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Author: nusi

Nokia N95 Discussion & Review

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Post time 11-5-2007 09:58 PM | Show all posts
Hancus2..... igt nak rembat dah nie.. duit pun dah cukup... tapi komen bab bateri nie yang payah skit nie... udahla aku malas nak cas banyak kali....

Ngko mmg terer ker pasal henpon nie? siap nak update sendiri... kongsi2 la ilmu kat sini... man ta ada owner N95 nak tiru cam ngko buat tu

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Post time 12-5-2007 12:09 AM | Show all posts
Kalau nak update aku boleh tolong tunjukkan, aku lakukan berdasarkan apa yg pernah aku buat pada N73 aku dulu... lebih kurang sama saja caranya, cuma kena cari product code yg boleh update... tak semua N95 boleh update.. hanya yg mempunyai product code tertentu saja.. jadi kena pandai kecoh la.. kita tukar dulu product code tu..

Tapi ingat, kalau beli Zitron, jangan duk pandai buat kalau warranty masih ada...

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Post time 12-5-2007 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Chek_am8848 at 11-5-2007 09:58 PM
Hancus2..... igt nak rembat dah nie.. duit pun dah cukup... tapi komen bab bateri nie yang payah skit nie... udahla aku malas nak cas banyak kali....

Ngko mmg terer ker pasal henpon nie? sia ...

Memang bateri ada sikit kurang, aku cas 9 malam, pukul 10 dah penuh... lepas tu belek sana belek sini, (maklum barang baru), ianya serupa dengan N73 saja.. tak lebih banyak sangat.. screen luas sikit tapi resolution sama.  sound lebih kuat dari n73.. video lagi ok... gambar pun nampak best sikit.. (selepas update ke firmware baru.  Besokny aku guna... dengar lagu lagi.. petang bateri dah sururt sikit... bila cukup 24 jam (pukul 9 mlm) bateri semakin berkurangan...

Rasanya kalau berterusan jadi macam ni setiap malam kena cas...
Sama seperti N73, jangsa masa cas memang pendek, sejam dua dah penuh...

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Post time 12-5-2007 08:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #186 paler kembang's post

charger dia sama ngan N73 ke??? 890mA punya output..??!!!

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Post time 12-5-2007 08:48 AM | Show all posts
Brapa harga set Ap ko beli tu??

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Post time 12-5-2007 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mattzzx at 12-5-2007 08:48 AM
Brapa harga set Ap ko beli tu??

Itula....aku pun nak tanya gak pasal rega Ap set nih......

Based on my survey/usha..N95 Ap set kat tempat aku dapat dlm RM 2299..>Complete set....

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Post time 12-5-2007 08:54 AM | Show all posts

Reply #189 medangmru's post

Fu-yooohhhhh... dah jatuh ke rm22++ ke..??!!!

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Post time 12-5-2007 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limaukasturis at 12-5-2007 08:54 AM
Fu-yooohhhhh... dah jatuh ke rm22++ ke..??!!!

Kira rega tu RM2300 le.....

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Post time 12-5-2007 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zaidi_uitm at 8-5-2007 13:02
peniaga sekarang dah tau, pembeli akan tunggu 3-4 bulan sebelum beli sebab nak tunggu harga turun, sebab tu sekarang sesetengah henpon susah nak turun harga...

kalau cam tu kita tunggu 3-4 tahun lak ...   ...

terdesak sangat ke nokia ni ... banyak keluarkan phone bermasalah skg....

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Post time 12-5-2007 03:41 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 12-5-2007 09:12 PM | Show all posts
Apa latest firmware untuk N95 ni yek??

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Post time 13-5-2007 01:04 AM | Show all posts
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BarsAttacked by the blogosphere

After various references to the camera and GPS being big drains on the Nokia N95's battery in previous parts of our Nokia N95 review, it's time to investigate whether the 950mAh BL-5F slimline battery really is up to the job or not. True, the N95 is a long way from having a good battery life, but it isn't so unusable that the buying hordes from the High Street are going to be returning them en masse.

The initial reviews of the N95 have been by tech journalists and bloggers who have only had their devices for a couple of days, during which they've been thrashing the N95 to its limits and never letting the thing alone. GPS, Wi-Fi and especially the camera have been used intensively.

This is far from the real world use of the device. Away from the absolute cutting edge geeks, journalists and early adopters, users will be more forgiving. And I've got the proof.

Having charged my production Nokia N95 overnight, I've been logging everything I did with it during the day, trying to enact a 'typical' day in the life of a real world N95. No extended two hour navigation tests and no hour-long camera sessions.  

Here's how I got on...

A Day in the Life

Bars07:30 'Battery full' (7 bars) Phone set up with Wi-Fi scanning off, Bluetooth ON and visible and connected to my PC while in range, network set to GSM only, display brightness set at default, in other words a fairly typical mid-range configuration. Let's see how it fares during the day....

09:00 Some PIM use, plus took a couple of photos
09:46 Alarm went off
09:47 until 10:00 Used Maps/GPS to navigate to a customer's house
10:50 used Nokia Software Update on the N95 to check firmware was latest (it was)
10:55 Another alarm
10:56 until 11:30 Music playback via headphones
11:30 Received phone call, spoke for 5 minutes
12:00 More PIM use, lots of Calendar browsing and data entry, 5 mins

N95 still shows 7 bars on display

12:10 Did 4 minutes of video recording using the camera
12:18 Another phone call in, only 1 minute this time
12:27 Created 4 screenshots and transferred them to my PC. The N95 is connected via Bluetooth most of the time, remember
12:59 Browsed the Web over GPRS for 20 minutes
13:19 Read an eBook for 10 minutes
13:29 Took a couple more photos
14:30 Browsed the Web over Wi-Fi for 5 minutes as I was at a hotspot
14:45 Took 3 more 5 megapixel photos
15:00 Checked email over GPRS

BarsN95 now showing 6 bars on the battery meter

15:27 until 15:40 PIM use and starting using the N95 with the Nokia Bluetooth keyboard to type the first few paras of this article(!)
15:41 Did a PC Suite sync via Bluetooth
15:42 Did an Image store sync via Bluetooth, to get my new photos onto my PC
15:50 Had another phone call, 1 minute again

N95 now showing 5 bars

16:00 Played Oval Racer for 5 minutes (I came 5th) in the smallest room in the house(!)
16:10 until 16:31 Used the N95 to voice-navigate me to a destination 3 miles away

N95 now shows 4 bars

17:25 until 18:25 An hour of continuous music playback, half of it over speakers (quality is pretty good considering their size)

Hanging on in there, the N95 still shows 2 bars...

Think back a few years (around 2000) to when mobile phones were phones and sending a text message was the height of high tech. Think back also to when the first handheld GPS receivers appeared. I had one and it ate four alkaline AA cells in four hours straight. Think back to the first digital cameras - these were almost as hungry on battery power. Ditto the average iPod, which will drain a full charge in a dozen hours of use.

Now consider that the N95 'phone' is handling Internet, Bluetooth and voice communications, monitoring your Calendar and Clock, providing GPS and stills/video camera functions when needed, and so on. And, with the 'typical' (actually fairly intensive) day outlined above, it managed to get through with enough power left to make a few last calls if needed.

So, your 'old' phone could go several days without a recharge? Well, guess what? With all the things it does, the N95 won't. Get over it.


And, if you decide to take it in-car, as your navigation device, guess what - you're advised to plug it into a 12V charger (though I didn't in my car-based sections of the battery run-down day test above). And if you should use it to film an entire day out with the family (instead of taking your standalone camcorder) then take along the Proporta device charger or similar for a top-up if needed.

My aim in logging a day's use was to see how the N95 coped with a barrage of 'real world' tasks. That my N95 has already been through dozens of full recharge cycles probably helped too. But the end result, a device that worked to the end of a long day, albeit without that much charge to spare, shows that some of the damning criticisms of the N95's battery life are somewhat premature.

I maintain that, used sensitively, the N95 will get you through most days too - at least get you through to its nightly mains recharge. Yes, I'd have loved Nokia to have sacrificed a little in terms of low weight in order to have squeezed in a battery with 50% more capacity. Maybe there will be an after-market extra-capacity battery, with replacement sliding battery cover? Calling Proporta - now there's your next project!

Steve Litchfield, All About Symbian, 11th April 2007

[ Last edited by  paler kembang at 13-5-2007 01:06 AM ]

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Post time 13-5-2007 01:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by medangmru at 12-5-2007 09:12 PM
Apa latest firmware untuk N95 ni yek??

Firmware terletest
Nokia N95 (13.01)

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Post time 13-5-2007 06:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by paler kembang at 13-5-2007 01:07 AM

Firmware terletest
Nokia N95 (13.01)

Macih Paler ...

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Post time 13-5-2007 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Fuhh....dasyat. Dah drop RM2200 AP set. Kalau Comsat dan CSL memang aku berani beli sebab barang mereka memang cantik walaupon AP set. memang mereka tak swap dengan barang tipu sebab dua-dua company ni angan2 nak jadi authorised distributor.

Pada harga RM2200 ni aku yakin dah tak jadi masalah untuk orang beli. harga dah okey. Dalam sebulan lagi, turunlah RM1800 kot.

Tapi baru sahaja 3 minggu lepas harga masih lagi RM3299.

Aku mahu tanya, GPS dia mudah tak pakai? Maksud aku straight forward atau agak menyulitkan bagi first time user?

[ Last edited by  WonBin at 13-5-2007 10:20 AM ]

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Post time 13-5-2007 10:34 AM | Show all posts

Click To Enlarge
NEW Nokla N95 (touch screen) @ (99.99% look alike)!!!!!!!!!
wanna know the price for a N95??


Compare to Nokia price RM2450, u can save RM1600!!
Buy more price can nego!!

Suitable for the people who willing spend less and get the nice phone. Get it now and your friend hard to know that you're getting clone N95 as it's 99.99% look alike.

Dealing Method:
COD at KL area only (handling fee RM10) &
Pos laju RM15(West Msia), RM20(East Msia)

Item Description:
General Network GSM900/1800MHZ
Announced 2007, April
Status Available
Size Dimensions 97 x 52 x 22 mm
Weight 89 g
Display Type 2.6' TFT, 260000 colors TFT
Size 240 x 320 pixels
Ringtones Type Polyphonic (72 channels), Monophonic, True Tones, 3GP, MP3, mp4, midi, wav, amr, support all video, supporting stop/pause/slow
Stylus pen (can use with hand writing)
Vibration Yes
Support MP3 for alarm clock setting
Photo JPG, GIF Yes
Memory Phonebook Yes
Call records Yes
Card slot microSD (up to 2GB), 256 MB card included
Data GPRS Yes
Bluetooth, USB Yes
3D sound
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging, GPRS, 2 in 1 SIMcard(can change two SIM card in one time)
Browser WAP Yes
Games - 2 inside(puzzle & magic sushi)
Language - English, Chinese
Colors Silver
Camera 1.3 MP, 1280 x 960 pixels
- Installed Maps application
- Dual slide design
- Java
- MP3/AAC/AAC+/eAAC+/WMA player
- audio output jack
- Stereo FM Radio
- Organiser
- Office document viewer
- T9
- Push to talk
- Voice dial/memo
- Built-in handsfree
Battery Standard battery, 750 mAh (3.7V)
Stand-by Up to 200 h
Talk time Up to 4 h 30 min

Package included:

Nokla N95 with box
2 Battery
256MB micro sd card
USB cable
Stylus pen
User manual

The N95 which you'll get is same with the picture as below:

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Post time 13-5-2007 05:14 PM | Show all posts
Ada beberapa jenis AP, Nanyang, Comsat, CSL dan apa lagi aku lupa... Tapi yang paling lekeh sekali Nangyang... ada kedai tak berani nak jual... khabarnya ada banyak masalah, harga paling murah dalam group AP, dari China.  Comsat pula dari Malaysia, Ok sikit... dan CSL lebihkurang sama dengan Comsat tapi harga lebih tinggi sebab warranty 15 bulan macam Zitron.

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Post time 14-5-2007 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Betul ker..N95 tu limited edition?. Aku gi tanyer kat Nokia tu la dia kata... dan dia punya stok pun ada satu jer lagi... ntah sempat ker idak aku sambarnyer.... Cam best gak tgk 5700 xpress music smalam...

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Post time 14-5-2007 02:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Chek_am8848 at 14-5-2007 01:32 PM
Betul ker..N95 tu limited edition?. Aku gi tanyer kat Nokia tu la dia kata... dan dia punya stok pun ada satu jer lagi... ntah sempat ker idak aku sambarnyer.... Cam best gak tgk 570 ...

Mungkin pihak Nokia stopkan production untuk N95 dan kuarkan N95i setelah mengenalpasti masalah2 pada HP N95 ni.....

Mungkin ya atau tidak...

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Post time 14-5-2007 02:06 PM | Show all posts
Adalah mangkuk ayun skali kalu aku hambik N95 skrang sedangkan N95i akan kluar tak lama lagi... tapi betul ker khabar angin tersebut.... minggu depan mmg nak sambar satu nie.. dah terkobar2 nie.... tapi kalu khabar nie betul mmg aku kan tangguh napsu aku tu....

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