu came out, his face hardened seeing Widya.

Pak Prabu's eyes glared, looking at Widya.

"Tekan ndi ndok (where have you been kid)?"

Widya did not answer what Pak Prabu asked, the mother also calmed Pak Prabu to calm down, while leading Widya into the house, Widya heard Nur screaming, crying, like loyalty.

When Widya came in and saw what was happening, Widya saw that the room was filled with people sitting cross-legged. They surrounded two people who were lying, covered with a shawl, tied with white ropes, resembling a shroud, Wahyu and Anto stared in surprise when Widya entered.

"Wid, tekan ndi awakmu (where are you Wid)?" said Nur, who immediately hugged Widya.

"Onok opo iki Nur (what is this Nur)?"

Nur closed her mouth, not knowing where to start, until Wahyu stood up.

"Ayu Wid, Nur saw Ayu, suddenly lay stiff, her eyes couldn't be closed"

Widya approached Ayu, beside him was Bima, he kept kicking in that bound position, like someone who had epilepsy. His eyes were blank looking at the ceiling, they were both lying helpless, instantly Widya joined in screaming before anyone soothed.

From the wasp, Mbah Buyut came out, he saw Widya then called him.

"Sini ndok, Mbah jek tas gawe kopi (here son, the mbah has just finished making coffee)."

Mbah Buyut, sitting on a wooden chair in the wasp, he saw the old Widya, then said it.

"Your friend was outrageous"

"Pripun mbah (how)?"

"Yo opo rasane dikerubungi demit sa'alas (how does it feel to be surrounded by spirits from one forest)?"

Mbah Buyut was still stirring his coffee, looking at Widya who seemed to be regaining consciousness.

"Nyoh, diombe sek (here, drink it first)

Widya took a sip of coffee from Grandmother's grandmother, suddenly a bitter taste that made Widya's throat suffocated, made Widya vomit it out, so many of Widya's saliva came out. He saw Mbah Buyut who seemed to nod, as if to confirm.

"Koncomu, ngelakoni larangan sing abot, larangan sing gak lumrah gawe menungso opo maneh bangsa demit. (Your friend, do restrictions which cannot be accepted by humans other than that supernatural beings)," said Mbah Buyut while shaking his head.

"Paham ndok (understand)?"

Widya nodded.

"Sinden sing digarap, iku ngunu, sinden kembar, siji nang cidek kali, siji'ne nang enggon sing mok parani wingi bengi. (Sinden that you are working on, it's twins, one near the river, the one you visited last night)."

"Eroh opo iku sinden (know the use of sinden)?"

"Mboten mbah (don't know mbah)."

"inden ku, enggon adus'e poro penari sak durunge tampil. Nah, sinden sing cidek kali, gak popo digarap, tapi, sinden sing sijine, ra oleh diparani, opo maneh sampe digawe kelon. (Sinden was where the dancers bathed before appearing) "Well, the sinden near the river is okay to do, but, the other sinden, may not be visited, moreover for sex)."

"Widya ngerti, sopo sing gok sinden iku (does Widya know who is in that sinden)?"

Widya was silent for a long time, before saying it.



"Sing mok delok iku, ulo-anak'e Bima karo... (the one you saw is Bima's son with...)

"That Snake"

Great-grandfather nodded

"Iku ngunu, mbah sing kecolongan, Widya mek di dadekno awu awu, ben si mbah ngawasi Widya, tapi mbah salah, koncomu iku sing ket awal wes diincer karo...  (that is, mbah tricked, Widya is only used as a distraction, so it's wrong the mbah is watching you, but mbah is wrong, from the beginning the same target ...)

Mbah Buyut was silent for a long time, as if he did not want to mention the name of the creature.

"Ngantos, yo nopo mbah, Ayu kale bima saget mbalik (then how can you, can Ayu and Bima return)?"

"Isok isok (Can)," said Mbah Buyut, "sampe balak'e diangkat(until the disaster was lifted)."

"Balak'e was lifted up (the disaster was lifted)?" asked Widya, confused.

"Bima ambek Ayu wes kelewatan, sak iki, kudu nanggung opo sing dilakoni (Bima and Ayu went too far, now, he has to bear what he does)."

"Ayu sak iki, kudu nari, keliling alas iki(Ayu now has to dance around this forest)."

"Sak angkule nari, sadalan-sadala (performing, dancing, in every inch of this land)."

"Bima mbah?"

"Bima, yo kudu ngawini sing nduwe sinden (Bima must marry someone who has sinden)

"Badarawuhi mbah."

Mbah Buyut was shocked.

"Oh ngunu (oh I see) wes eroh jeneng'e (already knows his name)."

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2020 11:53 PM | Show all posts
"Badarawuhi, iku salah sijine sing jogo wilayah iki, tugas Badarawuhi iku nari, dadi bangsa lelembut iku yo seneng ndelok Badarawuhi iki nari, nah, sak iki, Ayu kudu nanggung tugas Badarawuhi nari. (Badarawuhi is one of them who is guarding the area, the duty is to dance, so the gentle nation likes to see dances from Badarawuhi, now, Ayu has to replace it)

"Bima, kudu ngawini Badarawuhi, anak'e iku wujud'e ulo, sekali ngelahirno, isok lahir ewonan ulo. (Bima must marry Badarawuhi, his child is in the form of a snake, once giving birth, thousands of snakes can be born)

"Salah kancamu, wes ngelakoni hal gendeng nang kunu, dadi kudu nanggung akibate. . (Your friend's fault, so now they have to take responsibility).

"Badarawuhi iku ngunu ratune ulo, bangsa lelembut sing titisan aji sapto, balak'e ra isok ditolak opo maneh di mendalno, mene isuk, tak coba'e ngomong apik-apik'an, wedihku, koncomu ra isok balek orep-orep.( Badarawuhi is the queen of snakes, a supernatural nation that is already unstoppable, its curse, cannot be denied let alone until it is discarded, tomorrow morning, so as not to try to talk nicely, afraid, your friend cannot return alive). "

Great-grandfather left, Nur, Wahyu and Anton saw Widya alone in the wasps, sitting, while pensive.

"YGoblok!! Bima karo Ayu asu!! Kakean ngent*t!!" (stupid !! Bima and Ayu F*ck !! over s*x!!)

That sentence, which they all thought of that night.

Although what Wahyu said was harsh, no one objected to all of this, moreover, this problem had reached the campus, even to the Bima and Ayu families.

Pak Prabu told me that the chronology of this incident could not be weired. KKN, which is his responsibility, must reach all the people involved, although Nur initially tried to plead that this problem should not come out first.

However, the disappearance of Widya, made Pak Prabu finally give up and chose to report it.

Then what happened to Ayu and Bima?

That morning, a group of cars came, they were families as well as the KKN committee who had heard all the stories from Pak Prabu.

Ayu is still lying down, her eyes are bulging, but her body is still like a lame person.

Bima, still convulsing.

Well does anyone want to see their photos?

sorry sorry, disgrace !!

About the car, I don't understand. The point is they are forcibly picked up, their KKN is crossed out, I will just continue the story, right? Just finish it tonight, so I can focus on working again. but seriously want to see their photo?

I'm just a motto from a cellphone, because the picture is printed on art paper, and I can only say, Bima and Ayu, beautiful and handsome indeed. Because of that, I dare to physically draw the Milky.

I will continue

Actually, the pickup process is not as easy as what I would write, because the Bima and Ayu family, were furious, they did not accept their children being made like this.

Even the campus was hit, because the case was really almost brought to the national media.

Widya, Nur even had to ask that Ayu and Bima be allowed to stay here, which supposedly said Mbah Buyut could be taken at any time. However, from the side of Ayu and Bima's family, they do not want anymore, they still bring Ayu and Bima, the result?

Ayu can only sleep with her eyes open continuously, Widya has been told by her mother, that sometimes, she sees Ayu's eyes shed tears.

But, every time he was asked, he just kept quiet, did not answer, Ayu finally died after being treated for 3 months.

His brother, feeling guilty that he almost wanted to rage in the village. However, Pak Prabu was the same, it should have been from the beginning, when Ayu begged for KKN permission there, he flatly refused.

The reason is that the place is not good for those who still smell kencur.

Bima ??

How?? Died too. The night before he died, Bima shouted for help, but when asked, why and what for help?

Bima shouted snakes, snakes, snakes, he died earlier than Ayu, his body was grounded, his parents initially wanted to extend this problem to the campus, but eventually it was revoked, with a note, KKN was no longer held in eastern Java anymore.

Since then, this campus has only allowed KKN to the west, no longer east, especially remote villages.

There are things that make me radically difficult to draw. The source is "Widya" disguised, every time he tells a story, he only tells the point, and I have to rearrange the story to connect.

Apart from that, I remember, each time he told me, his hands were nervous, like he didn't want to repeat the incident. whatever it is, I hope this story contains wisdom for those of you who read it.

For the KKN participants, actually there were not 6 people, but 14 people, I shortened to shorten his story that is related to each other.


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Post time 28-1-2020 11:56 AM | Show all posts
hopefully movie ni as per expectation.
baca pn bleh rasa seram.
cuma movie ni harap2 lg details la.
seram plak lg2 sbb menari2 blah sna mmg sesuaitu.

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Post time 29-1-2020 11:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku sllu tgk wyg kt gsc area kl tp cter hntu indo jarang tyg lah... teringin jgk nk tgk..

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2020 06:11 PM | Show all posts
September14 replied at 29-1-2020 11:06 PM
Aku sllu tgk wyg kt gsc area kl tp cter hntu indo jarang tyg lah... teringin jgk nk tgk..

As far as I know, Jika filem meletop kat Indon.
Usually bakal tyang juga kat Msia 2 months after released kat Indon.
Iols harap movie ni tyng kat Msia...


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Post time 4-3-2020 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Best ke..?
Btw..saper dh tgk

-Sacred Riana
-Sebelum Iblis menjempur part 2
-Perempuan Tanah Jahanam

Best x?

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