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Author: Kittie

All About Japan's Chubu Region (Nagoya, Shirakawago, Nagano, etc.)

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Post time 12-1-2016 06:48 PM | Show all posts
Kittie replied at 12-1-2016 06:31 PM
Itinerary ideas leh dpt kat sini:

Tq Kittie. Anyway, kittie blaja ke keje sana?

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 Author| Post time 15-1-2016 04:56 PM | Show all posts
Jajabeans replied at 12-1-2016 06:48 PM
Tq Kittie. Anyway, kittie blaja ke keje sana?

Pernah dedua, skrg ulang alik la mesia-jepun, may be akan dok sana balik nnti2.

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 Author| Post time 15-1-2016 05:37 PM | Show all posts
Mishima Skywalk: Japan’s Longest Suspension Bridge

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Post time 16-1-2016 03:33 PM | Show all posts
huhu..teringin sgt nk g shirakawa go ni......hukhuk...bila nk pegi..

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2016 07:26 PM | Show all posts
Mt. Fuji sparkles with season's 1st full snow crown


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 Author| Post time 29-1-2016 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Tgh bizi, but just a fast post. Yen tgh turun skrg, sbb BoJ baru jer umum negative interest rate.

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Post time 9-2-2016 02:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kittie sy nk tanye, on 17-18/2/2016 sy akan travel dr kyoto ke fukui, and on 19/2/16 sy akan cek in di hakone. Masalah saye kittie , saye masih x jmpe route yg sesuai ntok ke hakone . Saye ade beberapa option, can u advise the cheapest n easy way. Tq  

1. Fukui (by car) -nagoyo(by bus)- tokyo - dan beli 2 day pas to hakone- tokyo.

2. Fukui (by car 6hr drive ) - hakone

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Post time 2-3-2016 04:42 PM | Show all posts

Nak tanya travel agency mana yang bagi best pakej to Japan?

Boleh siapa2 share? Nak g tahun ni before bulan 6.

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Post time 24-3-2016 12:35 AM | Show all posts
blackloverosie replied at 2-3-2016 04:42 PM
Nak tanya travel agency mana yang bagi best pakej to Japan?

cuba komer google Japan Budget Travel...yg ni based kat M'sia...
kalu yg kat Jepang, cuba komer check Miyako Travel..Muslim Friendly Tour...ada rakyat M'sia yg kerja dgn Miyako Travel

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Post time 20-4-2016 12:04 PM | Show all posts
The roof of Japan: Traversing the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route
By Vicki L Beyer

TRAVEL APR. 20, 2016 - 06:26AM JST ( 0 )
The roof of Japan: Traversing the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route
Kurobe Dam
Photo by Vicki L Beyer
If you’re a snow lover who’s sorry to see the demise of winter, or simply an aficionado of dramatic mountain scenery, then now is the time to get yourself to the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route, home to the famous “snow corridor.” This is where the snow is cleared from the road in in mid-April, by cutting through the snow, leaving sheer walls of it on either side, often around 20 meters deep when the road is first opened, and slowly melting away over the following months. This year the route was opened on April 16.

But this area, which is always closed to private vehicles and is completely closed from Dec 1 to mid-April, offers much more than just the snow corridor.

The Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route is 90 kilometers stretching from Tateyama Station in Toyama Prefecture to Shinano Omachi Station in Nagano Prefecture, crossing the “backbone” of Japan, with incredibly beautiful alpine scenery and a total altitude change from one end to the other (up and down) of 2,400 meters.

To make the one-way journey in either direction, the traveler must use nine forms of transportation (not to mention a bit of walking between them in some cases).  Many travelers start from one end or the other, travel as far as Murodo, home of the snow corridor, and then return the way they came.

The route can be completed as a long day trip from either the Toyama or Nagano side (there is a baggage delivery service between the two just for people traveling the Alpine Route), but consider a more relaxing pace by spending the night at Murodo’s Hotel Tateyama, on the flanks of Mt Tateyama. At 2,405 meters above sea level, it is the highest altitude hotel in Japan and is a perfect staging point for a bit of mountain trekking, or, in this early part of the mountain’s “season”, for a last chance to enjoy snow.

Mt Tateyama, one of Japan’s top 20 highest peaks, has long been regarded as sacred, making it a popular destination for religious pilgrims. Beginning in the late 18th century, the mountain also became popular with mountaineers and serious climbers as well. Just a short hike from Murodo, one can enjoy hot springs, thermal pools, a volcanic crater lake and otherworldly volcanic landscape.

Additionally, as already mentioned, the main attraction of Murodo from mid-April to early June is the famed snow corridor. This western side of Mt Tateyama gets among the heaviest snowfall in the world. The coach buses that travel between Murodo and Bijodaira are dwarfed by the sheer walls of snow. But you must stroll down the road for yourself and experience the sense of refrigeration caused by the snow walls. Many visitors carve their names or other messages into the snow walls, too. A snowball fight in the open area nearby is de rigueur.

Because of the abundance of snow, Murodo will be significantly cooler than wherever you started from. Be sure you have good walking shoes, hat and gloves, and an extra layer of clothing, as well as sun glasses.

The other dramatic attraction of the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route is the Kurobe Dam, on the Nagano side of the mountains. This arch dam was constructed between 1956 and 1963 as a hydro-electric project to meet Japan’s burgeoning energy needs. At 186 meters in height, it is the tallest dam in Japan. The Kurobe River gorge where the dam is located was so remote that before construction of the dam could begin, a tunnel had to be dug through Mt Akazawadake connecting the gorge with the valley to its east. This tunnel was then used to carry in the workers and the building materials for the dam.

Nowadays, clean-energy electric trolley buses whisk visitors between the dam site and Ogizawa (a short bus ride from Shinano Omachi station or a much longer bus ride to Nagano or Matsumoto) in 16 minutes. Once at the dam, visitors can admire the dramatic scenery and the spectacular structure of the dam itself. In the summer months, the dam’s floodgates are opened releasing a torrent of water into the gorge below the dame. There are also boat rides on Lake Kurobe (the lake formed by the dam).

Walk across the top of the dam to catch the next mode of transport, the Kurobe Cable Car. The most notable feature of this funicular railway is that it makes its five minute trip inside the mountain.

The top of the Kurobe Cable Car route is Kurobedaira, where travelers change transport modes to the dramatic Tateyama Ropeway. This need to change transport, and the difference in capacity between the cable car and the ropeway may result in delays. But don’t worry, there’s plenty to keep you occupied during your wait: restaurants and souvenir shops, as well as the mountain scenery and the snow—and the people playing in it.

Once on the ropeway, you will be treated to some of the most dramatic mountain scenery the Alpine Route has to offer. At Daikanbo (elevation 2,316 meters), travelers again change transport, this time between the Tateyama Ropeway and the Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus, another clean-energy electric bus that run through Mt Tateyama itself to connect Daikanbo with Murodo (elevation 2,450 meters).

The Tateyama Highland bus runs between Murodo and Bijodaira, an ascent/descent of about 1,500 meters in about 30 kilometers. It takes just under an hour. At Bijodaira, catch the Tateyama Cable Car to Tateyama Station, where you can catch the Toyama Chiho Railway to Toyama and civilization again.

To travel the entire distance from Nagano to Toyama costs 13,450 yen. Traveling from one end or the other as far as Murodo and then going back the way you came will cost between 6,710 and 9,050 yen. Just remind yourself, the journey IS the destination. And then, relax and enjoy this truly unique experience in Japan.

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Post time 23-5-2016 09:49 AM | Show all posts
salam semua...

Sesaper yang tahu pasal pass yg berkaitan dgn route bawah,sudi2 share info ya

Saya punya flight base di Nagoya .Plan route NAGOYA - TOYAMA - MATSUMOTO - NAGOYA.
Target kali ni  Kurobe Alpine,Kamikochi dan Hakuba

Saya tgh mencari pass yang related utk kaw ni tp mesti ada yg x complete. Kalau beli Niigata pass x cover Toyama. Kalau beli Takayama-Hokuriku plak x cover Matsomoto

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Post time 27-10-2016 04:29 AM | Show all posts
Salam semua..saya nak share skit pasal pass yg baru diperkenalkan oleh Jr start bulan 4 tahun ni .
Memang dari awal dh plan nak start dari Nagoya-Toyama-Matsumoto-Nagoya utk  cover Alpine route dan kamikochi.
Bermula dgn flight hunting,saya gunakan skyscanner utk monitor dan berjaya membeli #vietnamairlines KUL-Nagoya rm730 utk return.

Masa mula2 plan trip ni agak pening skit sebab masa tu pass ni belum dikeluarkan lagi.Google punya google x jumpa pass yang sesuai dan murah utk cover area ni.Sampai la terjumpa komen dr ahli dlm BBM pasal pass ni dan trus google!!

Pass ni kena beli kt Msia.Konsep dia sama mcm beli JR Pass.Harga adalah 17,500 yen untuk 5 hari sahaja(berturutan).
Sebelum beli check date dulu sebab pass ni pass seasonal.Tahun ni dijual dari bulan 4 sehingga pertenghan bulan 11 rasanya.Kena check date ya sebelum beli.

Yang best pasal pass ni dia cover ALPINE ROUTE dan ianya UNLIMITED.Boleh ulang alik sesuka hati!!!
Valid utk semua JR lines dan Limited Express View Hida,Shinano tetapi tidak valid utk shinkansen.Hanya 4 kali reserve seat dibenarkan untuk limited express.

Kena plan mcm mana nak guna pass ni ya.Macam saya,semasa di Toyama,saya decide utk melawat bandar #kanazawa ,melawat #omichomarket ,chaya street,castle.Pass ni tak cover untuk route Toyama - Kanazawa yer,kena keluarkan duit lain.

Bawah ni route yang saya buat dgn guna pass ni dlm masa 5 hari

1.Nagoya-Toyama-Tateyama-ALPINE ROUTE-Shinano Omachi-Matsumoto-Nagoya

Saya juga bt day trip ke Kiso Valley,visit Magome &Tsumago

2.Route train dari Matsumoto-Nakatsugawa-Matsumoto

Boleh juga singgah di bandar Takayama jika mahu tetapi saya skip sebab dh pergi taun lepas

Kos utk route 1+2 tanpa pass = 33120 yen!!!

Kamikochi tidak dicover dlm pass ni.Kena beli tiket asing.
Masa naik bas saya decide untuk stop di Taisho Pond dan berjalan sehingga Kappa Bashi. Lepas tu baru la ke terminal bas berdekatan untuk reserve tiket balik dan sambung explore kawasan ni semula.
Sini saya post beberapa keping gambar. Walaupon komikochi masuh hijau,tetapi cuaca sangat sejuk disini.

ini pass yang dimaksudkan


Kurobe Dam



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Post time 12-12-2016 03:56 PM | Show all posts
Salam semua,

nak tanya untuk pass yang  cover ALPINE ROUTE  (pass 5 hari) tu beli online ke ade kaunter kt sini. akan ke sane bln April 2017 turun Tokyo-matsumoto-kanazawa(lalu alphine route)-kyoto-osaka.


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Post time 6-3-2017 01:43 PM | Show all posts
Thank you for info

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Post time 12-3-2017 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Siapa pernah pergi Masjid Nagano...ada hotel berdekatan area masjid tak?

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 Author| Post time 6-12-2017 07:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Please take note!

Japan is considering designating 10 consecutive days as holidays from April 27 to May 6 in 2019 to coincide with Crown Prince Naruhito’s succession to the throne on May 1, government sources said Wednesday.

Cuti panjang cenggini, yg bukan takat cuti sekolah, tp libatkan satu negara, takleh byg betapa crowdednya everywhere masa tu.


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 Author| Post time 6-12-2017 07:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mt. Fuji Tourist Ticket

Nagoya City Area → Unlimited travel area
Adult: 16,260yen
Child: 8,130yen ... -tourist/index.html

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2017 04:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dari Tokyo, nak ke Nagano atau Niigata, boleh guna JR EAST PASS (Nagano, Niigata area).

Flexible five-day pass: you can use the pass on any five days within a 14-day period starting with the date of purchase or exchange in Japan. You do not have to determine your 5 travel dates at the time of purchase or exchange. For example, if you purchase your pass or get it by exchange on August 1, you can show the pass at a station on any five days between August 1 and August 14 and it will be stamped as valid for use on that day.

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2017 05:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Area Tourist Pass Mini

Dari Stesen Shinjuku ke Stesen Shin-Matsuda, 780yen, ambil masa antara 1 jam 20 min hingga 1 jam 1 jam 35 min.

Boleh ambil peluang guna pass ni utk lihat pemandangan2 Gunung Fuji yg lain dari kebiasaan. Biasa org tgk kat Kawaguchiko, kat Gotemba pun jrg org pergi. Yg ni ada lg byk option.

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2017 05:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Seishun 18 Kippu
(Cara sebut masa nak beli kat kaunter: Seishun Juhachi Kippu)

Seasonal railway ticket, 5 hari leh guna local and rapid JR (Japan Railways) unlimited naik turun sampai lebam, nationwide. Harga 11850 yen (kira 2370 yen per day)

More info:

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