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Sesiapa di sini ada penyakit TRYPOPHOBIA?

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Post time 30-7-2012 05:20 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Nak tanya sapa kat sini ada penyakit TRYPOPHOBIA ni?

Kalau nak cek ada penyakit ni ke tak sila taip "TRYPOPHOBIA" kat google image then kita share share apa yang kita rasa eh.

Saya punya tahap tak la teruk sangat tapi kalau melihat kan badan manusia memang meremang bulu roma.

Apakah anda ‘pengidap’ Trypophobia. Ia merupakan salah satu ‘penyakit tersembunyi’. Ramai yang tidak menyedari dirinya ‘mengidap’ penyakit ini.

Trypophobia boleh dikatakan seperti perasaan fobia terhadap lubang yang merupakan jenis penyakit psikologi yang ada pada manusia.

Apakah anda trypophobic? Untuk mengetahuinya, cuba lihat gambar ni.


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 Author| Post time 30-7-2012 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Last edited by AzzaAzman on 30-7-2012 05:36 PM \n\nMany people think they are the only one in the world who are unnerved by holes. Not all holes mind you, just tiny holes in asymmetrical clusters, often times with things in them. Like a lotus seed pod. Most people when faced with this fear start to feel really uncomfortable and a creepy, itchy feeling crawls over their body.

The types of holes trypophobics fear fall into the following categories;

Holes which occur in different types of tissues, human and animal, this is quite a big category. Human pores on their skin, if enlarged, blackheads, pockmarks left by acne or other skin disorders. Holes in skin caused by creatures that may have eaten through the skin creating a hole.

Cheese that has holes may seem the most obvious but there is also honeycomb. In types of meat holes are found and I think these are to allow veins through. There are lots of completely disgusting holes found in various types of offal. I believe that sweetbreads are particularly good for finding holes in.

Those dried seed pods you get in pot pourri.

This is about things like worms and maggots and stuff eating into things and creating holes in materials and foods.

Holes that are created naturally like from the ocean creating holes in rocks.

Holes created in ice and snow as it melts.

Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP fast phobia techniques and methods help in quick elimination and eradication of phobia of holes. NLP shows you how to understand and model your own successes, so that you can reproduce them. It is a way of discovering and unfolding your personal genius, a way of bringing out the best in yourself and others.

NLP is the study of excellence. It is the study of both the conscious and unconscious processes that combine to enable people to do what they do. The key to success is often unknown at a conscious level. Using NLP you can elicit these unknown pieces.

You may want to improve your relationships, or eliminate an anxiety, or become more competitive in the market place. The key pieces are not found in the muscles, but in your inner thoughts, like words or pictures, or feelings or even beliefs. Once you know these unknown pieces you can change them. NLP exercises are like thought experiments, mental exercises or a game. The laboratory is your mind.

So next time you see holes in something spare a thought for the thousands of people that suffer from trypophobia.

Trypophobia is the fear of holes.

"Not all holes mind you, just tiny holes in asymmetrical clusters, often times with things in them."

So saya takut dengan yang melibatkan KULIT manusia je. lain lain lubang (cheese, selipar,lubang bilik air) tak takut pon.

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Post time 30-7-2012 05:30 PM | Show all posts
aku takder,aku nak kawen sbb tu x takut..

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2012 05:34 PM | Show all posts
olyd88 posted on 30-7-2012 05:30 PM
aku takder,aku nak kawen sbb tu x takut..

euuuwwww..... apakah? hah!

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Post time 30-7-2012 08:29 PM | Show all posts
AzzaAzman posted on 30-7-2012 05:34 PM
euuuwwww..... apakah? hah!

hehehe..kalau fobia yg "tu" ntah apa nama penyakitnya?

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2012 09:03 PM | Show all posts
olyd88 posted on 30-7-2012 08:29 PM
hehehe..kalau fobia yg "tu" ntah apa nama penyakitnya?

cepat lah dah google belum image TRYPOPHOBIA tu? ce citer sikit ko rasa apa...?


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Post time 30-7-2012 09:24 PM | Show all posts
aku takdela phobia...aku geli je...

ntah aku tak paham gak pompuan ni kekdg ngan katak pun geli ngan lipas la cicak...ntah ape yg digelikan pun aku heran....

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2012 10:52 PM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 30-7-2012 09:24 PM
aku takdela phobia...aku geli je...

ntah aku tak paham gak pompuan ni kekdg ngan katak pun geli n ...

katak dgn lipas cicak semua tak geli pun, tapi klu suh pegang mmg la xnak. sbb takut. klu phobia ni pandang pun tak lalu. rasa geli geliman... dah tgk belum gambar tu?


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Post time 31-7-2012 12:15 AM | Show all posts
AzzaAzman posted on 30-7-2012 09:03 PM
cepat lah dah google belum image TRYPOPHOBIA tu? ce citer sikit ko rasa apa...?

Dah check td..mmg ader rasa meremang bulu skit tapi lama2 hilang keadaan tu hilang dan yg tinggal cume rasa kurang selesa lah.. rasa cam nak jer kikis bende yg blonggok tu..atau tuangkan air panas..hehe

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Post time 31-7-2012 12:17 AM | Show all posts
owg2 yg ader holes tu mmg bnyak sgt virus kat dlm badannya..sampai tumbuh macam kulat ufo..hehe

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2012 12:19 AM | Show all posts
olyd88 posted on 31-7-2012 12:15 AM
Dah check td..mmg ader rasa meremang bulu skit tapi lama2 hilang keadaan tu hilang dan yg tingga ...

saya rasa meremang,,, pastu dok terpikir sampai tido la kirenya. pagi tadi pun dok teringat meremang lagi. rasa nak garuk badan..

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Post time 31-7-2012 12:25 AM | Show all posts
AzzaAzman posted on 31-7-2012 12:19 AM
saya rasa meremang,,, pastu dok terpikir sampai tido la kirenya. pagi tadi pun dok teringat merema ...

Yup..dah , xyah lah tengo kat images yg dari badan manusia tu..saya rasa bende tu berjangkit..malah leh lekat kat minda org yg mmg penakut..

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2012 12:42 AM | Show all posts
olyd88 posted on 31-7-2012 12:25 AM
Yup..dah , xyah lah tengo kat images yg dari badan manusia tu..saya rasa bende tu ...

aah benda ni berjangkit.. so tadi dah bukak lagi buat kali keberapa. dah berani dah tgk lelama. yesss!!


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Post time 31-7-2012 01:31 AM | Show all posts
gila bapak....nyesal aku bukak.....omg

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Post time 31-7-2012 01:33 AM | Show all posts
sblm nih ade thread citer psl jenis phobia...aku ngan sorang lagik porumer tuh ...sape ekkk...aku lupe nama dia...mmg pobia ngan segala mam nenek mende2 berlubang...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

mase tuh kite owg tak dpt carik nama pobia nih hape....

antara yg aku x leh tgk....
-gambo bijik teratai tuh....eeeeeeeee
-owg kena ciken pop
-daun pokok kena penyakit bebijik2
-isi dlm sarang lebah yg produce madu....
-kulit poko lubang2 rapat2
-dan yg seumpama dgn nya

nyesal aku hikut cakap TT bukak google Last edited by hakass009 on 31-7-2012 01:37 AM \n\n

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Post time 31-7-2012 01:33 AM | Show all posts
skang nk terkencing....rase ngilu satu badan....astaghfirullah hal azim

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2012 01:36 AM | Show all posts
hakass009 posted on 31-7-2012 01:33 AM
skang nk terkencing....rase ngilu satu badan....astaghfirullah hal azim

geli kannnn.... masa mula mula geli gak. tapi pk balik tak leh jadi ni mesti atasi cecepat... cari kekuatan tgk balik gambo tu..


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Post time 31-7-2012 01:41 AM | Show all posts
AzzaAzman posted on 31-7-2012 01:36 AM
geli kannnn.... masa mula mula geli gak. tapi pk balik tak leh jadi ni mesti atasi cecepat... cari ...

tu lah masalah way aku akan bukak balik....venak venak venak....

bukan masalah ngengada....tah lah aku pong x leh describe...takat cicak lipas aku bunuh jek...aku mencik...

but ular.....arghhhhhh....kulit dia sisik hole rapat2 gak....kalau tgk kat tb harus aku ngilu satu badan....sbb closed up...fuh...peluh

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2012 01:51 AM | Show all posts
hakass009 posted on 31-7-2012 01:41 AM
tu lah masalah way aku akan bukak balik....venak venak venak....

oh phobia dgn ular ye... hehe.. saya tak. leh la tgk sentuh cuit sikit klu g zoo tu. tapi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

takut ulat gon*gok.... erkkk nk tulis nama die pun dah seriau..


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Post time 31-7-2012 02:07 AM | Show all posts
adik badik aku 9 owg.......aku n adik no 5 ade pobia yg sama....heheheheee

dlm pamily TT ade thrypo gak ke...

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