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PAN (Peter Pan 2015)
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Edited by eddlisa_uyuk at 12-10-2015 12:54 AM
Cam x caya xde sape2 bukak thread pasal this amazing movie ni!

Living a bleak existence at a London orphanage, 12-year-old Peter (Levi Miller) finds himself whisked away to the fantastical world of Neverland. Adventure awaits as he meets new friend James Hook (Garrett Hedlund) and the warrior Tiger Lily (Rooney Mara). They must band together to save Neverland from the ruthless pirate Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman). Along the way, the rebellious and mischievous boy discovers his true destiny, becoming the hero forever known as Peter Pan.
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Baru bes tgk wyg citer Pan kat St18! Peter Pan! Five stars! So colourful, great storyline and acting! Budak yang bawak watak Pan tu mmg pandai berlakon. Captain Hook sgt gorgeous and so is Tiger Lily. Paling amazed part diorg introduce Blackbeard aka Hugh Jackman kat Neverland. Special appearance by Cara Delavigne as mermaid. Looking gorgeous as usual. Not even one second of the movie yang boring. ☺☺☺ Recommend y'all to watch. |
Apsal rating kat Rotten Tomatoes so bad? Jangan percaya huhu. |
mcm nak tengok tapi tak berapa excited. maybe sebab citer budak2? 
tunggu next week! crimson peak. ada loki |

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Post time 11-10-2015 03:25 PM
From the mobile phone
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hanakikan replied at 11-10-2015 03:20 PM
mcm nak tengok tapi tak berapa excited. maybe sebab citer budak2?
tunggu next week! crimson ...
Percayalah uols.. berbaloi tgk. Mula2 iols pun mlas nk tgk sbb igt cite budak2, tp full of action actually. Cite ni kirenye prequel Peter Pan. Captain Hook waktu ni pun baik lagi. Ensem gile plak tu hahahaha. |
oh well, just ignored tomatoes reput tuu...
sometimes you know the poorly rated film in Rotten tomatoes chart ended up being the nicest film ( sujectively ) for me. ada yg macam MacBETH tu yg fassbender tu rated punyalah best tapi cerita macam okay je okayje tak lah horror sangat as shakespeare put in on writing...lady macbeth by cotillared dala film tu baik sangat pulak dah, so i tak pernah kisah critics
sebab bagi saya , kalau i nak tengok , i will go and watch . that's all.
ok...ade masa i tengok ...
yg PAN ni asal nama apa? macam mana? |
Aah.. pelik je RT ni.. I baru tau diorg dpt rating rendah dari Rotten Tomatoes sbb mostly pengkritik x suka Peter Pan ade prequel.. cam bodo jer.. sbb I tgk filem ni deserves 100% dari segi acting, jalan citer, cinematography, shoot terbaik, lokasi cantik2, it's a beatiful film. Berani cakap xde satu part pun yang membosankan I.
Cite ni unik sbb diorg buat sbelum Peter Pan jadi Peter Pan yg kite kenal dlu. Paling I truja waktu diorg perkenalkan Blackbeard, the whole Neverland community nyanyi lagu Smells Like Teen Spirit. Best giler time tu. Hahaha. Siap ade lagu Hey Ho lagi. Mmg klakar.
Ape maksud you tanya nama Pan? Of course la name die Peter je.. kikiki.. Pan tu name puak die. 
u know what
kalau you have to make a choice out two choices ( obviously ) between PAN versus THE WALK
u pilih mane?
Ahhh.. susah.. first2 I mmg tak tringin pun nak tgk Pan ni sbb igtkan boring.. tp sbb I smpai wayang lewat.. kwn I saje je belikan tiket movie ni so I layan jer tp trkejut sbb best giler.. at the same time The Walk ni is my kind of movie besides horror... so maybe The Walk kot klu I x penah tgk Pan lagik.. hahaha.. lagipun I tak tgk The Walk lagi..
ok, thanks...i know decision making ni susah...hehehe esp kepala tengah weng ni i kat office ni....pening tak boleh process dah
Npe x tgk dua2 jer.. Knock Knock da tgk x?
no no ....i tak sukeeeee tengok set set seram
i akan jerit seriously
i mean seriously..u wouldnot want to sit beside me kalau u nampak i tengok prometheus ketika well that c -section scene tu
i jerit you.....
conjuring tu last seklai i tengok sebab i silap pilih
i tak sukerrr stressss...
haha lawak la u ni.. citer seram la sonok kasi release stress kikiki... i mcm trkejut je keanu reaves brlakon filem camtu.. sok lusa nak g tgk.. mula2 tak ingin nak tgk sbb filem keanu reaves.. igtkan set2 citer yg ala2 cam die berlakon sbelum ni.. tgk trailer citer bunuh2 upernyer huhu
keanu ni u know...dia yg i nampak boleh berlakon dalam film speed
tu je
yg lelain tu well....i rase asal boleh je
i tengok the walk in the cloud tu ya rabb...isk isk...hmm....u know...the matrix tu kire okaylah i okaylah tengok...
| conjuring tu...i tengok dengan jari menutupi mata...then i cuba pejam mate then semua audience dok gegelak then i buka mata balik then i alaaa
terpaksa tengok gak....isk isk tak nak that eerie feeling tu...
hmmm....dont like it ...
tau xper.. sbb tu i malas nak tgk citer keanu at first.. tp ok la this time die tukar genre plak.. truja plak nk g tgk hehehe..
Conjuring tu i tgk tiga kali kat wayang.. walaupun da tau part2 seram.. still rasa creepy.. elemen seram n sound effect die gempak bile kat wayang.. haha.. xde citer antu lain lagi leh compete dgn Conjuring stakat ni
yups....hehe part that lady nampak witch tu tergantung kat atas pokok tu...part dia sidai kain tu...heeeeeeee
part plg scary bagi iols.. yg dlm basement tu.. ade antu main clap2 kat blkang mak diorg tu ... seram wooo
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