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Shourd of turin mystery (misteri kain kafan yesus)

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Post time 11-3-2010 12:43 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by AsSaMbOi at 11-3-2010 12:49

Sudah lamenye nampaknye assamboi xbukak thread baru an???
yela banyak keje,kene pergi outstation la,tu yang xde mase...
tp hari ni assamboi nk bukak thread tentang misteri kain kafan yesus.....
korang boleh baca dan hayatilah thread ini ok....

Salah satu Misteri Dunia yang belum terbongkar juga nih,“Shroud Of Turin”.Sebenarnya,kain ini hanya merupakan kain lenen atau kafan biasa dengan panjang 4,36meter dan lebar 1,10 meter.tiada apa yang istimewa kelihatannya..??Lalu mengapa sebab kain kafan ini dikatakan menyimpan sebuah misteri yang belum boleh terbongkar selama beratus-ratus tahun lamanya..??

Sejarah Kain kafan ini diketahui pertama kali tahun 1307 dari Kawasan Lirey,Prancis. sekarang shroud of Turin tersimpan di Katedral Kota Torino,Italia

cuba anda teliti gambar diatas, salah satu keunikan dari kain kafan tersebut adalah pada kain kafanya terdapat sebuah gambar manusia dengan tampak depan dan mahupun belakang yang sangat mirip dengan muka Yesus (Isa Almasih),lengkap dengan luka bekas tusukan paku pada tangan dan kaki.Pada bahagian kepala juga terdapat luka yang dilihat akibat tusukan mahkota duri serta luka bekas tusukkan di dada mahupun punggungnya,tak ketinggalan juga satu bekas luka tusukan dibahagian lambung.Tentunya pertemuan ini sangat menggemparkan,dan setelah zaman mengalami kemajuan dalam bidang teknologi,penggunaan teknologi-teknologi modern untuk membuktikan keaslian dari Shroud of Turin terus dilakukan,misalnya dengan penggunaan kamera dengan tingkat pencahayaan dan details yang tinggi,dengan harapan dapat memperjelaskan bentuk dari gambar pada kain tersebut.


Gambar paling atas merupakan foto bahagian kepala Shroud of Turin dengan kamera biasa,Gambar di tengah,merupakan gambar negatifnya..bentuk mukanya  jelas dapat dilihat kalau yang ini,terus gambar paling bawah adalah sketsa untuk menggambarkan lebih jelas bentuk raut wajah pada kain tersebut.memang jelas matanya memang nampak?

Dari hasil beberapa foto yang didapatkan,mendorong banyak Ilmuwan untuk semakin menghayati dan mengidentifikasi berbagai elemen-elemen yang terdapat pada kain itu. Benarkah bercak-bercak tersebut adalah bekas bercak darah manusia atau bukan?
Pada penelitian dengan menggunakan mikroskop,kain kafan tersebut mengandung banyak sari bunga dan darah manusia. Kemudian dapat diperoleh hasil dari penelitian yang lebih dalam lagi,bahawa bercak darah pada Shroud of Turin merupakan darah yang termasuk golongan AB.
Hingga saat ini penelitian tentang Shroud of Turin masih benar-benar serius dilakukan.tunggu saja perkembangannya...  apakah benar itu memang asli???



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Post time 11-3-2010 02:12 PM | Show all posts
wuuu...dasatnyew nyew
tp...Yesus (Isa Almasih) ni spe eh?

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Post time 11-3-2010 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Nabi Isa kan diangkat ke langit.

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Post time 11-3-2010 02:24 PM | Show all posts
"salah satu keunikan dari kain kafan tersebut adalah pada kain kafanya terdapat sebuah gambar manusia dengan tampak depan dan mahupun belakang yang sangat mirip dengan muka Yesus (Isa Almasih),"

siapa tau mirip? sedang umat manusia hari ni xde pong yg penah jumpa..

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Post time 11-3-2010 02:28 PM | Show all posts
betul...bkn ker nabi Isa di angkat ke langit??....betulkan jika salah..

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Post time 11-3-2010 02:34 PM | Show all posts
"salah satu keunikan dari kain kafan tersebut adalah pada kain kafanya terdapat sebuah gambar manusia dengan tampak depan dan mahupun belakang yang sangat mirip dengan muka Yesus (Isa Almasih),"

si ...
halimi78 Post at 11-3-2010 14:24

a ah. betul gak tu. agaknye diorang compare dgn painting/patung jesus yg kat church tu kot

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Post time 11-3-2010 02:37 PM | Show all posts
a ah. betul gak tu. agaknye diorang compare dgn painting/patung jesus yg kat church tu kot
2tigapuluh2 Post at 11-3-2010 14:34

more likely a propa.. kebenaran agamanya..
contradict dgn Islam yg x mengizinkan kita imejin wajah para nabi dan rasul..

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2010 02:56 PM | Show all posts
omputih mmg cmni,kaji2 mcm2...
last2 keluar bende lain.....

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Post time 11-3-2010 03:01 PM | Show all posts
ermm tapi yg disalib itu bukan isa a.s
bukankah allah dah mgantikannya ngn orang lain

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Post time 11-3-2010 03:03 PM | Show all posts
ermm tapi yg disalib itu bukan isa a.s
bukankah allah dah mgantikannya ngn orang lain
shiri Post at 11-3-2010 15:01

kepercayaan yg kita pegang.. bg mereka sbaliknya..
sbb tu mereka akn cuba wat pbuktian.. kbenaran pegangan mereka

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Post time 11-3-2010 03:04 PM | Show all posts
shiri sila sambung cite plisssssssssss...

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Post time 11-3-2010 03:41 PM | Show all posts
just info:
Shroud of Turin or Carbon 14

Pick one! One is true, the other is false.
It is either the Shroud of Turin is a fraud and Carbon 14 is an accurate time-measuring instrument.....or, the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ and Carbon 14 is NOT an accurate time-measuring device

Everything about the Shroud rings true: It is the material used for burial shrouds 2000 years ago in the area of the Holy Land. There is a wound indicated in the chest area. There is the exact number of lashes from a whipping on the back as stated in the Bible. Religious portraits of stigmata are not accurate when they show wounds in the palm of the hands. Nails, creating the wounds in the palms, could not hold the body on the cross. Tests on cadavers prove that bones in the hand are not strong enough to sustain a body's weight. Nails rip through hand bones and the body falls. On the Shroud, the wounds are at the wrist which can sustain the weight of a body. A religious forger, making a fraudulent Shroud would have placed the wounds in the palms...not at the wrists. The crown of thorns was not a round wreath as we also see in religious portrayals, but a hat of thorns. The trails of blood on Turin's burial cloth are sensible; they conform to the flow of gravity. Also...why is there blood at all when the body was cleaned, then wrapped and the fact that no blood flows from a corpse?

The most amazing evidence to the reality of the Shroud is that it is a PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE.
Secondo Pia was the Shroud's first photographer. The Italian photographed this
faint image on a light-colored material. To his great surprise, when Pia examined his negatives, there was a positive image! By photographing the negative, you have created a positive. The faint image became a light image on a black background. Details emerged that astounded viewers and enlarged the Shroud's controversy.

What could have formed this negative? It certainly was not a 1000 year old artist faking a holy relic.  Some say the image captures the moment of Christ's resurrection. Others say that the image was a scorching emanating out due to RADIATION. There were reports that after the Hiroshima blast, pieces of glass were found with negative images of people's faces. These were people who had their faces near windows when the atomic bomb exploded. Radiation does cause negative imprinting.

What is it that tells scientists that the Shroud of TURIN is a fake? Answer: Carbon 14. Are you so sure that Carbon 14 is accurate? Science needs an UNDER-estimate for many ancient mysteries that baffle us and do not fit the traditional picture. In the same way, Science needs a Rosetta Stone (which also is untrue) they can think they understand something that is not understandable. Mysterious artifacts are much older than what Carbon 14 indicates. Traditional scientists say there was a smooth progression of knowledge and technology; in the past, it was primitive and in modern is advanced.  Anything that disturbs this narrow (flat-Earth) view is not accepted. Carbon 14 is perfect for this agenda.

The truth is the mysterious relics of the past are even more mysterious. The truth is you have to take the date Carbon 14 gives you and multiply it by at least a factor of 3.

[This writer knew this back in the 1970s. When I heard that they were going to date the Shroud with Carbon 14, I thought to myself: NO! My sources told me exactly what is stated in the above paragraph.]

The Shroud was tested with Carbon 14 and the rest is history. Now, the scientific world does not believe in the Turin relic because their holy measuring device said it was only 6-700 years old.
Scientists are supposed to be open-minded, not stuck to a canon of unchanging principles.
Maybe there are some things that we have to take on a little bit of faith

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Post time 11-3-2010 10:50 PM | Show all posts
kes shroud of turin bru ni ada saintis kristian sndri bkata yg kes ni adalah palsu..sngaja di buat2..lain2..korg selidik la sndiri..

and then..aku rasa shroud of turin da kuar da thread ni...

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2010 08:28 AM | Show all posts
xtau la palk???

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Post time 12-3-2010 09:33 AM | Show all posts
eh yg kes terjumpe salinan injil yg bermaksud...
(camnih ler lebih kurang)
dan pengikutnye menggantikan isa ketika mereka datang...
cebisan tu dlm 3 4 tahun lepas telah dijumpai...
dan pihak pihak gereja ade yg bertelagah mengenainya...
so kalo dorang terime cebisan injil tu... makne nyer mereka tokleh ler menafikan isi kandungan al quran yg cakap nabi isa diangkat ke langit

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Post time 12-3-2010 09:49 AM | Show all posts
ada lg ek injil ori.... bukan katanye dh terhapus ke smua? di ganti ngn yg dh ditokok tambah?

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2010 09:10 PM | Show all posts
injil skrg sume palsu je....

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Post time 13-3-2010 12:31 AM | Show all posts
injil skrg sume palsu je....
AsSaMbOi Post at 12-3-2010 21:10

kitab injil yg sebenar/original skrg dlam simpanan pope benedict di vatican,
dibalut dngan kain kuning,

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Post time 13-3-2010 05:15 PM | Show all posts
pernah terbaca ttg Isa Al-Masih yang dikatakan akan turun pada hari kiamat nanti..

dikatakan kisah itu berunsur Israliyat, iaitu dakyah2 yahudi utk menyesatkan minda muslim ttg betapa powerfulnya Yesus nih.. iaitu nabi yang diagung2kan dlm agama mereka..

sedangkan banyak lagi nabi2 lain yang mati dibunuh sebelum ini, tapi Yesus hidup sehingga kini..?? sebab Yesus lagi istimewa dari Muhamad..?? sebab tuh la dikatakan kisah Yesus akan turun akhir zaman nanti adalah kisah palsu.. dakyah2 kristian utk menyesatkan umat islam..

dalam Quran mmg ada dikatakan Isa Al-Masih di angkat Allah.. dari segi bahasa direct mmg itulah tafsirannya, tapi dari maksud yang tersiratnya (dlm quran banyak bahasa tersirat utk kita fikirkan) yang di angkat Allah adalah rohnya.. sama macam nabi2 yang lain..

Wallahua'alam.. harap perbetulkan saya sekiranya silap..

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Post time 13-3-2010 06:30 PM | Show all posts
bible = banyak

yang 'original' nya sudah tiada... tetapi, salinan daripada yang original masih ada lagi.. maybe tak berape tepat.. but, contents dia tak lari..

closest to truth, salinan yang terdekat sekali dengan yang asal, yang diturunkan Allah kepada Nabi Isa ialah ;

- gospel of  barnabas
- gosple of thomas
- gospel X (gnostic bible)

semua ni, tak di canonized kan oleh nicean council.. lalu dihapuskan atau dibuang, so tak diguna pakai... only certain library je yang masih simpan copy ni

content dia pulak.. refer isa itu nabi, dan ajar monosthetic religion.. bukan trinitarian

that's the few bible yang closest and support to idea of Quran..

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