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25 Bandar Dgn Populasi Gelandangan Teramai

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Post time 26-12-2014 09:14 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
According to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, there is an estimated 100 million homeless people worldwide.  This is a startling statistic when you consider how affluent some parts of the world are.  Here is but a short glimpse at this social travesty within these 25 cities with extremely high homeless populations.

Lisbon, Portugal
Most of the homeless people in Portugal are concentrated in the cities of Lisbon and Porto. Reports say that around 300 homeless people sleep on the streets of Lisbon every night. Today, members of the Comunidade Vida e Paz are persuading the homeless population of Lisbon to take part in rehabilitation programs in order to improve the quality of their lives.

Denver, Colorado
According to the 2012 Point in Time report from Metro Denver Homeless Initiative, Denver saw an increase in it’s homeless population from 411 to 964 between the years of 2011 and 2012.

Indianapolis, Indiana
There are as many as 2,200 homeless people every night in the city of Indianapolis, which is equivalent to around 15,000 over the course of a year. Thought this city is known for its faith-based shelters, there’s just not enough shelters to provide a place for the entire homeless population.

Dublin, Ireland
In a recent study shows that about seven people per day become homeless in Dublin. In 2013, there were about 2,366 people that were reported to be sleeping on the streets of Dublin every night. The government’s failure to increase the stock of social housing is said to be the root cause of this social problem.

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Rio De Janeiro is known for having a high homelessness rate with over 2,500 homeless people as of last year.


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 Author| Post time 26-12-2014 09:14 AM | Show all posts
Baltimore, Maryland

According to a 2011 study, there are about 4,088 homeless individuals in Baltimore, Maryland, many of which are families with children. Today, the city government is making strides towards putting an end to this social problem by creating projects aimed at providing affordable housing and health care.

Tokyo, Japan

A 2013 study shows an estimated homeless population of 5,000 living in Tokyo. This number was a significant increase from the 3,800 homeless individuals recorded in 2008.

Chicago, Illinois

As of July 2013, analysis by Chicago Coalition for the Homeless found that 116,042 Chicagoans were homeless in the course of the 2012-13 school year. This is a 10% increase from last year’s homeless population.

Washington, D.C.

According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the number of homeless people living in Washington in 2013 was around 6,865. Last year, the city government began to provide shelter to its homeless population whenever temperature levels droped below freezing point. Those who do not want to stay in temporary shelters are provided with a budget to stay in hotels.

Rome, Italy

Out of the 17,000 homeless people in Italy, 7,000 are from Rome. Last edited by alekxander on 26-12-2014 09:16 AM


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 Author| Post time 26-12-2014 09:17 AM | Show all posts

Tampa, Florida

Lack of affordable housing and homeless shelters has contributed to the alarming number of 7,419 homeless people who call the streets of Tampa their home each night.

San Diego, California

The second largest city in the State of California with a population of 1,345,895, San Diego is home to 8,879 homeless people.

Athens, Greece

Homelessness statistics show that out of the 20,000 homeless people in Greece, 9,000 are from Athens. The number of homeless people in Athens has continued to grow since the economic crisis of 2009.

Seattle, Washington

According to the 2013 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress, Seattle is home to a total homeless population of 9,106.

San Francisco, U.S.A.

Around 7,000 to 10,000 people in San Francisco, U.S.A. are homeless, 3,000 to 5,000 of which refuse to live in temporary shelters provided by the government.

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2014 09:19 AM | Show all posts

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Based on a study conducted recently, around 10,000 people are homeless in the center of Sao Paulo Brazil. Most sleep in old abandoned buildings and hotels.

Budapest, Hungary

In Budapest alone, there are about 10,000 homeless people. Recently, the Hungarian government passed a law that criminalizes homelessness, forcing those who do not want to stay in government-provided shelters to have their own homes. As of today, around 6,000 of the homeless population live in Budapest shelters.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Homeless are said to be the phantoms of Buenos Aires streets. As of today, there are about 15,000 homeless people residing in the filthy streets of the city and with the city’s public refuges hosting 1,700 beds for the homeless, this is a scenario that is not going to change any time soon.

Mumbai, India

In 2003, there were about 23 million homeless people in India. Since then, the number has gone up despite the programs implemented by the government to reduce its homelessness rate. In Mumbai alone, there are about 25,000 people who sleep on the streets every night.

Jakarta, Indonesia

According to the 2000 census, around 28,364 people are homeless in Jakarta, Indonesia. However, due to recent natural calamities such as floods and storms the homeless population has grown significantly.

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2014 09:20 AM | Show all posts

Mexico City, Mexico

40% of the total population of Mexico is living in poverty and according to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) the number of people on the streets of the Mexican capital stands to be between 15,000 and 30,000.

Moscow, Russia

There are about 5 million homeless people in Russia and of that number, 1 million are children. Studies show that Moscow has the largest share of homeless people in the country, accounting for 10,000 – 50,000 (depending on the source of information). Despite the ever growing number, there remains no social approach to the problem.

Los Angeles, U.S.A.

The city of Los Angeles has one of the largest concentrations of homeless people in the United States. Currently, it houses about 57,737 homeless people (second only to New York city).

New York City

As of 2013, the number of homeless people sleeping each night in the New York City shelter system was already over 60,000, 22,000 of which were children. The homelessness crisis in New York is brought by the lack of housing assistance initiatives provided by local authorities to individuals and families who lack housing.

Manila, Philippines

According to Homeless International, around 22.8 million reside in slums. And according to a Philippine government report, 1.2 million are children who live either by peddling or begging on the streets; 70,000 of which come from Metro Manila alone.
*Edited 05/07/14

ok...malaysia xmasuk list ni



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Post time 26-12-2014 10:46 AM | Show all posts
kalau tgk banyak negara maju masuk list homeless kenapa agak2 nya???

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2014 10:51 AM | Show all posts
lkick2113 posted on 26-12-2014 10:46 AM
kalau tgk banyak negara maju masuk list homeless kenapa agak2 nya???

us sampai 11 bandar

mcm2 sbb yg blh jd mcmni
yg selalu dibaca dlm paper temuramah sndiri homeless ni
sbb mslh famili, kesihatan, kewangan
mcm2 lagi lah


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Post time 26-12-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
alekxander posted on 26-12-2014 10:51 AM
us sampai 11 bandar

mcm2 sbb yg blh jd mcmni

eh negara maju tu, tak kan maju pon ada masalah macam ni????

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Post time 26-12-2014 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Bila harga rumah mahal nak mampos mcm nie la jadinya.

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2014 11:40 AM | Show all posts
lkick2113 posted on 26-12-2014 10:57 AM
eh negara maju tu, tak kan maju pon ada masalah macam ni????

negara maju pun ade mcm2 masalah problem jgk
individu tu sendiri pun kena bijak jgk atur hidup die


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Post time 26-12-2014 11:57 AM | Show all posts
alekxander posted on 26-12-2014 11:40 AM
negara maju pun ade mcm2 masalah problem jgk
individu tu sendiri pun kena bijak jgk atur hidup di ...

salah kerajaan tak 100%???


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 Author| Post time 26-12-2014 12:00 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 posted on 26-12-2014 11:57 AM
salah kerajaan tak 100%???

tak jugak
bnyk sgt faktor penyumbang nye


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Post time 26-12-2014 12:07 PM | Show all posts
alekxander posted on 26-12-2014 12:00 PM
tak jugak
bnyk sgt faktor penyumbang nye

hehehe... i wonder kalau malaysia masuk list musti ada yg kata kerajaan bodoh tak reti tadbir negara ramai org miskin dan gelandangan....hehehehe


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Post time 26-12-2014 02:12 PM | Show all posts
Ehh ingat mesia dlm list..

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2014 03:34 PM | Show all posts
alieyrina posted on 26-12-2014 02:12 PM
Ehh ingat mesia dlm list..

msia tak seramai di bandar2 ni kot

klu turun kl, merata ada
kdg tu tgk mcm muda dlm 20 - 30an
bdn pun nmpk sedap2 la kan
tp tu lah
xtau la exactly sbb end up mcm tu


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Post time 26-12-2014 04:39 PM | Show all posts
abistu rumah mahal, gaji pun x cukup menampung, yg kesian kalau org tua2 sebatang kara
kalau ada gov bikin hostel utk gelnadangan ini dan ofer kerja

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2014 04:48 PM | Show all posts
ninja boy posted on 26-12-2014 04:39 PM
abistu rumah mahal, gaji pun x cukup menampung, yg kesian kalau org tua2 sebatang kara
kalau ada go ...

ade je dik
tp sampai bila nk duk sinikan

ARKIB : 28/03/2013 Berteduh di Anjung Singgah
           Oleh SITI AISHAH YUSOFF
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif YKN, Datuk Syed A. Rahman Syed Mohd. (dua dari kanan) turut turun padang dalam salah satu program mengagihkan sumbangan kepada golongan gelandangan di Anjung Singgah Kuala Lumpur, tidak lama dahulu.

MENDENGAR luahan Izzati Ahmad (bukan nama sebenar), sejak berusia 11 tahun sudah hidup sebagai gelandangan di lorong dan kaki lima sekitar Kuala Lumpur, ternyata wanita berusia 23 tahun merupakan seorang yang tabah dan sabar menempuh dugaan hidup.
Sehinggalah dia mengenali seorang lelaki yang kemudian menjadi suaminya dan menjadi tempat bergantung.
Ketika itu baharulah dia merasai kembali hidup seperti insan lain setelah lama hati dan jasadnya bagaikan tidak bernyawa.
Namun kebahagiaan itu cuma bersifat sementara. Disebabkan masalah kewangan dan keluarga yang tidak merestui perkahwinan mereka, akhirnya dia dan suami berserta anak yang baru berusia lima bulan terpaksa sekali lagi menjadi orang gelandangan sejak setahun lalu.
Kalau dulu dia berseorangan bergelandangan kini disertai suami dan anak, terbiar tanpa arah tujuan menyusuri lorong dan kaki lima kota raya.
Bukan mudah untuk Izzati dan suami melalui saat getir itu, namun apa pilihan yang mereka ada, apatah lagi dengan keadaan suami yang menghidap penyakit ketumbuhan pada tulang.
Penyakit yang dihidapi suami sejak usianya 16 tahun itu, menyebabkan kadang-kadang kudrat lelaki itu tidak mampu ditagih untuk bekerja demi mencari sesuap nasi.
Dalam tempoh tersebut, mereka hanya bergantung hidup melalui wang ehsan sumbangan pejabat zakat sebanyak RM200 setiap bulan.
Bercerita lanjut, ibu muda ini berkata, setelah dihalau keluar dari bilik sewa kerana tidak dapat membayar sewa dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan, berminggu-minggu mereka sekeluarga terpaksa bermalam di masjid dan kaki lima sekitar Jalan Pudu dan Masjid Jamek.
“Sehinggalah segalanya berubah apabila kami mendapat maklumat kewujudan Anjung Singgah yang saya lihat sebagai sebuah pusat perlindungan sementara bagi membantu orang-orang seperti kami meneruskan kembali hidup seperti biasa.
“Alhamdulillah, sekarang kami sekeluarga tinggal di sini sementara menunggu masa untuk keluar dan menjalankan hidup seperti biasa hasil bantuan Anjung Singgah yang membantu mendapatkan sumbangan dari Baitulmal dan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM)," katanya.
Tambah Izzati lagi, dia rasa bertuah kerana segala kemudahan seperti makanan dan tempat tinggal disediakan secara percuma kepada mereka buat sementara waktu.
Dalam pada itu, dia berazam apabila keadaan sudah mengizinkan, akan cuba berniaga secara kecil-kecilan bagi menampung keperluan hidup keluarganya.
Kisah Izzati merupakan sebahagian cacatan hidup yang dihimpun daripada golongan gelandangan yang berteduh di Anjung Singgah, pusat yang ditubuhkan oleh Yayasan Kebajikan Negara (YKN) bagi menawarkan perkhidmatan penginapan, perubatan dan kaunseling kepada golongan tersebut.
Berfungsi bagai sebuah pusat sehenti berkonsepkan asrama serba lengkap, Anjung Singgah YKN ini terletak di Bangunan Ehsan, Jalan Hang Lekiu, Kuala Lumpur itu dilihat sangat membantu golongan seperti ini.
Pegawai Operasinya, Ahmad Daniel Pui Abdul Rahman Pui berkata, sebagai sebuah tabung kebajikan di bawah Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat (KPWKM), YKN  mengambil inisiatif menyediakan tempat perlindungan bagi golongan gelandangan.
&#147rojek Anjung Singgah YKN ini dilaksanakan dalam usaha memberi ruang dan peluang kepada golongan gelandangan untuk hidup berdikari.
&#147usat ini menyediakan kemudahan tempat tinggal sementara, makan minum dan sebagai pusat intervensi bagi mempersiapkan diri mereka menempuhi cabaran hidup agar tidak terus terpinggir daripada arus pembangunan negara," kata Ahmad Daniel.
Tambahnya, Anjung Singgah turut menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan lain seperti bilik kaunseling dan bilik penginapan lelaki serta wanita yang boleh menempatkan 76 orang gelandangan pada satu-satu masa.
“Kebanyakan penghuni yang datang ke pusat sehenti perlu menjalani sesi kaunseling peringkat pertama. Dengan bantuan beberapa sesi kaunseling sekurang-kurangnya dapat membantu mereka mengurangkan tekanan dan masalah yang dihadapi.
&#147enghuni dibenarkan tinggal di Anjung Singgah selama dua minggu dari tarikh mereka mula masuk.
“Selain di Kuala Lumpur, terdapat tiga cawangan Anjung Singgah yang baru di buka iaitu di Sarawak, Johor, Pulau Pinang ," katanya..
Menurutnya, YKN turut bekerjasama dengan Jabatan Tenaga Kerja bagi mendapatkan peluang pekerjaan kepada orang gelandangan yang berdaftar di Anjung Singgah.

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Post time 26-12-2014 06:02 PM | Show all posts
Kesiannya tengok budak2 tido macam tu

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Post time 26-12-2014 06:33 PM | Show all posts
alekxander posted on 26-12-2014 04:48 PM
ade je dik
tp sampai bila nk duk sinikan

malaysia lain, negara kelihatan agak prihatian dgn sistem jalan raya, sitem pendidikan, bekalan air api & pperumahan tersusun. kalau luar negara ada negara masih tiada belakan air bersih, jalan raya belum teratur, maka tiada hairan ada golongan gelandangan tak dapat ditangani


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 Author| Post time 26-12-2014 08:05 PM | Show all posts
ninja boy posted on 26-12-2014 06:33 PM
malaysia lain, negara kelihatan agak prihatian dgn sistem jalan raya, sitem pendidikan, bekalan ai ...

ironinya pd negara maju mcm us
11 bandaraya dia ade dlm list ni


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