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Buku 'Chicken Soup For The Soul'
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ada sesiapa yg memiliki koleksi story2 dlm buku tersebut tak?
Putu belum berkesempatan beli lagi tapi tadi ada le gi kedai buku kat KLCC (yg dekat KFC tu) sambil teman member beli buku Sydney Sheldon tu ada le ternampak buku jugak. Tapi, bila tgk regarnya dlm RM46 ++ .. alamak..! tak ckup duit le pulak..!
tapi pernah tgk koleksi sesetengah dari buku ni yg telah dibuat drama (kalau tak silap ntv7 atau tv3) yg siarkan dulu.
sesiapa yg ada beli buku2 ni boleh le kongsi2 cerita sikit.
tadi putu tgk ada byk gak jenis dia
'Chicken Soup for the Soul'
'Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul'
'Chicken Soup for Father & Daughter Soul'
'Chicken Soup for Women Soul'
dan macam2 lagi lah..
kalau ada duit lebih...nak beli jelah..;) |
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Saya pernah beli buku ni kat MPH...dpt harga murah masa tu...
RM19.90...mungkin tajuk dier 'Chicken Soup for Gardener's Soul'
kot...tapi best gak...ada gak penulis kat Malaysia...buat buku stail
ni ...tapi kisahnya dalam BM n persekitaran Malaysia... |
tp yg English nya best bulan..
putu start tertarik bila tgk drama yg disiarkan tahun2 dulu lah.. ada drama dlm 1 jam tapi dlm 2 cerita ah.. siap ada narrator bacakan semula.. best gak.
yg RM19.90 tu mmg ada bulan, tapi kecik dan nipis sikit.. yg putu cerita tadi dia agak tebal jugaklah. |
Originally posted by putubambu at 30-9-2005 03:24 PM
ada sesiapa yg memiliki koleksi story2 dlm buku tersebut tak?
Putu belum berkesempatan beli lagi tapi tadi ada le gi kedai buku kat KLCC (yg dekat KFC tu) sambil teman memb ...
...putu...ive good a few of these books...memang bagus...citer2 dia pon tak panjang sangat...tapi...memang really kasi kesedaran kat kita bila membaca...membuat kita merasa yang ada orang lebih susah dari kita...yang ada orang lain yang mempunyai nasib yang lagik teruk dari kita...really memberi kesedaran agar kita bersyukur ngan apa yang kita ada dan kurniaan Tuhan... |
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aku ada satu buku dari siri2 ni
tak sempat baca pun
jadi bahan pameran dlm almari je la.. |
Originally posted by putubambu at 30-9-2005 04:31 PM
yg RM19.90 tu mmg ada bulan, tapi kecik dan nipis sikit.. yg putu cerita tadi dia agak tebal jugaklah.
nope, mine yg tebal tu...agaknya MPH diskaun kot...:hmm: |
Originally posted by blackmore at 30-9-2005 05:00 PM
...putu...ive good a few of these books...memang bagus...citer2 dia pon tak panjang sangat...tapi...memang really kasi kesedaran kat kita bila membaca...membuat kita merasa ...
ye ke? tulah pasal.. tu yg tak sabar nak memiliki buku ni.. (sama ngan tak sabar nak memiliki buku2 cerita norhayati ibrahim..hehehhe....)
dulu masa putu tgk cerita dia yg dlm tv pun..pernah menangis.. apa lagi bila kita baca buku tu... mmg touching sekali..!:cry:
it's story of reality..happines...miracles...loves..sacrifise...dan segala mcm lagi kisah kehidupan...
kalau korang tak caya.. try get 1'll love it..! |
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...tak pe putu...sabar...eerr...sementara tu...nie i tepek kan satu citer from Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul...agar ko tak kempunan...:bgrin:
...Geraniums of Love...(Harriet Xanthakos)
As the fifth of seventh children, I went to the same public school as my three older sisters and brothers. Every year, my mother went to the same pagent and had parent/child interviews with the same teachers. The only thing different was the child. And every child participated in an old school tradition - the annual plant sale held in early May, just in time for Mother's Day.
Third grade was the first time that I was allowed to take part in the plant sale. I wanted to surprise my mother, but I didnt have any money. I went to my oldest sister and shared the secret, and she gave me some money. When I arrived at the plant sale, I carefully made my selection. I agonized over that decision, inspecting each plant to ensure that I had indeed found the best geranium. Once I had smuggled it home, with the help of my sister, I hid it on the upstairs neighbor's porch. I was very afraid my mother would find it before Mother's Day, but my sister assured me that she would'nt, and indeed she did not.
When Mother's Day arrived, I was bursting with pride when I gave her that geranium. I remember how bright her eyes were, and how delighted she was with my gift.
The year I was fifteen, my younger sister reached third grade. In early May she came to me full of wonder and secrecy and told me that there was going to be a plant sale at school, and she wanted to surprise our mother. Like my older sister did for me, I gave her some money and off she went. She arrived home full of nervous excitement, the geranium hidden in a paper bag under her sweater. "I looked at every plant," she explained, "and I know I got the best one!"
With a sweet sense of deja vu, I helped my little sister hide that geranium on the upstairs neighbor's porch, assuring her that our mother would not find it before Mother's Day. I was there when she gave my mother the geranium, and I watched them both bursting with pride and delight. It was like being in a dream I had already dreamed. My mother noticed me watching, and she gave me a soft, secret smile. With a tug at my heart, I smiled back. I had been wondering how my mother could pretend to be surprised at this gift from her sixth child, but as I watched her eyes light up with delight as she was presented with that most precious gift, I knew she was not pretending.
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dora This user has been deleted
Pernah baca buku nie dulu dan juga menonton series dia kat NT7... tak taulah mungkin sebab saya sensitip ataupun citer tu memang menyentuh hati, airmata saya tumpah jugak bila baca buku tu. Kalau tak tumpah pun, terasa macam anak tekak dikesat dengan kertas pasir...
Blackmore, thanks for the story...kalau boleh, tambahlah lagi:love:
[ Last edited by dora at 1-10-2005 01:28 AM ] |
Originally posted by dora at 1-10-2005 01:27 AM
Pernah baca buku nie dulu dan juga menonton series dia kat NT7... tak taulah mungkin sebab saya sensitip ataupun citer tu memang menyentuh hati, airmata saya tumpah jugak bila baca buku tu. Kalau ... ...pleasure is all mine dora....eerrr...later kalau im free i will post another story from that book...insyaallah... |
Originally posted by blackmore at 1-10-2005 12:21 AM
...tak pe putu...sabar...eerr...sementara tu...nie i tepek kan satu citer from Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul...agar ko tak kempunan...:bgrin:
[font ...
thanks blackmore..!!;)
putu suka sekali..!:love::love:
i'm still looking forward to buy the book..
p/s...ff: you ni lelaki ke pompuan? hehehhehe.. |
Originally posted by R2D2 at 30-9-2005 05:06 PM
aku ada satu buku dari siri2 ni
tak sempat baca pun
jadi bahan pameran dlm almari je la..
le.. apasal disimpan..? baca le..
apa kata kalau aku 'tolong simpankan'...?:cak:
hehhehehe... |
...ok...another story...
~The Other Mother~ (Jewel Sanders)
Born in 1931, the youngest of six children, I learned to share my parents' love. Raising six children during the Depression took its toll on my parents' relationship though, and when I was eighteen years old, they divorced. Daddy never had very close relationships with his children and drifted even farther away from us after the divorce.
Several years later a wonderful woman came into his life, and they were married. She had two sons-one of them still at home. Under her influence, we became a "blended family" and a good relationship developed between the two families. She always treated us as if we were her own children.
It was because of our other mother-Daddy's second wife-that he became closer to his own children. They shared over twenty-five years together before our father passed away. At the time of his death, the question came up of my mother (Daddy's first wife) attending his funeral.
I will never forget the unconditional love shown by my stepmother when I asked her if she would object to Mother attending Daddy's funeral. Without giving it a second thought, she immediately replied, "Of course not, Honey-she's the mother of my children." |
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Originally posted by blackmore at 1-10-2005 03:53 PM
...ok...another story...
~The Other Mother~ (Jewel Sanders)
[fo ...
thanks for sharing....penat je awak paste kat sini.. |
Originally posted by putubambu at 1-10-2005 03:59 PM
thanks for sharing....penat je awak paste kat sini..
...ahhhhh!!!...memang tak baca...jangan sampai aku buang karen jer...:bgrin: |
hehheheh...saya baca le blackmore..
anyway, ayat2 dlm buku ni takde le bombastic sangat.. pasal tu boleh dibaca oleh segala peringkat umur.. |
eleh...hehhehehe...tau dah... |
dora This user has been deleted
Thanks again, Blackmore....
Bagusnya kalau semua step-mom macam tu...taklah macam jenis step-mom Cinderella..
Ada baiknya cerita macam ni ada, sekurang-kurangnya orang tak pandang serong pada ibu tiri.. |
Originally posted by dora at 2-10-2005 08:12 PM
Thanks again, Blackmore....
Bagusnya kalau semua step-mom macam tu...taklah macam jenis step-mom Cinderella..
Ada baiknya cerita macam ni ada, sekurang-kurangnya orang tak pandang serong pada i ... hal dora...yeah...sure would be one peaceful world if every stepmom were to be like that lady...heh...:bgrin: |
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