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setia menanti.....minta pendapat.plz.
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salam,hi alls...aku nak minta pendapat dan pandangan korang smua.aku minat sgt dgn satu lelaki nie.kitaorang mmg dah lama knl dan pernah kuar tapi ramai2.dulu aku ada boyfriend tapi dah putus skrg dah jatuh chenta dgn lelaki ni.dia
baik sgt, dia selalu ambik berat psl aku.tapi dia tak pernah ckp apa2 kat aku pun.umur dia jauh lebih muda dari aku.tapi aku tak anggap itu satu masaalah sbb dia matang dari usia dia sebnr.tadi dia kol aku tiba2 dia kata dia rindu ngan aku..firtstime
aku dgr dia ckp mcm korang rasa,patut tak aku berterus trg kat dia yg aku pun ada rasa rindu kat dia.adakah dia rasa apa yg aku rasa selama nie?mcmane aku nak bg tau dia?ada cara tak yg korang boleh share ngan aku?adakah aku terburu-buru? |
terus terang jer................... |
Reply #2 miss_mira's post
Aku pernah berterus terang, dan akhirnya, diMALUkan... |
cakap jer ... tapi ko cover la balik cakap paper lak ... jgn kol cakap i miss u too jer .. |
Reply #1 ezan80's post
rasa stakat rindu2 tue biasa kot... entahlah... mungkinrindu sbagai kwan..syg sebagai kwn.... kene bezakan tue.. walaupun nmpak serupa.. tp lain maksud tue... tp try lah berterus terang.. tp in joke or biasa2... spaya x nmpak... sgt |
Aku pes time jumpe da jatuh hati...tak tau lak pasaan dia kat aku....isk |
Originally posted by anonymous at 13-12-2007 02:24 PM
bahagia nyer... hehehe
biasele..kalo kite mmg betul2 suke kat org tu insyaaAllah Allah akan permudahkan jalan utuk kite mendekati si dia nanti... |
hantar some hints yg you ada feelings for him without actually saying can say you miss him too...and wait for his response...ajak dia kluar minum2, makan2, movies......berdua aje..takyah ramai2..
or you can berterus honest...this is the 21st don't care anymore if th lady makes the first move... |
jangan...jangan...aku nasihatkan ko jangan luahkan rasa hati ko dulu...sabar
biar dia buat langkah yg seterusnya.bagi laki tu masa coz laki pun malu2 dan seram nak luahkan perasaan dia.
kalau dia telefon tiba2 dan dah kata rindu tu adalah signal dia mmg suka ko.tapi ko jgn sesekali ckp ko pun rindu kat dia.
lelaki TURN OFF ngan pompuan yg "tak tahu jual mahal" and lelaki jugak akan turn off kalau jual mahal sgt
percayalah,dan one thing jgn sesekali kita nak jadi org lain...jadi diri sendiri.
kalau seseorg lelaki tu sayang kat seseorng pompuan dia tak akan sesekali ajak buatr benda tak senonoh sebelum watch out girls..kalau tmn lelaki korang mintk buat benda yg tk sepaptutny..means that dia anggap korang ni stock2 fun je..bukan nak kahwin pun... |
Reply #10 aw76's post
buley ke????
tak rase mcm girl tu ibarat kate org tua2 le...pigi cari timbe!
org laki skang ni open minded ke???
tak ke nnt dok kena ngate oleh lelaki tersebut??? |
rasenye lelaki tu blom betul2 suke ngn ko...mukin die x pasti dengan perasaan die sendiri...sabar yek..mase yg sesuai akan tibe nnt... |
Originally posted by nunul at 13-12-2007 04:04 PM
buley ke????
tak rase mcm girl tu ibarat kate org tua2 le...pigi cari timbe!
org laki skang ni open minded ke???
tak ke nnt dok kena ngate oleh lelaki tersebut???
seperti aku dah abad ke-21.....anything is possible as long as the result is the same...camne achieve the goal tu tak penting.
aku lelaki aku open-minded....tapi so far xde plak pompuan ngorat aku...kalau ada...mmg aku akan consider sedalam-dalamnya.
less pressure on the men but doesn't mean men xyah buat apa2. |
Reply #14 aw76's post
ok...lets say, aku minat ngan mamat nih,
nak straight to the point ke....aku nak kias2????
bg le tips skit beb....nak ejas org neh.. |
kena bg hint ke?xde cara lain?aku malu tapi mahu sbnrnye. lelaki tu xdelah hensem sgt tapi good looking.aku bkn nak cari yg hensem pun cukup dia tak menyusahkan aku.. |
Originally posted by nunul at 13-12-2007 04:42 PM
ok...lets say, aku minat ngan mamat nih,
nak straight to the point ke....aku nak kias2????
bg le tips skit beb....nak ejas org neh..
depends on the guy ...i mean the way he acts when you are around....does he smile at you a lot more than at others, flirts with you, extra nice to you.....yelah ..usual indication that he treats you a bit extra compared to others ....that's an indication that he likes you a whole lot...
kalau u rasa dia suka kat u (gut feeling), you can be straight to the point or even kias2...
kalau kias2 tu lambat le skit you dpt result.....jap2 you kias....then dia kias kias balik.....until both of you are comfortable enough to lower your defences and proceed to the next level....(being more than friends)..
kalau you straight to the this case dia betul2 minat kat you....i am sure he will be glad....takyah nak kene susun ayat nak impress you...nak act gentleman sgt (still kene be gentleman) are both adults...time's wasted.....get together and be happy.. ada gak small number of guys rasa tercabar (rasa tak MANly) kalau girls ngorat me...that's old fashion..
however I might be wrong....sometime what you see and feel is only your mind playing tricks on you. Ask your best friend or people who know you both to tell you as a second opinion whether this guy ada hati kat you tak....they can see...kalau betul your chances are better. Jangan lupa.....there is a small possibility that guy just wants to be friends even tho he is extra nice to you...
my conclusion and recommendation....kias skit aje (sekali/dua kias) pastu tgk response...then straight to the point....regardless of the result at least you have tried and you did it honestly and in good faith... |
Reply #13 miyuki_09's post
wrong set de....akceli nak reply untuk org lain....hehhehe
mengong jap
[ Last edited by nunul at 13-12-2007 05:12 PM ] |
Reply #16 ezan80's post
kalau dah ade response drp dia ok ler....
gud to you untuk nest agenda...bak kate aw76, laki skang open minded kan...
cayok2...teruskan usahamu wahai ezan |
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