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K-Parasite Wave
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Edited by seribulan at 13-2-2020 02:37 PM
Have you watch it? ... TEzLjIxMC4xODMuMTYz
What's your take on the film?
Parasite: What the Oscar win means for Korean cinema
By Laura Bicker BBC News, Seoul
The cast of Parasite celebrate at the Oscars after the film took the award for Best Picture
"A miracle has happened," said South Korean film critic Ha Sung-tea.
"I'm overwhelmed. In tears," tweeted Korean cinema expert Jason Bechervaise, who was watching the Oscars with his son.
Social media went into meltdown during the Oscars, and this was just a snippet. Korean pride in this cinematic masterpiece swept through my Twitter timeline.
And by the time Parasite was named best picture - winning its fourth Oscar - the voices across the country had reached a crescendo of wild congratulatory joy.
Yes, this is historic. Bong Joon-ho's comedy-thriller is the first non-English language film to win best picture. But to South Korea, these awards mean more than that.
It is a cultural breakthrough.
For a decade this country has ploughed money into the so-called Korean wave or Hallyu - K-drama, K-pop and Korean cinema.
The accolades from the Academy are proof that this cultural wave has come crashing down on Hollywood.
Still, director Bong Joon-ho believes his influence is nowhere near that of K-pop idols BTS.
"I think BTS has 3000 times the power and influence I have. I think Korea produces a lot of great artists because we are a very emotionally dynamic people," he told reporters outside the Oscars.
Korean cinema has been a force in its own right for more than 15 years, says Mr Bechervaise, who works as a professor at the department of entertainment and arts at Korea Soongsil University.
"But it has taken time for it to get recognition within award bodies in the US, and even a festival like Cannes - it took a long time before they finally awarded a Korean film with the Palm d'Or.
"It felt like it was only a matter of time before they would take notice, with Burning coming so close last year, and The Handmaiden winning a Bafta in 2018."
The win can be seen by some as cultural breakthrough.
In some ways the seeds of success had been sown. South Korea is a nation of movie-goers and its film industry is the fifth biggest in the world in terms of box office sales.
Director Bong Joon-ho's talent was also well acknowledged. Memories of Murder, The Host, the science fiction thriller Snowpiercer and Okja - about a genetically modified giant pig - all won him critical acclaim.
"Bong Joon Ho's use of storytelling is wildly innovative, unpredictable and extremely entertaining," explains Prof Bechervaise, who has studied Bong's work for 15 years.
"He's able to take audiences in directions few other filmmakers are able to do in a movie, let alone in a single scene: from moments of humour to horror in an instant without making it jarring."
But it is Parasite which has given Bong his big global breakthrough - and for so many reasons.
The film is about class warfare. It is about rich and poor - a universal theme which has made it possible for this South Korean story to resonate with audiences around the world.
This vision is brought to life by an all-star and experienced South Korean cast who take us through plot twists which keep us guessing right until the very end.
Media captionWhat life is like living in one of Seoul's basement apartmentsThe film's distributor, Neon has also been very savvy, says Prof Bechervaise.
"They orchestrated a very clever and effective release strategy, releasing it on a small number of screens in October before expanding it as strong word-of-mouth pulled more people in.
"As it added to its accolades, its box office success grew even further."
There is another Korean figure behind Parasite's success - co-producer Miky Lee who got the last word at the Oscars (after the audience protested when the lights went down).
She is vice chair of the South Korean conglomerate CJ Group. Very little happens in TV or film in South Korea without her involvement.
She is said to be a true film fanatic and has backed several of Bong's films. Her influence will have been considerable.
It seems ironic that this social satire about class warfare came about with the help of one of South Korea's richest companies, but all of these factors combined appear to have created a surprise hit.
Miky Lee (centre) is another key figure behind the film's success
Audiences have forgotten any fear they may have had of the "one inch barrier of subtitles" (as Bong himself put it at the Golden Globes).
But can others emulate his success? Especially if he had such powerful backers from private companies.
President Moon Jae-in said his government would support Korean cinema as he started his cabinet meeting with a round of applause for Parasite.
"Parasite has moved the hearts of people around the world with a most uniquely Korean story," he said. "It reminds us of how touching and powerful a movie can be."
This year the Korean Film Council has allocated 100 billion won (£65m; $85m) for film development. That's a 32% increase on last year.
But building on this success won't be easy, says film critic Ha Sung-tea.
"To create the next Bong Joon-ho will be a long term project for the Korean film industry. Director Bong Joon-ho is unique.
"I think now the government, the industry, and big conglomerates need to all work together to promote diverse creators and their unique perspectives." Prof Bechervaise agrees.
"The younger generation don't have the same kind of opportunities their predecessors had as studios grow more powerful.
"That being said, Korean cinema is in a very strong position going forward and the infrastructure is there to find further success."
But just as Bong Joon-ho stared disbelievingly at his first Oscar while the world watched and smiled, now is a moment to bask in South Korean cinema's current success.
Parasite has given Bong Joon Ho his global breakthrough
During his acceptance speech for Best Screenplay, Bong told the audience, "we never write to represent our countries".
However, in the next breath, he said, "but this is a very first Oscar to South Korea."
This feels personal for this country. My team went to the pizza shop featured in the film where an enthusiastic fan told us this was South Korea's greatest moment.
Since the Korean peninsula was split at the end of World War Two, there has been a deep-rooted insecurity here. A feeling that perhaps people can only point to it on a map because it's next to a nuclear weapon-owning dictator in the North.
The Oscars is affirmation that South Korea is a cultural powerhouse - and it now has a place in the history books.
If audiences didn't know the considerable cultural talent within this country before, they do now.
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Post time 13-2-2020 05:26 PM
From the mobile phone
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Jumpa link online...subs Indon |
Cerita twisted bermula apabila ahjumma sangkut dkt almari
Entahlah diorg buknlah parasit sgt. Cuma tulah..utk dptkn pekerjaan tu diorg singkirkan org lain spy 1 family bole kerja kt rumah org kaya tu
Ada part sedih jugak especially bila si bapa dengar boss dia ckp baju dia bau mcm kain buruk kena rendam air panas |
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Done watched the mv & the oscar.
Mcm x pecaya bile jane fonda announced they win. Unsangkarable.
Best. My cup of tea gitu.
Tgk kt astro first je. Ulang & ulang bekali2.
The plot twist & turned.
Pelakon pn bkn besa2. |
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seribulan replied at 13-2-2020 05:26 PM ... TEzLjIxMC4xODMuMTYz
Jumpa link online...subs Indon
Thanks momod..for sharing this..mmg plan nk tgk ni this weekend..heard that imdb and rotten tomatoes rated this movies tinggi betol..tup2 dgr menang oscar plak..kalahkan joker..lagila membuak nk tonton..hehe |
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Dah tgk movie ni lama dulu sebelum menang award. Yg plg diingati ialah toilet bowl legend kat rumah asal dorang. Especially masa hujan lebat banjir tu |
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Tgk kt Oscar director ckap wow rase Diri ni nak ckap Melayu sungguh2.....
Cerita ni ape yg bole I ckap org Miskin pun Ada xbaiknya suka take advantage...ntah kenapa I rase org Kaya ni xde Salah besar mana pun sbb die ckap driver die ade bau pun jadi isu... |
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Saya tengok skip.. Skip.. Je, takut jadi murung tengok...
Tipu sijil dll ni memng jadi pun kat mana2. Agaknya. Yang penting yakin dengan diri sendiri.. Orang kaya pun boleh tertipu.. ..
Tapi sampainya hati menipu orng atau majikan. Patutla ada sesetengah majikan garang dengan pembantu rumah. Jika tak, pembantu akan ambil kesempatan.
Banyak juga pengajaran dalam ni, salah satunya, jangan dengar sebelah pihak shaja.. Yang part mereka fitnah pembantu kata ada sakit tb.
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sebelum oscar iols baca review movie ni memang ok. tapi iols takut kemurungan kalau tengok. memandangkan iols dah baca spoiler jadi tak syok dah nak tgk. |
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Dh tgk sebelum oscar... Struggle utk hidup smpi..struggle tu mmg real... Yg kaya tetap kaya.. Yg miskin merana |
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best sgt citer ni, baru tgk kat astro first. cuma pengakhiran cerita tergantung, x tau sama ada anak lelaki dia berjaya beli rumah org kaya tu, tp pelik rumah org kaya x ada cctv dalam rumah, biasa org kaya ada cctv dlm rumah utk pantau maid dan anak2, klu dorang ada cctv dlm rumah dah lama tau pasal lelaki yg bkurung dlm ruang bawah tanah tu |
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Dah tengok movie ni. Best. Highly recommended
Masa memula trailer movie ni keluar, ai memang tak sabar sebab song kang ho. Klu SKH yang berlakon confirm best
Parasite combine beberapa genre. Tragic, comedy, horror. Ending citer yang tak disangka.
Banyak makna tersirat dalam movie ni. Contoh macam lokasi rumah antara orang kaya Mr Park dengan Mr Kim. Rumah Mr Kim jauh kat bawah. Seolah-olah menggambarkan status orang kaya jauh lebih tinggi banding dengan orang miskin. Even toilet lagi tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan ruang tamu or bilik family Mr Kim ni.
Bila tengok macam mana penerimaan both family selepas hujan lebatpun dah boleh agak. Realitinya memang macam tu kan. Yang kaya masih boleh enjoy dengan kehidupan senang mereka. Macam takde apa-apa yang berlaku. Manakala yang miskin, begitu susah nak selamatkan rumah mereka.
Ai tak reti sangat nak ulas movie ni. Tapi ai boleh katakan movie ni memang best. No wonder dapat 8minutes standing ovation mssa kat cannes
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minahrecon replied at 14-2-2020 11:46 AM
Tgk kt Oscar director ckap wow rase Diri ni nak ckap Melayu sungguh2.....
Cerita ni ape ...
Orang miskin memang suka take advantage, manipulatif, ego dan sentiasa play victim. FACT yang akak pelajari after bertahun hadap family B40 kat sekolah. |
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Edited by Ladybird910 at 15-2-2020 09:51 AM
adda001 replied at 14-2-2020 06:41 PM
best sgt citer ni, baru tgk kat astro first. cuma pengakhiran cerita tergantung, x tau sama ada anak ...
Well every story ade flaws dia..
Iols setuju dgn komen chuols..part yg xde cctv tu agk funny sket la..since si majikan tu sendiri keje dia agk hi end siap ade part yg dia suruh ayah ki jung dtg pejabat..masa tu kan dia tgh dok belek2 benda2 hi i was like xkn laaa xmo psg benda secanggih tu kat rumah sendiri..
Secondly part wire cctv yang dipotong oleh ex maid..dorg dh blk..bilik cctv mesti dorg yg monitor..kenapa xaware lgsg..huhu
Lastly dab paling obvious dlm cerita ni part tak logik dia kat part dh nk hujung..garapan dia mcm asal boleh..
Time frame xbpe logik..
1. Part koma hingga pulih si adik - let say 6bln..
2. Part rumah kosong ke new owner si germanian- takkan laa org tu duduk kejap jaa..alih2 anak tiber2 dah kaya wpon almost mcm org gila asik keje nk gelak je..siap ada masa skodeng rumah tu from time to time pastu tlg mak sara hidup ended up, eh mampu nk beli rumah tu yang secara magik pon dh kosong..perfect timing sgtttt..
3. Cctv rumah2 sekeliling tu xkan satu pon xbfungsi utk detect bapak dia lps kejadian tu..and xkn la polis and ambulan xde org panggil masa party tu dibuat..
Part2 lain so far ok ja..cuma barisan pelakon sume muka xmyelerakan sgt..part somi majikan pon selit sesikit quite impress laaa only depend pd story line....cite ni blh menang byk awards siap kalahkan joker |
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burque replied at 13-2-2020 05:42 PM
Cerita twisted bermula apabila ahjumma sangkut dkt almari
Entahlah diorg buknlah parasit sgt. Cu ...
Tajuk dia dorg pandai pilih bethool..
Iols sbnrnye dh nmpk je kat online nama cerita ni listed dkt bhgn most popular movies..berkali2 sebab graphic dia mcm cerita its kpop..iols xtertarik la nk layan..sebab iols mmg bkn kpop tegar n jenis xberani sgt..hihi
Sekali rupenye kisah kehidupan rakyat marhaen kpop yang serba dhaif..huhu..sayu hati tgk dorg duduk rumah bergelumang dgn air kumbahan..
Seriously terus rse syukur jadi rakyat msia..gittchew.. |
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Ladybird910 replied at 15-2-2020 03:33 AM
Well every story ade flaws dia..
Iols setuju dgn komen chuols..part yg xde cctv tu agk funny sk ...
No.2 yg die beli rumah tu cuma die berangan je...hakikatnye die masih miskin n plan die nk beli rumah cuma dpt berangan jela dulu |
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Ladybird910 replied at 15-2-2020 03:33 AM
Well every story ade flaws dia..
Iols setuju dgn komen chuols..part yg xde cctv tu agk funny sk ...
Pelakon2 Parasite ni semuanya tersohor di Korea. |
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Edited by nazzse at 15-2-2020 01:22 AM
Kepada yang tak minat kwave, nak cakap satu jer Don't judge! Movie ni I tengok sebulan lepas released dkt online, tengok pun sbb fan So Dam tu, drama/movie dia ada confirm best. Storyline pada I biasa tapi dia mcm melekat dkt otak..haha.
Korea mampu buat movie2 yg sangat bagus ye skrg, even better than Hollywood. Iols fan tegar movie2 korea, drama plak iols follow yg best2. Yg pastinya karya2 dieorg dah jauh tinggalkan countries Asia yg lain.
Now tengah follow sekuel Arthdal Chronicles, Jung Ki & Jang Do Gun..impressed tengok |
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