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Buku kegemaran

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Post time 15-3-2006 12:50 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by seribulan at 4-4-2011 08:15


Jom listkan you all punye All-time favourite books,  english ke, malay ke, tak kisah... janji buku tu you all suka... boleh la buat rujukan..

For myself, i always have a soft spot for love story..(well, most ladies do, right!!) great great love story always fascinate me, especially kalau the authors tu terer dalam menulis this kind of story that u ended up being so emotionally absorbed with the characters...

Here is my top 3 list..

1. The Bronze Horseman - Paullina Simon
I think this is one of the best love story ever.. background dia di Leningrad (now St Petersburg), Russia dalam tahun 1944, masa zaman perang.. kisah love story antara Tatiana & Alaxendar.. Sebab baca buku ni, terus rasa interested nak gi St Petersburg, nak tengok statue bronze horseman tu, field of Mars, etc.. and actually I bought Anna Kareninna by Leo Tolstoy and Eugin Onegin by Alaxendar Pushkin sebab heroin citer ni minat both these authors.. The bronze horman is actually a poem by Alexander Pushkin.. paullina simon is a russian living in the US..

2. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
Ini pulak buku time travel, the heroin Claire pegi to one of ancient standing stones in Scotland and was transported back to zaman lama.. cerita ni panjang, sekarang daha ada 6 books in the series, tapi belum baca lagi the last 2 books.. buku ni tebal giler.. kadang-kadang ada part boring gak.. tapi overall cerita memang superb..

3. Here Be Dragons - Sharon Kay Penman
This is historical fiction at its best..very well-researched..watak-watak cerita ni based on real historical figures...memang best la.. buku ni is a trilogy...

Tu je dulu..

[ Last edited by  limau_nipis at 9-3-2007 08:02 AM ]



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Post time 15-3-2006 01:54 PM | Show all posts
rasanya kalau tanya saya, mmg tak boleh listkan buku all time favourite..

macam bertanya, 'dia' ini adalah kekasih kamu.. apakah ciri-ciri yang membuatkan kamu menyayanginya?
wow, mesti tak boleh nak listkan... di mata kita, si kekasih hat serba-serbi sempurna, perfect...

hmm.. lemme think first about my all time favourite..
aduh, rasanya semua buku kegemaran saya!! (rasanya ini standard answer rata-rata ulat buku kot)

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Post time 15-3-2006 02:01 PM | Show all posts
can i mention kiddies book???

1-The Faraway Tree - Enid Blyton
this is my all time favourite book sebab it was my first experience of Enid Blyton. i borrowed it from the library in Kajang (masa tuh kajang kecik aje). masa tu darjah tiga and i wasn't aware of enid blyton before. mmg byk membaca but i was not aware of this author yang mesti femes giler. tak exposed la lebih kurang. it was a hard cover and besar giler. it had gorgeous illustrations which drew the saucepan man, moonface so well and really complemented the book. I remember after reading it that i really wanted to find my own faraway tree... i mean, boleh naik pokok and then pergi tpt2 yang penuh magic mcm "Land of Take what You want" or "Birthday Land" .... bestnya....

2-Badai Semalam - Khadijah Hashim
Hard to imagine that this book was written in 1968, kan? masa kecik dulu suka kobek2 kotak barang mak aku and aku jumpa buku nie. aku darjah 2 kot masa tu. mmg bunyi macam tak logik tapi mmg aku baca buku nie masa darjah 2. nasib baik novel zaman dulu tak serupa macam novel sekrg yang banyak unsur 18SX hehehe. teringin sgt nak jadi macam mazni and nak jumpa kawan lelaki baik dan mulia macam zaki. masa baca tu rasa sedih giler kenapa mazni tak mau kawin dgn zaki yang begitu setia menunggu dia....

3-As The Crow Flies - Jeffrey Archer
sememangnya epic buku nie. menceritakan tentang perjuangan charlie barrow (kalau tak silap aa, dah lama tak baca) yang bekerja gigih dari jual sayur dlm kereta sorong sampai la boleh bukak dept store sendiri. best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Last edited by DocYana at 15-3-2006 07:24 PM ]



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 Author| Post time 15-3-2006 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 15-3-2006 01:54 PM
rasanya kalau tanya saya, mmg tak boleh listkan buku all time favourite..

macam bertanya, 'dia' ini adalah kekasih kamu.. apakah ciri-ciri yang membuatkan kamu menyayanginya?
wow, mesti tak bol ...

betul tu limau.. memang susah nak cari mana satu yang all-time fav nih..memang most buku yang dibaca boleh dikatakan ada strength masing-masing... best in their own way.. tapi katalah kalau you diberi only 3 buku to choose utk bawak ke tempat you stranded (Desert island keeper)? which one will you choose?

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Post time 15-3-2006 05:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 DocYana's post

Faraway Tree series.. antara yang awal dibaca masa kecik..

tapi.. buku all-time favourite ialah Tolkien's Lord of the Rings..  baca balik pun tak boring..
masa form 2 zaman 80-an, kena gelak member je sebab baca buku trilogi tebal tu.. tapi buku ni lah yang menjana perubahan menyeluruh dalam diri..

--being a guy, maybe my opinion is skewed.. but LOTR will always be my no. 1--



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Post time 16-3-2006 01:26 PM | Show all posts
my fabret genre...mysteries/detective/ buat masa ni...
2 dulu...anything:


dan yg sewaktu dgnnya....

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Post time 16-3-2006 01:52 PM | Show all posts
macam nie la, nak bagi lebih menarik...apa kata kita tukar topik kepada your top three best book. buku2 yang meninggalkan kesan pada jiwa korang (che wah) and akan ingat sampai bila2. and kalau boleh citer la sikit apa yang special sgt pasal buku2 tu yang membuatkan korang letakkan as top three....boleh?

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 Author| Post time 16-3-2006 02:07 PM | Show all posts
ok gak tu docYana, sebenarnya bukak topik ni pun sebab nak tau buku-buku mana yang best giler tahap cipan he.he..:cak:  untuk rujukan bersama..nak baca semua buku memang tak de masa.. so, cari the best of the best lah.. jimat sikit masa daripada wasted on buku-buku yang kurang menarik...

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 Author| Post time 16-3-2006 02:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gemukkkkkkk at 15-3-2006 05:39 PM
Faraway Tree series.. antara yang awal dibaca masa kecik..

tapi.. buku all-time favourite ialah Tolkien's Lord of the Rings..  baca balik pun tak boring..
masa form 2 zaman 80-an, kena gelak me ...

wahh..gemukkk dah baca masa zaman 80-an ke.. i just knew this tolkien existence lepas ada movie... how very ignorant of me.. :hmm:  movie nih memang best.. kalau baca buku sure lagi bestkan...

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Post time 16-3-2006 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by periwinkle.. at 15/3/06 02:13 PM

betul tu limau.. memang susah nak cari mana satu yang all-time fav nih..memang most buku yang dibaca boleh dikatakan ada strength masing-masing... best in their own way.. tapi katalah kalau y ...

when you rephrase it to be desert island keeper.. ada 3 buku.. hehehe

(1) A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Spark - it is a tender teenage love story, but the book is about faith in God.. and how we should never lose hope even after we are burdened by His tasks. It's about courage and living life to the fullest, and giving back the best.

(2) The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Definitely a keeper, to show that how we, who still think do not contribute anything to the world, and have common jobs, and common life actually have something... the 5 people that we will meet in heaven will show how we are connected to them, and how their decision and life were affected by us. Simply put: It shows that we are contributing to the  world in everyday's life, even tho we have never noticed about it.

(3) Al-Quran with tafsir: Of coz lah kan, kalau dah dok stranded kat island, untuk meneruskan harapan, bergantung pada Allah.. dan salah satu cara mengingati Allah adalah dgn membaca al-Quran



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Post time 16-3-2006 03:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 periwinkle..'s post

actually.. masa tu pun, tak tau yang tolkien atau cerita lotr ni famous pun.. baca sebab ada member bagi pinjam buku ni.. kengkonon nak habiskan masa kat kelas lepas habis periksa akhir tahun.. sambil menunggu cuti sekolah bermula..

tapi dalam tahun 90-an tu..  baru tau tolkien ni famous dan lotr tu ada ramai following.. itu pun sebab dah berjinak dengan computer games..

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Post time 16-3-2006 04:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 16-3-2006 03:04 PM
A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Spark - it is a tender teenage love story, but the book is about faith in God.. and how we should never lose hope even after we are burdened by His tasks. It's about courage and living life to the fullest, and giving back the best.

baru je habis baca buku ni...menarik gak diernye protagonist kan...

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Post time 17-3-2006 09:13 AM | Show all posts

Reply #3 DocYana's post

oh docyana.. bila dah sebut Faraway Tree series tu.. teringat le Wishing Chair series jugak..

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Post time 17-3-2006 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gemukkkkkkk at 17-3-2006 09:13 AM
oh docyana.. bila dah sebut Faraway Tree series tu.. teringat le Wishing Chair series jugak..

kalau nak ingat....semuanya best....
tapi the faraway tree will always be special because it was my first..... meninggalkan kesan yang amat mendalam tu....

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Post time 17-3-2006 11:06 AM | Show all posts
OK.. jom le restart thread ni balik.. all-time favourite ialah:

1)  Tolkien's The Lord of The Rings trilogy - cukup menggegar paradigma.. dan mula sedar the pen is mightier than the sword.. mampu weave realiti/karakter dengan indah, graceful dan evoke deep emotions dalam diri... kebanyakan watak dalam buku/computer games genre fantasi berasal dari LOTR.. sampai begitulah tahap originality dan komprehensifnya LOTR..

2)  Seorang Tua Di Kaki Gunung - sebab sebagai cucu, dahulunya amat amat amat rapat dengan allahyarham datuk.. tak boleh dipisahkan..
     -- baru tahu, rupa-rupanya buku ni bacaan wajib sekolah ye? --

3) Neuromancer - hacker.. cyberspace.. the matrix.. etc.. etc.. sendiri boleh agak kan?

others worth mentioning.. moby dick, wuthering heights dan the secret garden.. jangan gelak haaa...



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 Author| Post time 20-3-2006 02:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 16-3-2006 03:04 PM

when you rephrase it to be desert island keeper.. ada 3 buku.. hehehe

(1) A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Spark - it is a tender teenage love story, but the book is about faith in God. ...

alaa limau, tak aci la bawak Al-Quran... let just say, untuk religious books ada kuota sendiri, tak masuk dalam list nih.. nanti all of us kat sini look bad lah sebab dok baca fiction je.. you pulak dok baca Quran kat desert island tu..he..he..   me la especially, masih baca buku cintan kat tengah gurun tu..ish..ish..ish..

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Post time 18-4-2006 11:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #16 periwinkle..'s post


Saya dah baca buku The Bronze Horseman and Outlander tapi tak habis la, mana sempat habis pasal buku tebal sangat. Buang duit je.

Dah la cerita mengarut.. periwinkle.. daripada tengok tugu kuda tu, baik la tengok tugu negara, at least.. patriotik la sikit.

Can i rephrase this All-time Favourite Books to ->
Can you all list 3 buku to choose utk bawak ke toilet?

Basically, dalam masa setengah tu sejam mesti boleh habis.)

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Post time 18-4-2006 01:05 PM | Show all posts
for me..., buat masa skrg ni takder buku lain yg boleh menandingi PARADISE from judith mcnaught.
my all time peberet....:bgrin:

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Post time 18-4-2006 01:20 PM | Show all posts
1 - Taipan - James Clavell - Kisah Dirk Struan dan pembukaan Hong Kong.  Good historical background and indepth understanding of the oriental culture (albeit skewed a bit - if you were to read King Rat by JC too).  I read this book every year for about 3-4 years 15 years ago.  Still remember one quote, "Wealth for its own sake is an obscenity, but wealth and a purpose for wealth......" <-- something like that based on memory.  Having read this, one will end up reading Noble House as well which follows up on the next generations of the Struans.

2 - Making Money Made Easy - Noel Whittaker; to me this seems to be like all Kiyosaki's books compressed into one in term of content.

3 - Aku Budak Minang - ini boleh masuk kategori ni tak?- in-depth introspection of self, belief, family values, filial duty, friendship, success and life.

[ Last edited by  foundation at 18-4-2006 01:24 PM ]



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Post time 18-4-2006 04:02 PM | Show all posts
heavier than heaven - kurt cobains bio :love:

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