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The princess and the frog

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Post time 14-12-2009 04:44 PM | Show all posts |Read mode


The movie opens with the evening star shining above New Orleans. Young Tiana (voiced by Elizabeth Dampier) and Charlotte La Bouff (voiced by Breanna Brooks) are listening to the story of "The Frog Prince" as told by Tiana's mother Eudora (voiced by Oprah Winfrey).Charlotte is thrilled with the idea of finding a prince, while Tianavows she will never need to. Instead she shares a dream with her fatherJames (voiced by Terrence Howard): to open a restaurant of their own. Years pass and Tiana (voiced by Anika Noni Rose)is now working as a waitress, skimping and saving, and seems to havelet go of having fun in favor of her dream, as her father has nowpassed on. She finally makes the money and shows the plans for herrestaurant to her mother, who insists that she needs to look at otherparts of life and that even though her father never got what he wanted,he had what he needed: love. Meanwhile, Prince Naveen (voiced by Bruno Campos) arrives in the city with his butler Lawrence (voiced by Peter Bartlett).The prince has been cut off by his parents for his play-boy lifestyleand either has to marry or get a job to support himself. He plans towed Charlotte (voiced by Jennifer Cody) to gain her fortune. The two soon meet up with Doctor Facilier (voiced by Keith David),a voodoo magician jealous of the La Bouff fortune, who turns Naveeninto a frog and gets Lawrence to join him in his plot to rule NewOrleans.
At the La Bouff grand ball, Tiana learns that another client putdown a higher offer on the building she wanted for her restaurant, andis now left with nothing unless she can top him by Wednesday. Havinggiven up hope, she desperately wishes on a star, when frog Naveenappears. Thinking her a princess, he convinces her to kiss him in orderto break the curse, but the spell backfires and she becomes a frog aswell. The two are chased out as Lawrence uses a voodoo charm toimpersonate the prince and win the heart of Charlotte. It requiresNaveen's blood however, so Facilier sends out his voodoo spirits toretrieve the prince, who has escaped to the bayou with Tiana. He plotson using Lawrence to marry Charlotte thus gaining their fortune, thenkill her father Big Daddy La Bouff and take over New Orleans, feedingthe souls of the citizens to his voodoo "friends".
In the bayou, Tiana and Naveen encounter Louis (voiced by Michael-Leon Wooley), an alligator who wants to be a jazz musician, and Ray (voiced by Jim Cummings),a Cajun firefly who is in love with a star he has named Evangeline.They take them to see Mama Odie, the good voodoo priestess of theswamp. Along the way, Naveen falls in love with Tiana. They eventuallyreach Mama Odie (voiced by Jenifer Lewis),who insists they need to dig deeper to get what they want. Naveenrealizes this means being with Tiana. Mama Odie reveals that for thetwo to become human, Naveen must kiss Charlotte, who is the Mardi GrasPrincess. Naveen plans on proposing to Tiana, but she shows moreinterest in her dream than in him and he thinks she does notreciprocate his feelings. He decides to marry Charlotte and give Tianaher money so Tiana can open her restaurant. However, he is kidnapped bythe voodoo spirits. Meanwhile, Ray reveals to Tiana that Naveen trulyloves her. Tiana rushes to the Mardi Gras parade to find Lawrencemarrying Charlotte in the Naveen disguise, having re-fueled the voodoocharm. Brokenhearted, she runs to the graveyard and tells Ray thatEvangeline is just a star and he will never actually meet her. Rayrushes off and manages to free the real Prince Naveen and steal thecharm, causing Lawrence to resume his true form and become arrested. Hegives it to Tiana telling her to run just before Facilier crushes him.Facilier offers Tiana everything she could ever desire, including herrestaurant as well as her human form, but Tiana refuses upon realizingthat love and following her heart is more important than taking theeasy way, like her father had said. She then shatters Facilier's charm,releasing the voodoo spirits from within who proceed to drag ascreaming Facilier into their world for failing them.
Back at the Mardi Gras parade, Naveen offers Charlotte marriage, butTiana confesses she'd rather have him as a frog than have herrestaurant because she is in love with him. Charlotte offers to kisshim so he can marry Tiana, but it is too late. Mardi Gras is over andCharlotte is no longer a princess. Louis finds a mortally wounded Rayand rushes him to the pair. He gets to see them together and happybefore he dies. At Ray's funeral, they look up and see that anotherstar has appeared next to Evangeline. Naveen and Tiana are married inthe bayou by Mama Odie. Their kiss turns them back into humans becauseTiana is now a princess married to royalty. The two go back home andget back the building by having Louis threaten the real estate agents.They work together and open Tiana's restaurant, where Louis playstrumpet in his band. The movie ends with them kissing as the eveningstars, Ray and Evangeline, twinkle from above.

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2009 04:44 PM | Show all posts
sape dh tgok cite ni...
komen sikit

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Post time 14-12-2009 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Cam besh jer citer nih....nak tgk xtau g biler dpt tgk...

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Post time 14-12-2009 05:08 PM | Show all posts
hadoiii...panjangnya..bepinor nak baca!
cuba bagi kesimpulan sket, patut tgk ke tak patut!

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Post time 14-12-2009 05:09 PM | Show all posts
xtgk lg....huu~

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Post time 14-12-2009 05:43 PM | Show all posts
mcm best je....erm kena tgk nie

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Post time 14-12-2009 06:03 PM | Show all posts
dah pergi tgok semalam..
my 8 year old doter mmg suka sgt citer ni wpun ending dia predictable..ada parts yg lawak sampai semua org gelak dan ada jugak part yg mmg sedih sgt...
i would recommend this movie to all families yg ada anak2 kecil..

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Post time 14-12-2009 06:43 PM | Show all posts
citer ni sweet sgt2....aku dah tgk prebiu kat youtube...memang best....
patutnyer biler princess dah kiss katak tu.....katak tu tukar jadik prince la tak....princess tu pulak yg tukar jadik katak....hehe....

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Post time 14-12-2009 07:00 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok dah citer ni
tapi cite ni guna formula Disney's Princesses movie sebelum ni like Mulan, Snow White,etc
Banyak nyanyi2. But that's not a bad thing la.
i give it 4 out of 5 stars.

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Post time 14-12-2009 08:32 PM | Show all posts
Disney selalu kuarkan animasi kartun yang bermutu dgn grafik yang cantik..
Time kecik2 ntah berapa puluh kali pun aku xtahulah aku asik ulang tyg tgk
kartun The Lion King...nostalgia..! So kartun ni pun maybe aku nak tonton
juga jika ad kesempatan..

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Post time 14-12-2009 11:23 PM | Show all posts
aritu nak tgk,  tp tak sempt la... mmg akan tgk crita ni.

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Post time 15-12-2009 12:25 AM | Show all posts
Baru tgk tadi, dgn adek 18 tahun, & mak 48 tahun. haha bukan takat kanak2 je patut tgk tapi highly recommended pd mereka yg membesar dgn cerita2 disney...waaahhh mmg best lah!
ade byk lagu2, tp byk lagu tu mmg dh adat cerita2 disney kan.
1st time pergi wayang tgk hampir full smpai ke seat bwh. sbb ramai bebudak kan...
nanti nak tgk kali kedua.
Princess Tiana mmg role-model sesuai for kanak2 skrg. Dia bukan tipikal disney princess, yg tunggu putera dtg selamatkan dia. Tiana ada impian dia sendiri.. tu yg best dgn dia tuh.
Kesimpulannya, kalau tengok tak rugi...

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Post time 15-12-2009 08:49 AM | Show all posts
ini bukan synopsis..
TT ni baca buku cerita

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Post time 15-12-2009 09:22 AM | Show all posts
12# ella27

cambest je..
x sabar nk tgk..

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Post time 15-12-2009 10:05 AM | Show all posts
giler pnjg sinopsis...baca ayat 1st & last jer..
bleh la bwk bdk2 g tgk ni..

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Post time 15-12-2009 12:07 PM | Show all posts
apah...heroin bertukar jadi katak???

lepas tu kena goreng oleh apex dan amoi...sia2 jer

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Post time 16-12-2009 05:16 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok semalam n sangat3 bes!!)
kire xkisah la byr duit tix tu(kn ade film sgt2 xbes smpai kite menyesal tgk..)
seronok la tgk princess and the frog ni^^
n the  puteri (she looks like one)dlm movie ni(tia just a waitress actually) iaitu charlotte pun digambarkn sebagai seorg yang baik(tp sgt kecoh!!)
bkn typical movie where her character slalu dipotray as jahat n busuk hati la
kire byk moral value yg ditunjuk
btw: tia did end up being a princess!!!

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Post time 17-12-2009 10:53 AM | Show all posts
17# phiyya
yup! yup! not a typical disney happy ending flicks. best kan?
charlotte pun baik, ingatkan dah besar dia jadi spoiled brat gila2.. tp still ingat kat kwn lama dia...

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Post time 19-12-2009 12:34 AM | Show all posts
18# ella27 h

hee..yep!!!charlotte tu kaw2 spoiled la tp masih baik
lagi2 part di sanggup kiss prince naveen time dia jadi frog
so that prince naveen n tiana can live happily ever after!!
watak charlotte tu best!!

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Post time 19-12-2009 07:32 PM | Show all posts
da tgk chite ni..besh sgt.

charlotte tu baek kn even die kaye giler but still lyn tiana tu baek

baek gile die bg tiana pakai dress yg da mcm princess

ingatkn die nk mara tiana bile tiana jatuh cinte ngn navin tu

chite ni best la..sweet


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