Synopsis of the movie "Sheriff":
Sheriff, a police officer from the Integrity Department who is dedicated and insightful. He is paired with Nazri, a young and idealistic police officer from the Narcotics Department. Their mission is to bust a drug syndicate headed by the ruthless kingpin Tony. The kingpin is involved in the distribution of methamphetamine and many people have died at the hands of this Meth Killer...
Nazri, a police member from the Narcotics Department feels that the problem of Tony Ifrit's syabu drug syndicate is becoming more widespread and they often escape the grip of the law when going through the judgment process. Nazri decided to solve the problem himself. Meanwhile the Sheriff, a policeman from the Integrity Department was sent by the IGP to solve the 'Meth Killer' case. Sheriff and Nazri are assigned to be under one department. There is a possibility that the Meth Killer is in the Narcotics Department itself...
Tengok review dekat Zhaf Vlog dan layan Layar juga cakap movie ni best...Banyak penonton cakap puah hati dengan filem ni dekat komen section dekat youtube...
tengah tgu review korang... rata2 review kat FB mmg puji filem nih |
Alamak tengok lagi...
movie Sheriff Narko Integrity...
action gempak pelakon hebat...
story bagus dan berkuality...
yaa dah tgk smlm.....best....
cuma naper ending syafiq kyle macam tu....
si zul nih kdg berlakon suka adlib, lawakk.... |
I also see this last night |
best! bagi aku lah
terbaca review kat twitter jadi macam dah boleh agak jalan cerita tu camna
walaupun orang dok compare dengan filem/drama tu la ini la
tapi layan la filem ni dan siapa lagi nak support kalau bukan kita
tak faham kenapa TGV bleh bagi budak/anak2 kecik masuk walaupun dengan keluarga sebab filem ni rate P16 |
Thankiu for nice review...
Iols tak tahu naper ending syafiq kyle macam tu ahaaha...maybe Yusof Haslam, Nazifdin Nasrudin and Syafiq Yusof punye jawaban pasal ending tu, coz theyols yang tulis script movie ni...Bila Iols tak silap Nazifdin Nasrudin juga ada next filem bertajuk Reversi dengan pengarah Andrian Teh...
Edited by amandel at 1-5-2024 09:24 PM
Thankiu for nice review...
Iols lagi tak paham tak faham kenapa Their Parent/ family bleh bagi budak/anak2 kecik masuk walaupun dengan keluarga...maybe pawagam tak kisah budak/anak2 kecik masuk as long theyols beli ticket...
Iols lagi tak senang tengok movie dengan budak/anak2 kecik sebab bising ahahaha...
Sokong terus movie tempatan...harap movie tempatan lagi baik, lagi banyak, lagi besar...
aku ok ending syafiq macam tu
sebab aku rasa kalau dia hidup lagi
dia akan terseksa sebab akan masuk penjara
dan kalau kluar penjara pun mungkin akan mental
besh dah tengok aritu
tapi nape jul x buka baju 
syafiq kyle kejap nampak encem kejap x hehe |
Interesting...love it...
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