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[Dunia] Fenomena Bayi Dewasa

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Post time 13-12-2012 04:20 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
'I wanted to swap commuting for cuddles': Britain's adult babies open up their nurseries for new documentary
PUBLISHED: 09:09 GMT, 12 December 2012 | UPDATED: 12:44 GMT, 12 December 2012

A new Channel 4 documentary is set to lift the lid on the disturbing adult baby phenomenon. The fly-on-the wall programme shows how fully-grown adults choose to embrace an alter ego that allows them to have their nappies changed, dress in a babygro and be looked after like an infant.

With unprecedented access to adult babies and the 'nurseries' they attend, both in the UK and USA, the film explores the motivations behind the adult babies' actions, as well as meeting the 'mummies and daddies' who tend to their needs.

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Derek is one of the 'babies' featured in the programme which delves in to the secretive world of adult babies

The film explores the motivations behind the adult babies' actions, as well meeting the 'mummies and daddies' who tend to their needs

Acutely aware that many will label them as perverse, sexual fetishists, or presume there is something sinister going on, many adult babies are keen to distinguish their behaviour as role playing.

Some simply yearn to be absolved of any of the responsibilities of modern life, and say that the swapping of taxes for toys and commuting for cuddles simply helps them relax.

For many, this regression to babyhood, with all of the trappings of nappy changing and bottle feeding, is not about sexual kicks but about relinquishing control and escaping the pressures of being a grown-up.

'When I put a nappy on it takes me back to that time when I had no stress,' says Derek, an adult baby.

When asked how old she is today, this adult baby replied: 'Um, I don't know. Daddy might know.'

This adult baby lives in a bedroom filled with over sized toys to make her feel 'very very small'

Described as 'a special bond between two people' shared in a world where baby boys can play at having mummies and baby girls can play at having daddies, Channel 4 investigates this niche of society.

In the trailer, currently available to watch on Channel 4's website, a wife of an adult baby says: 'I think in most wives there is a bit of a mother bond with her husband.'

Adult babies are seen showing camera crew around their 'play rooms'.
'As soon as you mention 'adult baby' they all think it's, you know, paedophiles... We don't want to be with children. We want to be the child.'

A 'dad' is seen saying 'We're just gonna get her [female adult baby] changed real fast.'

The said female adult baby is asked how old she is today, to which she replies: 'Um, I don't know. Daddy might know.'

It's exposed as a hidden world and a place of little awareness or understanding, which can feel lonely - especially when confiding in new acquaintances or partners.

A male adult baby says: 'They just think I'm weird and a freak and never want to talk to me again,' while another confides: 'I can't tell her [my girlfriend] how I feel.'

Derek says there is common misconception that adult babies are peadophiles: 'We don't want to be with children,' he says 'we want to be children'

'I think in most wives there is a bit of a mother bond with her husband'

Another male adult baby says: 'As soon as you mention 'adult baby' they all think it's something to do with children and it's, you know, paedophiles... We don't want to be with children. We want to be the child.'

One thing is for certain. This taboo world is one full of pain and secrecy.

But now adult babies are connecting through social media and realising that they are not alone.

Some believe 'there has to be a good 200,000 to 500,000 maybe in just in the U.S. and the UK',

And as a number of those adult babies come out of hiding for the first time, this Channel 4 documentary will afford curious viewers a glimpse into their secretive world.

This taboo world is often one full of pain and secrecy

This baby believes that there could be up to 500,000 adult babies in America

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oh tidak....aku x paham mcm mana org boleh ada keinginan mcm ni? masalah psikologi ke neh?

Use magic Report


Post time 13-12-2012 04:26 PM | Show all posts
perghhh..pelik2 sungguh...

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 04:33 PM | Show all posts

dalam series Criminal Minds penah ada kes psycho killer yang mentally disturbed jadi adult baby..
menakutkan, gila

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 04:44 PM | Show all posts
mmmm....klu comey xpe gak

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 04:47 PM | Show all posts
macam haram...

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 04:51 PM | Show all posts
kat channel TLC tajuk My Crazy Obsessions ada cerita pasal adult baby ni..geli & scary


Use magic Report

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Post time 13-12-2012 04:53 PM | Show all posts
nak muntah.

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 04:58 PM | Show all posts
tk lalu nk tengok.... muntah ijo

Use magic Report


Post time 13-12-2012 04:58 PM | Show all posts
aku pon ada tgk criminal minds pasal ni...
siap menyusu sume

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 05:05 PM | Show all posts
apa masalah dorang nih  yer ... d kategorikan mental prob ? ... atau saja tak mahu berfikir?

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 05:06 PM | Show all posts
eee..burok giler

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 05:08 PM | Show all posts
garlicOil posted on 13-12-2012 04:33 PM
dalam series Criminal Minds penah ada kes psycho killer yang mentally disturbed jadi adult baby..

yes scary sbb he is big and adult.. tp sgt jijik jua

hows the perasaan sebagai dewasa eh?? like err.. sex?


Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 05:08 PM | Show all posts
bukan mental prob... tp lebih kpd tekanan ni...

kalau mcm bdsm...yap mmg korg akn rs pelik kalau ikut kajian yg jadi submissive ni selalunye someone with high authorities to make decision in his/her department/office/company. walaupun diorg ni penting tp sometimes diorg fedup sbb kene jadi decision maker. kalau leh wat decision sesuka ati ni takpe... tp kalau silap kasi arahan/wat decision kene tekan kaw kaw plak...

so kekdahnye sbb fedup la... ms aktiviti bdsm tu diorg merelakan diri utk disuruh wat itu ini.. jadi mindless la.. jd hamba abdi kekdahnye takyah nk berfikir perah otak utk kepentingan org lain..

samalah kot yg jd adult baby ni. kes dah malas nk pegang tanggungjawab la kot...

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 05:28 PM | Show all posts
huduh natang! org tue jadi bebudok......

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 05:29 PM | Show all posts

onggg gedek gedek

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 13-12-2012 05:39 PM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 13-12-2012 05:08 PM
bukan mental prob... tp lebih kpd tekanan ni...

kalau mcm bdsm...yap mmg korg akn rs pelik kalau  ...

ada jugak pernah dgr mcm ni. dlm realiti pun pernah jumpa org mcm ni. dia x kisah dikasari, lagi ganas lagi dia suka. lagi dipaksa lagi dia ghairah. yang hang kata nak lupakan t'jawab tu mungkin betul.

Use magic Report


Post time 13-12-2012 05:40 PM | Show all posts
the curious case of benjamin button....

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 05:43 PM | Show all posts
nape baby tuh semua da berkedut2? ade misai, ade bulu kaki panjang?


Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 05:50 PM | Show all posts

maaf aku cakap,kadang2 orang melayu kite ni,bila orang tua makan banyak2 depa kata orang tua tu ade saka lam badan,saka tu la mintak makan..kadang2 orang tua ni bila dah sampai satu tahap die akan lupa die dah makan ke belum.mandi ke belum,tu suma fenomena biasa,melayu lak kaitkan dengan hantu!

Use magic Report

Post time 13-12-2012 05:58 PM | Show all posts
apa kejadah nya ini ??

Use magic Report

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